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Five policemen arrested for gangraping teenager in Chandigarh

@RescueRanger .. media cant be blamed in a free society, its free press and rape is a hot topic (political) in India. They are simply following the trend. No media can possibly not give prominence to such case (or corruption case, another hot trend in media reporting).
Nothing to do with geostategic role. I have seen rape and murder and other criminal cases in local media since I started reading newspaper, but they are usually in page 4 or 5 ... now they have moved to page 1.

Yes but what is being done about it...I don't read anything positive every time i visit the TOI online.
Yes but what is being done about it...I don't read anything positive every time i visit the TOI online.
you simply cannot stop rape, or murder. These two crimes are so common.
And delhi is the crime capital, crime against women too are absurdly high.

This specific one( policemen doing it) is relatevely rare and they should get exemplary punishment. Media did the right thing in highlighting it.

I know to an ordinary reader its quite distressing, which is why we need to look at trend and statistics to make sense of it. India has 18k rape cases per year, I can literally fill my newspaper (365 days) and give you a sense that India has been taken over by rape zombies.
Same with murder.

Govt has passed new anti rape laws, the effect of it should be observed for next 5 years by collecting stats and not by getting shocked everytime crime occurs.
Police task force have the responsibility to ensure the safety and enforce the law of a nation, they turned blind eyes toward the law and flaunted their policed badge and gang raped a child.
you simply cannot stop rape, or murder. These two crimes are so common.
And delhi is the crime capital, crime against women too are absurdly high.

This specific one( policemen doing it) is relatevely rare and they should get exemplary punishment. Media did the right thing in highlighting it.

I know to an ordinary reader its quite distressing, which is why we need to look at trend and statistics to make sense of it. India has 18k rape cases per year, I can literally fill my newspaper (365 days) and give you a sense that India has been taken over by rape zombies.
Same with murder.

Govt has passed new anti rape laws, the effect of it should be observed for next 5 years by collecting stats and not by getting shocked everytime crime occurs.

No, you do not understand the question, what is the civic society and non governmental actors doing about it from a society level? Surely as an Indian you can shed light on this better than some newspaper?

Surely there must be some emphasis at grass-roots level interventions? Also as a former Law Enforcement officer, I know you cannot defeat a crime like rape completely, but you can make systems to educate, protect and help people recover from it... "Mitigation"?
Hang him high!!! this is disgusting man, poor child !! all she was asking was for help !! Both in India and Pakistan we need to REVAMP the police department and its culture.
No, you do not understand the question, what is the civic society and non governmental actors doing about it from a society level? Surely as an Indian you can shed light on this better than some newspaper?

Surely there must be some emphasis at grass-roots level interventions? Also as a former Law Enforcement officer, I know you cannot defeat a crime like rape completely, but you can make systems to educate, protect and help people recover from it... "Mitigation"?
rape is an opportunist crime, unlike terrorism it cannt be prevented but only a deterrent cant be put in place that will reduce the likelihood of it. You see some cases in which lady draws attention and culprit is caught and beated up by people (which I dont like) but most cases happen when there is nobody around to intervene.
So civic society is basically acting like mob if they find out.

Police have more night patrol, and more beat policing but I dont think it will make a dent. The nature of crime and lack of genuine deterrent will ensure that.
Indian police is under trained, over worked, they are among lowest number per capital in world. That means they rely on brute force for everything.
rape is an opportunist crime, unlike terrorism it cannt be prevented but only a deterrent cant be put in place that will reduce the likelihood of it.

You still do not understand my point... I am not talking about vigilante justice, I am talking about community policing:

I AM ASKING... DO NGOs in INDIA... Having something like this ( If so, which ones, do they get government support, and if no program exists... WHY!?)

ROZAN - Police Training Program Rabta
Community Program
You still do not understand my point... I am not talking about vigilante justice, I am talking about community policing:

I AM ASKING... DO NGOs in INDIA... Having something like this ( If so, which ones, do they get government support, and if no program exists... WHY!?)

ROZAN - Police Training Program Rabta
Community Program

I don't think so.

As to the why, the Indian government has lackadaisical approach to matters like this.

No, you do not understand the question, what is the civic society and non governmental actors doing about it from a society level? Surely as an Indian you can shed light on this better than some newspaper?

Surely there must be some emphasis at grass-roots level interventions? Also as a former Law Enforcement officer, I know you cannot defeat a crime like rape completely, but you can make systems to educate, protect and help people recover from it... "Mitigation"?

I think a lot of those people you have mentioned are about encouraging Women to actually come and report their stories, instead of keeping mum.

There exists poor infrastructure that provides emotional support for victims, like counselling. hope that helps :)
All rape happening in India is posted in this forum, Pakistan Defense Forum.
The problem is, India trying to be liberal and conservative at the same time.....
Rape news should be among the banned list on PDF. Lets keep it about defense and security studies and less about social studies. I find such posts are designed for 1 purpose and 1 purpose only, to besmirch a country and her people. Unacceptable and pathetic.
Rape news should be among the banned list on PDF. Lets keep it about defense and security studies and less about social studies. I find such posts are designed for 1 purpose and 1 purpose only, to besmirch a country and her people. Unacceptable and pathetic.

In other words... just another Friday night in India.

Rape news serves the useful purpose of warning people (especially women) to stay the hell out of India.
If only people showed 10% of the outrage they have towards the ambassador scandal towards an actually serious issue such as this. Oh right, I forgot, that would be inconvenient...

Were you asleep in Dec 2012? How did you miss the huge protests and demonstrations in Delhi? The govt had to bring in new legislation to modify the existing laws.


It's funny how some people are trying to link two completely unrelated issues to score brownie points on an anonymous forum. There are social crimes in every country. I live in a relatively safe city in the US. But I see reports of gun violence every freaking day in my local news, I am not kidding, every day, something that is almost unheard of in India. Should people start making new threads on each of those incidents and then start making weird connections?
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