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Flight MH370: Missteps by China slowed search for missing jet

I can post you other paragraphs but you know what they are full of BS and bashing nothing else unless you are working internally for Comac you are a nobody

Get back to me when a top rated airline orders a Chinese built airliner.

If that happens within 10 years, I will dine you at my expense in London's top eateries.
Get back to me when a top rated airline orders a Chinese built airliner.

If that happens within 10 years, I will dine you at my expense in London's top eateries.

Indigenous airliner is for domestic consumption to save money so that China does not need to overpay Boeing or airbus.

You have a strange mentality just like Americans used to laugh at Japanese cars that made 4 cylinder engines.
Even if Australian signals were incorrect, that's just once, but Chinese have done so 2-3 times from what i know. Mistake should happen once, if it happens again and again it's for sure is hurting the operation.
How the **** do you know that our record signals or satellite images were false if nobody comes to investigate it? And why do we always get blame for working with maximum effort and the like of the MIGHTY AMERICA of the WORLD and her ally, Australia, did the same fucking thing; yet not a SINGLE fucking article is writing to blame them for misleading investigation?
To be fair i think the Chinese are under HUGE pressure domestically to find some answers. 200+ families are waiting back in China and with every day seem to be getting more frustrated and organised. One thing the Chinese govt doesn't want is protest and this is what the MH370 families are doing on the streets of Beijing no less.

If one wants to point fingers, point them at Malaysia that has led the entire world on a wild goose chase for, as yet, unexplained reasons. From the early days the Malays knew the Plane had gone West and then South but for some reason they launched a search in the SCS?
To be fair i think the Chinese are under HUGE pressure domestically to find some answers. 200+ families are waiting back in China and with every day seem to be getting more frustrated and organised. One thing the Chinese govt doesn't want is protest and this is what the MH370 families are doing on the streets of Beijing no less.

If one wants to point fingers, point them at Malaysia that has led the entire world on a wild goose chase for, as yet, unexplained reasons. From the early days the Malays knew the Plane had gone West and then South but for some reason they launched a search in the SCS?

They are now blaming the Malaysian government, not the Chinese government.
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They are now blaming the Malaysian goverment, not the Chinese government.
Indeed but I don't think the Chinese govt will want to allow any sort of public demonstrations like this to run for much longer, dissent is dissent and these are the streets of Beijing. It's a dangerous precedent being set here as far as they are concerned and the only reason they've let it go on this long is because the protestors aren't protesting against the govt of China.
so far, all the images from satellites and signals from different countries are nothing but garbage. what's the point of writing this article? my signals are better than your signals? :D
Perhaps some, but not all.

The initial search area was dictated by common sense, which was about the last known estimated geographical point and of communication. What the Malaysian government should have been and done was more efficient in communication and coordination between its military and outside experts, which would have reduced the duration of search time in that initial area.

The criticisms for China was how quickly the PLAN called out any kind of 'contact' without devoting more time in verifying those contacts. Think about it for a moment. The moment you call out that you found 'something', others will be obligated to assume they may be in the wrong grids/areas. Were there any coordination between the countries on who should take the lead in the event a true contact was established ? We do not know. Were there any communication between the countries on what actions and how rapid those actions should be done when someone claimed established contact ? We do not know. So if China, one day, called out a contact, and others rushed over to help, then the contacts turned out to be nothing, how much time and fuel have been wasted ? How much experience and expertise does China have in open water search and rescue, especially of sunken vessels, and yes, an airliner is a vessel ? We do not know.

China tries to become “Asia’s policeman” in missing plane saga; sends team uninvited to Malaysia to “advise” on search and rescue mission | China Daily Mail
The key is Malaysian tried to hide some information which can avoid the wrong search area in the first week which also is the most precious and important time for rescue

It is obvious .

The aircraft was never in the tracking zone covered by Indian ATC.

Looks like India has a military base which can detect the flight if your radar system works well.
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The key is Malaysian tried to hide some information which can avoid the wrong search area in the first week which also is the most precious and important time for rescue

It is obvious .
What was that information ? That the Malaysian military is incompetent at this type and scale of operation ? If so, then that is a separate issue from the initial search area, which was legitimate considering the available data and logic at that time.
How the **** do you know that our record signals or satellite images were false if nobody comes to investigate it? And why do we always get blame for working with maximum effort and the like of the MIGHTY AMERICA of the WORLD and her ally, Australia, did the same fucking thing; yet not a SINGLE fucking article is writing to blame them for misleading investigation?

First of all please talk in a proper manner, and about me knowing that signals were false, FYI i already stated that i am talking on basis of the OP. And in it the professors says so. Not me. And about Australia i already said that was just once, if they again does it then for sure they are also to be blamed.

And my friend the Chinese signals indeed have been investigated. Cause if they weren't investigated how come the search operation slowed down?

Missing Malaysian jet: Planes, ships deployed to investigate Chinese signal - The Times of India
What was that information ? That the Malaysian military is incompetent at this type and scale of operation ? If so, then that is a separate issue from the initial search area, which was legitimate considering the available data and logic at that time.

How about the communication record from the flight ?

Do not tell me Malay do not have the record.
It is supposed to be an international team effort. Everybody try their best to contribute. Blaming any particular member is bad for morale.

The incident I think all would admit is bizarre, unexpected and unprecedented. Malaysia action may be not satisfactory, but given the circumstances, is understandable.

Put yourself in their shoe for a moment, an aircraft went off secondary radar(which is routine/supposed to happen because it is leaving Malaysia area) and lost contact with Vietnam ATC. The logical presumption would be that it has run into mechanical problem en-route to Beijing.

Meanwhile the military detect this unidentified aircraft that crossed Malay peninsular and then left flying from Malacca Strait towards Andaman. Is this MH370? are you sure? The implication of publicly calling that UFO as MH370 is huge. There would be ton of questions. That information do not make much logical sense and the consequence would be unthinkable if it later proven to be wrongly identified.

What would you have done?

Malaysia did what they think is sensible. To go by the last known reliable fact, at the point of last contact, double check on the radar signal, and while Vietnam, China and other search the SCS, they search the Strait of Malacca by themselves(and US).

Imagine if the fluke happenstance of the Inmarsat satellite handshake did not happen, would anyone say for sure that the plane would not be in the SCS?

With hindsight, given what is known now, it is easy to criticize Malaysia. The fact of the matter is, even if Malaysia did make the identification earlier, would it make any difference?

Malaysia try its best under the circumstance, after all they would be one of the biggest(if not the biggest) victim. Maybe it is not good enough for some, but it would be hard to say anyone else would do any better given the same set of conditions.

Similarly, China set out to search for the blackbox along the curve of the last known Inmarsat handshake.

They found a signal. The next day they went back to the same location, got the signal again, this time they check it against the sample provided by Boeing, and found them to be similar. The equipment that China used is the specialized equipment built for detecting blackbox signal from the U.S. manufacturer that built blackbox signal beacon. And the persons that operate them are experience people that has found blackbox before.

They inform their discovery to the joint international SAR team. It is then up to the experts in the international team to decide what to do next. They obviously consider it credible enough to send HMS "echo" to investigate.

And the OP's article called this a misstep?

Bear in mind, nothing till now is positively confirm yet, a bit early to start the blaming game. Or is this really about blaming the Chinese for their own failure to come up with a positive confirmation.
Disgusting article and the author, someone become boring without slandering China.
FYI, the author isn't keeping his POV he is actually quoting the statements of Senior Professors from HK Univs and from other Institutions.
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