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Floods in Pakistan: Biggest Global Polluters US, Europe, China and India Must Accept Responsibility


Oct 31, 2009
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United States

Pakistan, a country that has contributed only 0.28% of the CO2 emissions, is among the biggest victims of climate change. The US, Europe, India, China and Japan, the world's biggest polluters, must accept responsibility for the catastrophic floods in Pakistan and climate disasters elsewhere. A direct link of the disaster in Pakistan to climate change has been confirmed by a team of 26 scientists affiliated with World Weather Attribution, a research initiative that specializes in rapid studies of extreme events, according to the New York Times.

Top 5 Current Polluters. Source: Our World in Data

Currently, the biggest annual CO2 emitters are China, the US, India and Russia. Pakistan's annual CO2 emissions add up to just 235 million tons. On the other hand, China contributes 11.7 million tons, the United States 4.5 billion tons, India 2.4 billion tons, Russia 1.6 billion tons and Japan 1.06 billion tons.

The United States has contributed 399 billion tons (25%) of CO2 emissions, the highest cumulative carbon emissions since the start of the Industrial Revolution in the late 18th century. The 28 countries of the European Union (EU28), including the United Kingdom, come in second with 353 billion tons of CO2 (22%), followed by China with 200 billion tons (12.7%).

Pakistan's cumulative CO2 contribution in its entire history is just 4.4 billion tons (0.28%). Among Pakistan's neighbors, China's cumulative contribution is 200 billion tons (12.7%), India's 48 billion tons (3%) and Iran's 17 billion tons (1%).

Pakistan has contributed little to climate change but it has become one of its biggest victims. In the 2015 Paris agreement on climate change, signatories agreed to recognize and “address” the loss and damage caused by those dangerous climate impacts, according to the Washington Post. Last year, at the major U.N. climate conference in Glasgow, Scotland, negotiators from developing countries tried to establish a formal fund to help the countries like Pakistan most affected by climate disasters. It was blocked by rich countries led by the Biden administration.

Related Links:

Haq's Musings

South Asia Investor Review

Catastrophic Floods in Pakistan

Pakistan Water Crisis: Facts and Myths

Pakistan Ramps Up Low-Carbon Sources of Electricity

Cycles of Drought and Floods in Pakistan

Pakistan at 75: Economic and Demographic Progress

Dust Bowl in Thar Desert Region

Dasht River in Balochistan

Bridge Collapse After Sudden Glacier Melt in Pakistan

Riaz Haq's Youtube Channel

PakAlumni Social Network

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PM Shehbaz has also made a similar diplomatic appeal without pointing fingers. UN has subsequently issued a memo asking creditors to Pakistan differ loan payments. The international community will sure help Pakistan through this crisis :agree:
Nuke Delhi as a start. Sure it will cause a huge greenhouse emissions for a short period of time but provide much needed relief in the long term
Nuke Delhi as a start. Sure it will cause a huge greenhouse emissions for a short period of time but provide much needed relief in the long term

Gobar residue will linger in the air for too long.

The solution is more damns and better water management, which successive governments have failed. Even after this flooding, Sindh CM told journalists questioning him no damns and not to ask that question again.
So just because other nations are more developed they need to compensate you for being poor and incompetent? Pollution in other countries is because they are more developed, have more power plants, cars, acs etc etc. If you were more developed you would be doing the same thing. Similarly, Pakistan's emissions are probably 100 times that of several African countries, will you compensate them for climate change next time there is a flood or cyclone in Africa?

It is not as simple as just looking at total emissions and assigning blame. Lets look at China or Japan for example, they have high emissions because they are the the factories of the world. If you weren't buying those products, Chinese factories wouldnt be making them, and thus wouldnt be throwing these emissions. So even though emissions came for China, it is ultimately everyone's fault, no one is stopping other countries from making these products on their own and adding to theirown total emission.
So just because other nations are more developed they need to compensate you for being poor and incompetent? Pollution in other countries is because they are more developed, have more power plants, cars, acs etc etc. If you were more developed you would be doing the same thing. Similarly, Pakistan's emissions are probably 100 times that of several African countries, will you compensate them for climate change next time there is a flood or cyclone in Africa?

It is not as simple as just looking at total emissions and assigning blame. Lets look at China or Japan for example, they have high emissions because they are the the factories of the world. If you weren't buying those products, Chinese factories wouldnt be making them, and thus wouldnt be throwing these emissions. So even though emissions came for China, it is ultimately your fault, no one is stopping you from making these products on your own and adding to your own country's total emission.

Of course. You blame Pakistan for all the ills in the world. Hindutva fool. I am glad the boys are breaking your jaw in Leicester.
Of course. You blame Pakistan for all the ills in the world. Hindutva fool. I am glad the boys are breaking your jaw in Leicester.

Ok fruitcake, obviously low iq donuts cant argue sense so they resort to lame attacks. Are they actually breaking jaws or getting their jaws broken? We don't want the same situation as 1971 where they claimed to winning and each equal to 10 Hindus only for 93000 to surrender the next week :lol:
This is lame exuses, build the dams upper river, more channels, roads, generate money to buy more cars and expand furhter industry and start to "polute" as well, no one really cares about other nations on expense of their own.
After you join to the nations which "polute" enviroment there will be seat on table for you to, to conduct empty talks and carefully listen other less fortunate countries complains.
Ok fruitcake, obviously low iq donuts cant argue sense so they resort to lame attacks. Are they actually breaking jaws or getting their jaws broken? We don't want the same situation as 1971 where they claimed to winning and each equal to 10 Hindus only for 93000 to surrender the next week :lol:

LOL stop crying like grandpa Jai Shankar.

LMAO Saaar, please don't fool us 🇺🇸

It is funny how these pajeet Hindus are celebrating. There turn will come. Climate change doesn't affect a single country. It affects everyone including pajeets.
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You should post data on per capita basis then you'll realize who are really responsible

Even per capita is not a good measure. It penalizes countries that advocate birth control, family planning and low population growth and rewards countries that have high uncontrolled birth rates. If a country has chosen to have 10 kids per family for past 100 years, its their fault and they dont deserve any rewards if their per capita emissions are low due to huge population.
Even per capita is not a good measure. It penalizes countries that advocate birth control, family planning and low population growth and rewards countries that have high uncontrolled birth rates. If a country has chosen to have 10 kids per family for past 100 years, its their fault and they dont deserve any rewards if their per capita emissions are low due to huge population.

Have a good look at Hindustan which is an epitome of exploding birth rate. Pajeet likes to preach, but hardly fulfills his own requirements.

Pakistan, a country that has contributed only 0.28% of the CO2 emissions, is among the biggest victims of climate change. The US, Europe, India, China and Japan, the world's biggest polluters, must accept responsibility for the catastrophic floods in Pakistan and climate disasters elsewhere. A direct link of the disaster in Pakistan to climate change has been confirmed by a team of 26 scientists affiliated with World Weather Attribution, a research initiative that specializes in rapid studies of extreme events, according to the New York Times.

Top 5 Current Polluters. Source: Our World in Data

Currently, the biggest annual CO2 emitters are China, the US, India and Russia. Pakistan's annual CO2 emissions add up to just 235 million tons. On the other hand, China contributes 11.7 million tons, the United States 4.5 billion tons, India 2.4 billion tons, Russia 1.6 billion tons and Japan 1.06 billion tons.

The United States has contributed 399 billion tons (25%) of CO2 emissions, the highest cumulative carbon emissions since the start of the Industrial Revolution in the late 18th century. The 28 countries of the European Union (EU28), including the United Kingdom, come in second with 353 billion tons of CO2 (22%), followed by China with 200 billion tons (12.7%).

Pakistan's cumulative CO2 contribution in its entire history is just 4.4 billion tons (0.28%). Among Pakistan's neighbors, China's cumulative contribution is 200 billion tons (12.7%), India's 48 billion tons (3%) and Iran's 17 billion tons (1%).

Pakistan has contributed little to climate change but it has become one of its biggest victims. In the 2015 Paris agreement on climate change, signatories agreed to recognize and “address” the loss and damage caused by those dangerous climate impacts, according to the Washington Post. Last year, at the major U.N. climate conference in Glasgow, Scotland, negotiators from developing countries tried to establish a formal fund to help the countries like Pakistan most affected by climate disasters. It was blocked by rich countries led by the Biden administration.

Related Links:

Haq's Musings

South Asia Investor Review

Catastrophic Floods in Pakistan

Pakistan Water Crisis: Facts and Myths

Pakistan Ramps Up Low-Carbon Sources of Electricity

Cycles of Drought and Floods in Pakistan

Pakistan at 75: Economic and Demographic Progress

Dust Bowl in Thar Desert Region

Dasht River in Balochistan

Bridge Collapse After Sudden Glacier Melt in Pakistan

Riaz Haq's Youtube Channel

PakAlumni Social Network

What is new ? Expect others to pay for your own incompetence
Have a good look at Hindustan which is an epitome of exploding birth rate. Pajeet likes to preach, but hardly fulfills his own requirements.

How am i not fulfilling what i preach? I know very well India has had a high birth rate for most of the century, and thus you wont see my whining like a bitch and begging for debt relief for Uttarakhand floods in which thousands died or some other cyclone that hit India. You on the other hand trying to make best use of this disaster to get debt relief, trying to squeeze every dollar possible to save yourself from default and the economic mess that you frutcakes have got yourselves into because of your retardedness, lazyness and incompetence.
How am i not fulfilling what i preach? I know very well India has had a high birth rate for most of the century, and thus you wont see my whining like a bitch and begging for debt relief for Uttarakhand floods in which thousands died or some other cyclone that hit India. You on the other hand trying to make best use of this disaster to get debt relief, trying to squeeze every dollar possible to save yourself from default and the economic mess that you frutcakes have got yourselves into because of your retardedness, lazyness and incompetence.

Keep crying. I like you in a triggered state.
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