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Five policemen arrested for gangraping teenager in Chandigarh

the anti rape laws are good enough... . 8 to 10 years jail term is good enough deterrent

cutting of balls is a good deterrent...trust me... but then again....a policemen rapist in jail with common criminals... oh boy...they should just suicide :D
Clearly an american plot to defame India.A Mcdonald's shall burn tonight in retaliation.
why is it that everytime there is a thread like this in the Indian Defense Section i find you shamelessly trolling and posting anti-Indian materials or mocking India as a country.don't you have something more constructive to offer here other than posting some off-topic one liners.
if i were you,i would have spent my time highlighting the plea of the Roma people inside Romania instead of scoring a few cheap browny points in the Indian Section.but guess what my mentality is completely different than yours....
why is it that everytime there is a thread like this in the Indian Defense Section i find you shamelessly trolling and posting anti-Indian materials or mocking India as a country.don't you have something more constructive to offer here other than posting some off-topic one liners.
if i were you,i would have spent my time highlighting the plea of the Roma people inside Romania instead of scoring a few cheap browny points in the Indian Section.but guess what my mentality is completely different than yours....

I don't know why ? Perhaps because it's not a regular thing and this is my 3rd,maybe 4th post regarding indian issues in months? Care to provide others ? You could check my post history and see that i'm not rabid anti indian,on the contrary.;)

Yes,the gypsies are having a real hard time,a 2nd holocaust,not working and living their lives on my tax money.
If only people showed 10% of the outrage they have towards the ambassador scandal towards an actually serious issue such as this. Oh right, I forgot, that would be inconvenient...
No its not a culture... its social.
I had foreseen it coming, read about female foeticide in India and you will know the root cause!

Disappearing Daughters: India's Female Feticide - World - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - CBN.com

Cases from south are simply not reported. A case is only reported, when some wrong girl is raped, at wrong place and in very very wrong way.

If allah allowed homosexuality and abortion there wouldn't be a single girl in the whole of the islamosphere.
What can be expected from the rape capital of the world. It is a sh1t hole.

Indian Rape Culture has too be confronted head on by the citizens of India. This abuse of Women must stop.

The only problem is, it is the citizens of India that are doing the rape, not foreigners.

what about

. when will you raise your voice..

the policemen are suspended and will face law. what extra needs to be done then?

Desperately trying to post irrelevant news of rape in USA to derail the thread, wont make India any less of a rape capital of the world.
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If allah allowed homosexuality and abortion there wouldn't be a single girl in the whole of the islamosphere.

If this is the level of retarded intellect Indians have then I doubt there would be any cure for the rape epidemic in India.
If only people showed 10% of the outrage they have towards the ambassador scandal towards an actually serious issue such as this. Oh right, I forgot, that would be inconvenient...

It requires effort and a tectonic cultural change. Which the unwashed plebs will never undertake

the anti rape laws are good enough... . 8 to 10 years jail term is good enough deterrent

8 to 10 yeears is not good enough. Bring it closer to 15-20 years.

And have an infrastructure were the victims are offered counselling.

Let's not forget about a Woman dragged through the mud for two years, her 'reputation' soiled

If this is the level of retarded intellect Indians have then I doubt there would be any cure for the rape epidemic in India.

What? so Homosexuality and abortion should be allowed?

What are you trying to say?

Cases from south are simply not reported. A case is only reported, when some wrong girl is raped, at wrong place and in very very wrong way.

Actually cases from the south, are reported more. The conviction rates are pretty much the same.
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India Police perform their duty to their utmost respect to India law and provide protection and security to the Indian only to join the teen gang rap party.

Rap party turned into a raped party.
Disturbing, I am sure this happens everywhere in the developing world. Sadly India is under the Media spotlight because of her geo-strategic role and also because she is a major tourism hub, has a free government and free media...

Whilst the crime itself is deplorable, these media dirty, rotten, scoundrels, ready to ruin the images of their nation for sake of a few $$$ worth of print sales... But overall, such crimes are not dealt with top down but, bottom up using grass-roots level community activism, coupled with government out-reach and cohesion projects...

Allowing a gradual education project within the LE community, we did a similar think in Islamabad Police with an NGO called GIZ & ROZAN/Sahil for female rape victim protection, psycho-social care and human rights.

Indian Police should engage the NGO community to work hand in hand to develop a three party, multi stakeholder solution to what is evidently a "cultural" problem. And whilst no one will admit it, men are just as frustrated in across the border as they are in India. It's just here, they are scared of bullet in the head, and other crimes probably don't get reported for fear of the stigma involved.
@RescueRanger .. media cant be blamed in a free society, its free press and rape is a hot topic (political) in India. They are simply following the trend. No media can possibly not give prominence to such case (or corruption case, another hot trend in media reporting).
Nothing to do with geostategic role. I have seen rape and murder and other criminal cases in local media since I started reading newspaper, but they are usually in page 4 or 5 ... now they have moved to page 1.
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