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Five policemen arrested for gangraping teenager in Chandigarh


Cases from south are simply not reported. A case is only reported, when some wrong girl is raped, at wrong place and in very very wrong way.

Most of them are reported, but only a few manage to grab headlines.
Indians are far too busy expressing outrage over the arrest of a corrupt,lying Indian official in New York.They have no time for real issues.

how about protecting your women first ? or is that too much to ask ?
Statistics | RAINN | Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network

Every 2 minutes, another American is sexually assaulted.

Here's the math. According to the U.S. Department of Justice's National Crime Victimization Survey --there is an average of 237,868 victims (age 12 or older) of rape and sexual assault each year.

There are 525,600 minutes in a non-leap year. That makes 31,536,000 seconds/year. So, 31,536,000 divided by 237,868 comes out to 1 sexual assault every 133 seconds, or about 1 every 2 minutes.[

1 out of every 6 American women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime (14.8% completed rape; 2.8% attempted rape).1

17.7 million American women have been victims of attempted or completed rape.1

9 of every 10 rape victims were female in 2003.


15% of sexual assault and rape victims are under age 12.3
29% are age 12-17.
44% are under age 18.3
80% are under age 30.3
12-34 are the highest risk years.
Girls ages 16-19 are 4 times more likely than the general population to be victims of rape, attempted rape, or sexual assault.

46% of rapists who were released from prison were re-arrested within 3 years of their release for another crime.4
18.6% for a violent offense.
14.8% for a property offense.
11.2% for a drug offense.
20.5% for a public-order offense.

84767 "reported" rapes from 237,868 estimated rapes happened in 2010 in America compared to 22172 in India
, now do take a notice the population difference between America and India . and no....More rapes are also reported in India than America
Dude post it in American defence section.
Rape happens so much in the world (like murder or looting), what is the point of opening a new thread for each.
Delhi case was completely different, due to the level of cruelty, and extent of outrage, and politics over it. So it makes some sense in discussing it.
Do we need each rape case posted here, pakistan rape forum?

Yes you appear to have no sympathy for little girls gang raped by the police in India. But I guess you reserve your outrage for the dignity of corrupt Indian officials.
Yes you appear to have no sympathy for little girls gang raped by the police in India. But I guess you reserve your outrage for the dignity of corrupt Indian officials.
Holier than you attitude is quite upsetting, are the perps in India put up in house arrest in a penthouse, they were arrested and legal system is alive and kicking... you are the one who brought in the diplomat case in this thread, not me...
after staying in north India(U.P and Delhi only) for 8 years and going to south...i can positively say South Indians seem very peaceful , as per my experiance

I do not want to offend you, but Delhi and U.P. are horrible yardsticks in terms of comparison.

As a South Indian, I want South Indian society to evolve a lot more in terms of Female labor force participation, There is till dowry, there is till domestic violence. And the society is still patriarchal.

Yes you appear to have no sympathy for little girls gang raped by the police in India. But I guess you reserve your outrage for the dignity of corrupt Indian officials.

This is why I oppose posting of such threads or at least commenting on it sensibly.

The Indian members go on the defensive and the Pakistanis use the story and mask it to attack Indians with double intentions.

IMO, the victims are at least obligated to not be used for online jingoistic ego stroking. Nothing positive ever comes out from threads such as these. At least in PDF anyway.

@Death.By.Chocolate I agree in principle with your arguments. But these threads usually are nothing more than as you can see attempts by both sides to paint each other in a way that feeds into the narrative. Both sides (India and Pakistan) have horrible misogynistic cultures, bt they pretend somewhow they are better than each other when they are not really.

And you also have to think that this thread is populated by South Asian males.
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Holier than you attitude is quite upsetting, are the perps in India put up in house arrest in a penthouse, they were arrested and legal system is alive and kicking... you are the one who brought in the diplomat case in this thread, not me...

I don't know you tell me. Weren't the Italian Marines that murdered Indians in India kept in a luxury guest house? Besides how often are little children gang raped by the police in the US? Little children that go to the police for protection are raped. No surprise then that rapes go unreported in India.
I don't know you tell me. Weren't the Italian Marines that murdered Indians in India kept in a luxury guest house? Besides how often are little children gang raped by the police in the US? Little children that go to the police for protection are raped. No surprise then that rapes go unreported in India.

Do you want me to start quoting pedophilia rings in the U.S ? get of your high horse and have some respect for the rape victims other than using them as a tool for cheap browny points...
Disgusting attitude from a woman , difference between you and me is i accept there is a problem in India, you on the other hand is too busy laughing at the problems of others while your own society burns down to the ground thorugh Moral degradation as evident from your post...

I do not want to offend you, but Delhi and U.P. are horrible yardsticks in terms of comparison.

As a South Indian, I want South Indian society to evolve a lot more in terms of Female labor force participation, There is till dowry, there is till domestic violence. And the society is still patriarchal.

I clearly told you it was my personal opinion which i noticed

You are over generalizing an entire society , instances of domestic violence are no worse than what you would notice in western countries, dowry system is basically dying out , and no society is not patriarchal m there are problems but not as much as you would mention it ...
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I don't know you tell me. Weren't the Italian Marines that murdered Indians in India kept in a luxury guest house? Besides how often are little children gang raped by the police in the US? Little children that go to the police for protection are raped. No surprise then that rapes go unreported in India.
Sure, If this a the spout for bashing India,Go ahead by all means, I have never said we a re a perfect nation, but your rhetoric almost seems like "how dare poor Indians speak against us"... As far as this case is concerned, due course of action is being taken...
Clearly an american plot to defame India.A Mcdonald's shall burn tonight in retaliation.
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