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Five million babies expected to be born in Pakistan in 9 months since Covid-19 outbreak: Unicef


Ya Allah Humein Hadayat Farmae...Ameen
Population explosion, I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing.It may be different from country to country.

Depends on how the growth is managed. If jobs are provided to these new millions then its a huge win as your economic power grows and as a consequence your countrys power projection increases as well. If not managed properly it leads to millions of new young adults susceptible to rebellious/criminal activities out of frustration and lack of income. Taking into account the emigration rates and brain drain from countries like Pakistan i think it is quite obvious which category we fall into unfortunately.
Pakistani's are only good at reproduction. People who can't afford 2 times food are having 10 children. Half of these children end up as beggars and the other half in child labour. Our next big challenge is overpopulation. There are already 22 million children out of school.
for most part that is due to distortion of religion

keywords: rizq; ummat; shirk
Went through all the replies in this thread. (9/15) 60% of PDF Pakistanis don't have any problem with high birth rate. And we are talking about educated Pakistani over here. We can safely say that atleast 80%-85% of overall Pakistanis won't have any problem with high birth rates. I hope sense prevails.
Pakistan will continue to have babies, it is time for:yahoo: government to catch up with educating them rather than providing condoms.

Should do both, lol. The taboo needs to be ended, this is a serious issue from a large scale perspective.

But religious groups are a big hurdle to making family planning and contraceptives.
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