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Flood Response

foreign aid is getting low, donor agencies are getting tired of us. There is only 1 political party that is PPP in sindh. Main work would start when the water will recede, but unfortunately it is still raining is some areas and water flow in Indus is still high. We are so unfortunate to let go of this water in the sea.
There are many stages of pre-flood and post-flood scenario. Its up to the Government and related departments at which stage would they start their management.

1. Precautions and measures to contain flood - Gone
2. Rescue and relief - In process, but debatable since the loss is monumental
3. Aid and recovery - Where will the aid go ? how will it be spent ?
4. Re-construction of infrastructure - when and how will that begin ? Cost and money ?
5. Settlement of displaces victims - when and how will that begin ? Will people go back from larger cities ? Joblessness ?
6. Economy and inflation - managing economy after disaster ? Import of food ?
7. Dams, reservoirs, drains, city planning, new counter measures - when will that take place ?
8. Health effects -the spread of different diseases and the scarcity of hospitals.

We are at the 2nd and 3rd stage as of now.
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Need Dam constructed

Need New Canal network to distribute the excess water out of the Dam reservoir
We are missing the "Engineering Part" where Humans engineer the path of the Canal flow , to divert extra water to storage zones away from traditional route

We need to build a Larger Dam in some where middle of country (Kala Bagh Dam)
and then develop branching Canal Network to Divert water flow from 5-6 Canals away from the Natural Flow of water out to Sea thru the Indus

View attachment 876764

Since we don't have this DAM , the associated projects for Artificial Man Made Routes for water those projects have never lifted off the ground

Without the DAM (Kalabagh) the water just flows 100% thru the Indus flooding Sindh and Baluchistan or even South Punjab

The water today OVERFLOWS the river because as water moves south more water joins the flow from Southern cities

There is no "CONTROL" over the flow of water

View attachment 876770

View attachment 876779

If Kala Bagh Dam existed it would stop the flooding in many of the red zones in map
Read this:
A father of eight, Misri tells Dawn from a camp housing flood-hit displaced persons that they were not prepared for the magnitude of the ******** that hit their village.

“Each flood, from 2010 onwards, has wreaked havoc… We are not strangers to floods, but this time we thought the water would be less. We thought it would come later than it did,” he says, recounting how the waters struck while his family were soundly asleep in their beds.

“Since it was raining, we decided to wait until the morning before moving away. But we were wrong. By the time we stirred, there was water everywhere in our village and all other parts of the town,” he added, saying that he only managed to save his family members and could not salvage any possessions.

and this:

‘Deeply ashamed’

She said she was “deeply ashamed” at having to relieve herself in the open — especially after she caught a man watching her as she lowered her shalwar kameez behind a tree.

Shameen Bibi expressed similar sentiments.

“Where can I send my daughters alone? When we squat to relieve ourselves, we get scared that some man might come.”


1. No warning system or alert system for floods coming in populated areas

2. Lack of toilets for people living in tents.
Pakistan Navy



“Since it was raining, we decided to wait until the morning before moving away. But we were wrong. By the time we stirred, there was water everywhere in our village and all other parts of the town,” he added, saying that he only managed to save his family members and could not salvage any possessions.
No public awareness campaign. People on their own can't estimate time and quantity.
“Each flood, from 2010 onwards, has wreaked havoc… We are not strangers to floods, but this time we thought the water would be less. We thought it would come later than it did,” he says, recounting how the waters struck while his family were soundly asleep in their beds.
Govt mustn't allow home construction on that place but just fields. or unless homes are on tibba (hills) or make flood-drains or any other good measure. Larkana etc were submerged as natural drains are closed or society built upon.
The extent of the SQFEET land under water is unprecedented it shocks the mind just how much water is there
The extent of the SQFEET land under water is unprecedented it shocks the mind just how much water is there
What is the estimate of arable farm land flooded? At the very least, is enough of it seeping into the ground water to replenish the acquifer?
What is the estimate of arable farm land flooded? At the very least, is enough of it seeping into the ground water to replenish the acquifer?
You remember Huey discussion? Need hueys.
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