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Flood Response

Indus has a gentle slope, as far as I know. also this river has no history of floods ,

I hope situation normalises there as rabi season is near and sowing of wheat should start by now . IT seems as if brahmaputra or meghna has started flowing in Pakistan , as these are real flood rivers. Of the subcontinent, which have yearly floods and not indus river .
The store owner and those who sold this to him should be located and shot dead and left on the street, as an example.
Mafias too powerful.
Whoever investigates will end up missing or tortured and in a body bag.

This country deserves wrath of Allah swt upon it.
Mafias too powerful.
Whoever investigates will end up missing or tortured and in a body bag.

This country deserves wrath of Allah swt upon it.

That bold part, I feel the same way; I wouldn't be surprised if another nation ends up ruling this country and making its females londi's and breeding.
Is this suppose to be on this thread? If so, I assume you mean even assessing the damage is beyond our current capabilities.
This thread:

Transport and Logistics is a major Pakistan Army weakness due to lack of Necessary Machines

It had been highlighted for good 10-15 years but folks claimed the odd 10-15 C130 is enough for our needs

Similarly Kala Bagh DAM was proposed since 70's and never constructed , and today we see the impact of saturated rains , and river from North Delivering tremendous amount of water to Sindh Terrain

Pakistan as a Nation never Acts first ahead of game , always "Respond" to some event

1- Could have built Kala Bagh Dam , in 60's or 70's
2- Could have created Mini Dams
3 Could have Developed Proper Logistical abilities of Military

These are all "What if" scenario

The Water which flooded Pakistan could have been worth Billions of Dollar if it was saved in DAM
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