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Flight MH370: Missteps by China slowed search for missing jet

Cool down kid. Your baloney just shows you know nothing about Indian efforts in the search for MH370.

India had deployed two of its navy’s ships, patrol vessel, INS Saryu, and amphibious warship, INS Khumbir, in the search. The Navy has also lent its Boeing-made P-8I long-range maritime reconnaissance and anti-submarine plane to the effort.

The country’s coast guard has also been using its Dornier aircraft and fast patrol vessels to search the waters off the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

This graphic below shows India’s contribution that matches up to the help offered by the 11 other nations involved in the operation to find the plane.


Next time do some research before blabbering.

bring some updated charts
that one is old by rescue standards of MH370
what the other countries like india (4-5 of their people missing) have done?
Where are they now?
At present it is only China (sending the biggest team), Aussies, usa, Kiwis, japanese, S Koreas and probably britian are involved

We are restricting the search focus to a much smaller area, arent we?

What a cheap and dirty shot by the OP!
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The OP says "In the first week of the search, China released satellite photographs purportedly showing wreckage in the South China Sea. The objects, however, turned out to be unrelated debris. The claim eventually elicited a rebuke from Malaysian officials that China had wasted the time of other nations looking for the missing Boeing 777-200."

The Aussies and the yankies had false satellite discovery:


Two pieces of debris have been spotted by Australian satellites in the southern Indian Ocean. Expert analysis suggests it is possible the debris is from missing Malaysia Airlines flight M370, though Australian authorities are urging caution. The plane went missing mid-flight on 8 March with 239 people on board

Missing flight MH370: no sightings of possible plane debris | World news | theguardian.com"

"The satellite images, provided by U.S. company DigitalGlobe, were taken on March 16, meaning that the possible debris could by now have drifted far from the original site.
Australia to resume ocean search for missing Malaysia jet| Reuters "

and the French:

" New satellite images provided by a French defense firm show 122 objects floating in the southern Indian Ocean, not far from other satellite sightings that could be related to missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, the Malaysian transport minister said Wednesday."

Best Flight 370 lead yet? Satellite spots possible debris field - CNN.com

So WTF blaming us for the delay?

Finding the missing plane is an international concerted effort. To singling out China is just.....DUMB.

We didn't use to blame the Malaysian government for hiding the story behind MH370, now they are looking for excuse to blame us in order to diverge the public attention.

Sometimes being too nice will make you bitten by those ungrateful creatures around the world.
I think it was the dirty yanks who started this blame-game on China and the cheerleaders have probably received their order to post the message on their cheap media

It has the effect of creating internecine accusations among the nations (barring the yanks) in the collective search team

Even the Aussie Chief and Malaysia PM have praised for the search efforts

“It’s been tremendous to see the international co-operation here. We have regular military co-operation with the United States, New Zealand and Malaysia, but to see also the co-operation with us from China, from Japan, from Korea is really heartening and it demonstrates that in a humanitarian cause the nations of this region can come together for the betterment of humanity,” he said.

Tony Abbott praises international co-operation in search for missing MH370 | World news | theguardian.com "

Mr Najib praised the search effort, saying the co-operation amid "great tragedy" had "given us all heart".

BBC News - Missing plane MH370: Malaysia 'will not give up'

The guy form CUHK needs to keep his fcuking mouth shut!
So WTF blaming us for the delay

Why don't you have a look at the date of your link (March).

That report of satellite debris sightings along with 100s of others turned out to be wild goose chase.

Stop posting nonsense.
Why don't you have a look at the date of your link (March).

That report of satellite debris sightings along with 100s of others turned out to be wild goose chase.

Stop posting nonsense.

the links are correct
all the "satellite finds" are false claims. That also should include some false claims of sighting of oil streaks and large floating objects by some non-Chinese satellites!
if the media want to blame China why they do not blame France, Aussies and the yanks
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First, they claimed this.

Then this.

And good job for blaming China for everything.

This guy is classic nutcase, he has come with an agenda on this forum to bash China from civilian transport development to this, you gotta laugh when you read regarding that particular thread his indirect stance China should not develop aircrafts. Blaming China for the civilian aircrafts poor development neglecting the fact Boring and Airbus went the same line and corrected the problem. The best way is to pay no attention.
the links are correct
all the "satellite finds" are false claims.

So the AAIB, NTSB, FAA, Inmarsat, Rolls-Royce, Boeing, Malaysia, Australia AND the Chinese officials that have looked at the doppler analysis which is driving the current SAR ops are bull shitting?

If the satellite analysis is a coverup and the wrong path, why are the Chinese assisting the Australian led SAR op in the Indian Ocean?

The Chinese obviously believe the Australian line which according to the most recent update:

Speaking to reporters in Shanghai on Friday 11 April, Abbott, who is on a visit to North Asia, says: "We have very much narrowed down the search area. It's been very much narrowed down because we've had a series of detections, some for quite long periods of time. Nevertheless, we’re now getting to the stage where the signal from what we’re very confident is the blackbox is starting to fade, and we’re hoping to get as much information as we can before the signal finally expires.”

Abbott declined to give more information, saying details will first be provided to Chinese president Xi Jinping later this evening.

Australian PM 'very confident' signals are from MH370's recorders - 4/11/2014 - Flight Global

read regarding that particular thread his indirect stance China should not develop aircrafts

Go back to school and learn how to read if you honestly think that was the jist of my post in that thread.

China SHOULD develop civil aircraft.

However, they should do it in a manner that respects the international conventions and norms when pertaining to intellectual property rights.
China should allow its media to be transparent writing the truth so that the people of China understand the gravity of the missing flight.China authorities actions show its boastfulness and intimidating behaviour has contributed to the distractions that has slowed down the flight MH370 investigations.

What boastfulness did China do? They picked up a signal that is similar to blackbox found in airplane. The media never said it is the MH370. Australia picked up two more signals that also appeared to be signals coming from blackboxes.

So where is the boastfulness or you just like to post shit for the sake of bashing?
So the AAIB, NTSB, FAA, Inmarsat, Rolls-Royce, Boeing, Malaysia, Australia AND the Chinese officials that have looked at the doppler analysis which is driving the current SAR ops are bull shitting?

If the satellite analysis is a coverup and the wrong path, why are the Chinese assisting the Australian led SAR op in the Indian Ocean?

The Chinese obviously believe the Australian line which according to the most recent update:

Speaking to reporters in Shanghai on Friday 11 April, Abbott, who is on a visit to North Asia, says: "We have very much narrowed down the search area. It's been very much narrowed down because we've had a series of detections, some for quite long periods of time. Nevertheless, we’re now getting to the stage where the signal from what we’re very confident is the blackbox is starting to fade, and we’re hoping to get as much information as we can before the signal finally expires.”

Abbott declined to give more information, saying details will first be provided to Chinese president Xi Jinping later this evening.

Australian PM 'very confident' signals are from MH370's recorders - 4/11/2014 - Flight Global

You are diverting the argument
I was pointing to the accusation and blame on China's satellite image of "discovery" of the debris for the cause of delay
Whereas the whole fucking entities who were involved like the yanks, the aussies, the french sat images were all false claims!

WTF is the media doing here!
what do we expect from them?
I don't expect much from foreign media posting anything about China unless it's military related from some US/ Euro sources, and not Indian, Vietam or Jap sources.
I don't expect much from foreign media posting anything about China unless it's military related from some US/ Euro sources, and not Indian, Vietam or Jap sources.

ditto are worse but these are not much better
The source that the messager TOI reported was from a us medium but TOI just followed orders without a brain
Go back to school and learn how to read if you honestly think that was the jist of my post in that thread.

China SHOULD develop civil aircraft.

However, they should do it in a manner that respects the international conventions and norms when pertaining to intellectual property rights.

Oh i read it maybe you should make up your mind and stop posting confusing forgetful jones posts.

In similar ilk to what I said before, if China can't get a relatively "simple*" straight pipe military turbojet to run reliably, what makes you think they can produce a fuel efficient HBPR turbofan for the civilian market where engines are expected to stay on the airframe for 1000s of hours. *Of course jet engine design and manufacture is anything but simple.

Good luck selling them to airlines worldwide.

What China is doing is effectively developing and investing and trying to rectify in all departments the shortcomings that is what Airbus and Boeing has been doing for ages, give them time you are nobody to point fingers at those engineers eventually they will achieve it. So maybe next time you should not be posting "giving up" posts but hey you are all about bashing. So when did China say jet engine design and manufacturing is simple?

Again dishearten reluctance and narrow mindedness...It doesn't matter let C919 takes 10 years more it will come to the scene flying you are just shooting in the air without any internal information from Comac about C919 complete developments.

I can post your other paragraphs but you know what they are full of BS and bashing nothing else unless you are working internally for Comac you are a nobody.

Now back to Thread topic.
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