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Football Worldcup Russia-2018

And what's up with the Koreans doing a Mohammad Salah?


Argentina are back! The win will give them confidence and as i mentioned earlier, it is one of those teams who depends on star power and a big name player to show up! Once he does that they can beat a well oiled unit like Germany or Belgium. Advantage for Germany or Belgium is that they are excellent together as ONE TEAM and most of the days that will be enough. However, you are bound to smash into a Ronaldo or Messi or Neymar one day. These guys on their day can beat the opposition alone.

That first goal by Messi was a work of art. Too bad that win gave Maradona some kind of stroke or something?!?!

LOLLLLLLLLL Arabic Commentary.. even if you don't understand Arabic! epic..

lol, comes with sound effects and everything. "dun dun" for the double goal post hits.
Actually incredibly annoying if you had to listen to that gargle for 90 minutes! Ooof.
lol, comes with sound effects and everything. "dun dun" for the double goal post hits.
Actually incredibly annoying if you had to listen to that gargle for 90 minutes! Ooof.

Thammm ththammm with emphasis on 'th' and 'm'. Epic man!

So what is this guy, Turkish or German? This has certainly changed in the WC since I began watching it in the early 80's. Back then, you might see an occasional black guy on a European team, but it was EXTREMELY rare. With how immigration has exploded in the past 2 decades alone, now you see players with name and skin and hair color from completely different countries playing on others! Very interesting phenomenon.
SEN 0 : COL 1
JPN 0 : POL 1

Senegal is out of the tournment because of fair play rules…….. (6 YC vs 4 YC from japan...)
So what is this guy, Turkish or German? This has certainly changed in the WC since I began watching it in the early 80's. Back then, you might see an occasional black guy on a European team, but it was EXTREMELY rare. With how immigration has exploded in the past 2 decades alone, now you see players with name and skin and hair color from completely different countries playing on others! Very interesting phenomenon.

The Germans did not like that some of their team socialized with a guy that called them Nazis.
That was the reason for the conflict.
The Germans did not like that some of their team socialized with a guy that called them Nazis.
That was the reason for the conflict.

Ah, so that's what it was. What a punk.

Waaaaay too much cocaine for a long while there I'm pretty sure it's had permanent affects on him and who knows if he's completely sober or still using that crap. He's certainly bulged out in the mid-section from not missing a single meal. But he could have diabetes or some illness in all fairness to him.

One thing for sure, he was one heck of a player. I saw him during his rookie WC when he played with the likes of Kempes and those great, great Argentinian teams of the late 70's and early 80's, when this sport was truly worth watching with super talent across the board. But I must admit, this WC has been pretty exciting so far, considering how brutally boring this sport can be most of the time.

I was actually about to post that, cracked me up haha.

lol, even if you don't understand Arabic, that part is clear as day lmao. Knucklehead.
The England vs Belgium game was weird. Neither team seemed to go for the win, until the second half, when Belgium strarted trying. I was still happy with Belgium's performance, at least in the second half. That's probably because I had low expectations to begin with.

Best part of the game: :omghaha:

At least he took it well :lol:

The Germans did not like that some of their team socialized with a guy that called them Nazis.
That was the reason for the conflict.
Ah, so that's what it was. What a punk.
I think it goes further than that. 'Erdogate' was the cherry on the cake.
You have the older generation (Muller, Neuer, Khedira,..) who have accomplished the biggest thing in winning the cup in 2014 and it seemed to me that they had a sense of entitlement. They demanded respect from the younger generation (Draxler, Werner) and thus there was a somewhat of a 'experienced guys' vs 'new guys' thing going on.
The choach looked helpless, he seemed scared to go against the 'old guys'.

It is not like the picture with Erdogan suddenly started the trouble; they only won 2 out of 7 games in 2018. Of course that made things way worse than they already were.
Best part of the game: :omghaha:

lol. Yeah, sometimes showing off and sticking it to your opponent will bite you in the *** in a very hard way!

I think it goes further than that. 'Erdogate' was the cherry on the cake.
You have the older generation (Muller, Neuer, Khedira,..) who have accomplished the biggest thing in winning the cup in 2014 and it seemed to me that they had a sense of entitlement. They demanded respect from the younger generation (Draxler, Werner) and thus there was a somewhat of a 'experienced guys' vs 'new guys' thing going on.
The choach looked helpless, he seemed scared to go against the 'old guys'.

That makes much more sense, actually. That is the kind of thing that happens within a lot of professional sports teams. And honestly, I don't blame the veterans. It's the law of the land, nature taking its course, the way it should be and always has been. Younglings MUST respect us ooops, I mean the older guys who've -- in this case -- actually won the world cup. No-brainer.

BTW, speaking of coach, isn't that German coach the guy who was caught on camera doing those really disgusting fetish things? lol, I think he would stick his hands in his underwear and rub his *** or ballsack and put his hand up against his nose and sniff it. He seemed to really enjoy doing it and he would do it in the middle of all his players and assistant coaches etc. I think it was this guy! Freakazoid! lol

I'll look for the video, I think it was him.

lol, that wasn't too hard to find Jesus Christ this guy is a FREAK! :o:


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