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Football Worldcup Russia-2018

its called patriotism....... some thing you may not know about
Yeah, teach Turks about patriotism.

So it will be France-Croatia. There's high chances the world cup will come back to France,but it would be wrong to underestimate them. It's going to be a good final I predict! :bunny:

Such a week-end it would be with bastille day celebrations and the next day France winning the world cup. :victory:

My friend, I'm having a really, really, really tough time here, now. Had England won it would've been a slam dunk who to root for. But this Croatian team is so likable that my allegiance might be swaying just a little bit I'm afraid lol! :D

There is another guy in England that tatooed a picture of the World Cup bowl,
naming England the winner already before the event started.
I think ’nitwit’ is a word that comes to mind.

"Numbnuts" also comes to mind. How stupid can these people be? It happens here too with American football fans, tattooing Super Bowl winners a week before the game only to be laughed at all over the internet when their team loses, and their teams always lose!
Must read

It's about lies and deception. The lies you tell your body in an attempt to deceive it into thinking your hit points aren't down to zero. And the lies you tell yourself when you convince yourself that, yes, you can reach that stray ball and, no, you won't let that opponent pass. Most of all, it's about believing that you can keep going through heavy legs, searing pain and shortness of breath.
"I wanted to make substitutions earlier because I knew they were tired and hurt, but every time I tried, the players on the pitch told me they were fine, they felt fine," he said. "So how could I do it? How could I tell them that what they felt was not real?"
With a minute to go in extra time, with play dead to allow treatment for a prone player, there was Dalic manhandling Ivan Perisic by the touchline. Perisic looked away, hands on hips, almost childlike, only for his manager to grab his arm time and again. Perisic then looked to him, nodded and gave a fist bump.
4 minutes and already a goal for Belgium. This match will look good it seems. :partay:
Wow, that is A LOT of money.

The games that cost Russia $14 billion: 9 wild World Cup money stats

The most expensive World Cup ever

We're near the end of the 2018 World Cup, which began June 14 and will wrap up July 15. Already, we've seen some surprises -- America's failure to qualify, Germany's ignominious exit before the Round of 16 and Argentina's failure to advance from it, to name just a few.

No one's certain which country's team will win, but we can already spot some winners among the many companies capitalizing on this worldwide spectacle, which has cost Russia $14 billion to host, according to Russian media group RBK. That would make the 2018 World Cup the most expensive in history.

Wow, that is A LOT of money.

The games that cost Russia $14 billion: 9 wild World Cup money stats

The most expensive World Cup ever

We're near the end of the 2018 World Cup, which began June 14 and will wrap up July 15. Already, we've seen some surprises -- America's failure to qualify, Germany's ignominious exit before the Round of 16 and Argentina's failure to advance from it, to name just a few.

No one's certain which country's team will win, but we can already spot some winners among the many companies capitalizing on this worldwide spectacle, which has cost Russia $14 billion to host, according to Russian media group RBK. That would make the 2018 World Cup the most expensive in history.


To buy a new Image, it's not that much.
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To buy a new Image, it's not that much.

That's true. And even with a $1.3 trillion GDP, it's not much in that respect, but in the grand scheme of things, you wouldn't think hosting the WC would be that much money. It's not like the Olympics by any stretch of the imagination, and how many stadiums did they need to build for this event? Not many is my guess so it makes you wonder where is all that money going to?

Someone also said to me the other day that because of instant replay introduced for the first time, that was the primary reason for all South American teams getting canned from the tournament and not making the final 4. All the faking and scheming and things of that sort were spotted and it worked against those particular teams which take it to another level and use it to their advantage, basically having gotten away with it previously but not this time. I like that!
That's true. And even with a $1.3 trillion GDP, it's not much in that respect, but in the grand scheme of things, you wouldn't think hosting the WC would be that much money. It's not like the Olympics by any stretch of the imagination, and how many stadiums did they need to build for this event? Not many is my guess so it makes you wonder where is all that money going to?

Someone also said to me the other day that because of instant replay introduced for the first time, that was the primary reason for all South American teams getting canned from the tournament and not making the final 4. All the faking and scheming and things of that sort were spotted and it worked against those particular teams which take it to another level and use it to their advantage, basically having gotten away with it previously but not this time. I like that!

Russia had/made the biggest PR Heist in her lifeTime... with this WC...A PR Washing Machine for almost free... If you take into account The Investment returns during WC and in the years to come. Meaning They are even getting "Paid" to get a New International Image...
The nearest analogy is the Olympic games under Nazis reign...
And the Soviets tried in the 80' and failed... Russia didn't...

As for South American teams, yes with VAC, many players were limited in their actions, But let's be honest... They are not as their forefathers... They became "Lambda" teams nowadays...
England end up 4th after losing to Belgium

Now it's only a matter of time before the English press will write something negative about Belgium something like how many French speaking vs Flemish players in the team

About Croatia , the Daily Mail has already run the story of Nikola Kalinic one day before the final between France and Croatia

In one of the Rugby world cup when England were going to play South Africa one day before the clash they ran stories about how South Africa team is all white
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