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Foolish Indian Agression Costs India Record Casualties in First 5 Months of 2018

Thank God

There is no recorded casualties on Pakistan military side

Only sometime Pak civilians are targeted by Indian Forces.

Pakistan Forces should be winning this war pretty soon

No one is claiming to win war.

But since you have missed the point of this thread due to your low IQ so I won't explain either.
There are few more you are missing some of them
That's what you are told in your country.

The biggest hurdle in peace in South Asia is Indian state and its traditional habit of acting as an aggressor and its belligerence. You can't act as a bully, shooting pellets in eyes of Kashmiris, shell our civilians and achieve peace with that.

Nope peace won't come with that. You want peace. Then act like one.

The biggest hurdle for peace in SA is pak army. Let's be honest who will be the biggest loser in a peace deal between India and Pak ? If a day comes when Ind and pak makes terms with peace the very existence and uncontrolled powers of pak army will fall in to question by your own people. Is pak army ready to get cut in size and hand over the real decision making power to the politicians of pak in order to make peace between both the countries.
The biggest hurdle for peace in SA is pak army. Let's be honest who will be the biggest loser in a peace deal between India and Pak ? If a day comes when Ind and pak makes terms with peace the very existence and uncontrolled powers of pak army will fall in to question by your own people. Is pak army ready to get cut in size and hand over the real decision making power to the politicians of pak in order to make peace between both the countries.

Nobody would question Pak army. Pak army would remain as it is. Pak army is national army and not a consortium that would get closed once a project is completed.

Only Indians would think anything foolish like that. Peace helps Pak army the most that already is busy(in fact more busy) on western front with Afghanistan. Peace with India would help Pak army the most. Pak army would always have its role in national security even after peace with India. Nothing would change for Pak army. In fact peace would help.

But then for you guys, you have been fooled into this bogey of evil Pakistan and Pak army and I am not surprised with your views.
yeah and indian army is saint ?
you should ask any kashmiri.

I don't say IA is saint. But IA will not act on its own to derail the peace process between the countries. At the end of the day parliament is supreme in India and our army is answerable to our parliament. Is that the case with pak army and its parliament ?
Irony is Pakistanis talking about peace. When our ex-PM ABV visits pak on a bus tour your army starts kargil war. when our ex-PM MMS wants to mend ties pak exports terrorists and kills innocent during 26/11. your army will never let peace in SA as it will be the biggest loser in a peace deal between India and Pak
see that is the problem with you retarded warmongering autistic Indian kids
always in denial and looking for an excuse to blame others while totally ignoring the ground realities
we didnt occupied Kashmir and killed indigenous population we are not carrying out genocide our country isnt starting an arm race our PM didn't come in office on the promise of teaching India a lesson
our Politicians dont give the ultimatum to break India in xyz months
india is going through what Nazi Germany went in 1930s rise of fascism ignorance and warmongering in India is a threat to world peace
Their army chief literally praises war crimes (usage of human shields and pellet guns). Top level pe jab aise log hon tou what do you expect will be the behaviour of the army overall?
Thank God

There is no recorded casualties on Pakistan military side

Only sometime Pak civilians are targeted by Indian Forces.

Pakistan Forces should be winning this war pretty soon

Seriously though , I appreciate one thing: all Indian casualties are announced and transparently accounted for.

From what I read here, it seems that Pakistan Army does not maintain such transparency and is proved on multiple occasions of being guilty of cover-ups of own casualties.

Well, that's between Pakistani citizens and their uniformed rulers .

At least the Indian army should continue it's transparent practices.
Seriously though , I appreciate one thing: all Indian casualties are announced and transparently accounted for.

From what I read here, it seems that Pakistan Army does not maintain such transparency and is proved on multiple occasions of being guilty of cover-ups of own casualties.

Well, that's between Pakistani citizens and their uniformed rulers .

At least the Indian army should continue it's transparent practices.

Another thing transparent other than India casualties is that you are not an American but a desi bharati in USA.
From what I read here, it seems that Pakistan Army does not maintain such transparency and is proved on multiple occasions of being guilty of cover-ups of own casualties.

ISPR posts their details. Martyrdom is highly emphasized in Pakistan, and considering this is an army and not a militia everyone is registered and accounted for and their fate made public.
Another thing transparent other than India casualties is that you are not an American but a desi bharati in USA.
Yes, remember in that thread which you left after I cleared your doubts, I asked you if you want to see my GC ? Remember?
You know what else you forgot ? To stick to the original topic, answer others questions and avoid ad hominem attacks.
So you think Americans get GC s ? Or do people who move to the US from some other land get GCs?
Are you able to use Google?
Irony is Pakistanis talking about peace. When our ex-PM ABV visits pak on a bus tour your army starts kargil war. when our ex-PM MMS wants to mend ties pak exports terrorists and kills innocent during 26/11. your army will never let peace in SA as it will be the biggest loser in a peace deal between India and Pak

Not our fault you can't guard your posts on the LOC. That was a stupid move on your part since it's disputed territory. Did you really think we wouldn't seize the opportunity?

As for the latter point, someone seems to have forget about Samjhauta Express Massacre.
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