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Five dams being built in occupied Kashmir

I have a Doubt that If Pakistan can Build Dams on P-O-K then why India Can built it in J&K

The River Waters flow from India to Pakistan.

As such – to be fair – India is not allowed to build “Storage” Dams but can build Dams for Power Generation so that the total amount of Water to Pakistan is ensured. This condition is fulfilled by India while constructing the Dams in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. India is however allowed to take waters from the Rivers allocated to Pakistan amounting to what is and has been already used by the People of Jammu & Kashmir by the "Loval" people living in the areas through which the "Rivers allocatted to Pakistan" flow.

The only hindrance to Pakistan In building Dams in Pakistani Occupied Kashmir is that India still claims that part of the State of Jammu & Kashmir as its own and thus does bring up the matter of protesting against Pakistanis building dams in Pakistani Occupied Kashmir.

One cannot make any statement of the Legality or Practicality of such a claim.
^^^ I agree totally. As long as India allows Pakistan its fair share of water as per the IBT, Pakistan has no rights to oppose or threaten the existence of these dams. The construction of dams and Hydel stations will allow the region to be power surplus and be in a position to sell power to the national grid. This will mean extra revenue to people of J&K and bring prosperity to the region. If Pakistan opposes these activities, then it is standing against the prosperity for these people... I smell jealousy more than concern for its people.
India working to dry up river Chenab as well

India is planning to construct Swal Kot Dam. After the construction of the dam river Chenab would also dry up like Ravi. Swal Kot Dam is expected to be higher than Tarbela and Mangla. The height of the Swal Kot Dam is 646 feet and the storage capacity of Swal Kot Dam is expected to be 13 times higher than the disputed Baglihar Dam. In comparison the height of Tarbela is 485 feet while Mangla is 453 feet high. The project would cost $2 billion dollars and would produce 1200 MW of electricity.

Swal Kot Dam is being constructed on river Chenab near the district Doda and Udham Pur which is just 70miles away from Pakistan. The design of the dam has been prepared by a Norwegian company.

River Chenab would be completely dried up if the construction of the project would go ahead. Experts believe that if the construction is not stopped then the Pakistani economy specially the Agriculture sector would be completely destroyed.

All Pakistanis start preparing for GHAZWA-E-HIND ( The Battle of Hind ) :pakistan: :sniper:

India working to dry up river Chenab as well

India is planning to construct Swal Kot Dam. After the construction of the dam river Chenab would also dry up like Ravi. Swal Kot Dam is expected to be higher than Tarbela and Mangla. The height of the Swal Kot Dam is 646 feet and the storage capacity of Swal Kot Dam is expected to be 13 times higher than the disputed Baglihar Dam. In comparison the height of Tarbela is 485 feet while Mangla is 453 feet high. The project would cost $2 billion dollars and would produce 1200 MW of electricity.

Swal Kot Dam is being constructed on river Chenab near the district Doda and Udham Pur which is just 70miles away from Pakistan. The design of the dam has been prepared by a Norwegian company.

River Chenab would be completely dried up if the construction of the project would go ahead. Experts believe that if the construction is not stopped then the Pakistani economy specially the Agriculture sector would be completely destroyed.

All Pakistanis start preparing for GHAZWA-E-HIND ( The Battle of Hind ) :pakistan: :sniper:


Pakistan has no business in this as long as it gets Enough water, Even if dosent get, It cannot do anything, so its better for pakistan not to provoke India anymore.
Pakistan has no business in this as long as it gets Enough water, Even if dosent get, It cannot do anything, so its better for pakistan not to provoke India anymore.

If people start dieing, don't expect us to sit and do nothing.
If people start dieing, don't expect us to sit and do nothing.

Your people are safe..... You have been getting water, by consructing dams, we are not gonna halt water, we will give pakistan water... Its not to divert, its for generating power which will help the locals a lot...

So make an issue when there is problem, not before that... Thank you
Who wants water with its electricity content removed ? :lol:

awesome :rofl::rofl:

getting back to the topic ..

See, thats the problem with proxy wars.. They are not fought under the guidelines of any geneva convention of likes. The agenda there is always to hurt the other guy while staying below the threashold of a full scale war. And its denials and counter denials in front of the international body.

So Pakistan tries to make India hurt by supporting cross border terrorism in J&K (and now other parts of India) by non state actors. India uses any means available to it for hurting Pakistan right back.. Unfortunately such wars very quickly degenerate into a no rules game and crying foul is something that never yields any results..People on these forums with some legal background would know that there always are loopholes in any treaty document that can be exploited to interpret it in a way that suits one party against the other.. At the end of the day, just as Pakistan controls the flow on infiltrators into India and India can only protest or try and catch these buggers once they come into our boundary, India controls the flow of water into Pakistan and can use this leverage to turn the screws on it when needed..
just as Pakistan controls the flow on infiltrators into India and India can only protest or try and catch these buggers once they come into our boundary, India controls the flow of water into Pakistan and can use this leverage to turn the screws on it when needed..

Funny..So u believe India is trying to deprive Pak of its water to pressurise it ? Do u believe the amount spent ie 2 Billion dollars is for pressurising...:hitwall: What about the economic angle DUDE ?
Funny..So u believe India is trying to deprive Pak of its water to pressurise it ? Do u believe the amount spent ie 2 Billion dollars is for pressurising...:hitwall: What about the economic angle DUDE ?

2 birds with one stone I guess..

More than depriving its the threat of depriving that works. The key is to stay below the full scale war threashold. If India actually deprives Pakistan of its water and destroys the agri economy in the area, then the threashold is anyway crossed..
2 birds with one stone I guess..

More than depriving its the threat of depriving that works. The key is to stay below the full scale war threashold. If India actually deprives Pakistan of its water and destroys the agri economy in the area, then the threashold is anyway crossed..

then u have 3 birds....
the unemployed farmers will go the jehadi way and cross border to INDIA and eventually their quest to be with virgins in heaven :lol:
Five dams being built in <delete>occupied :angry: :blah: :blah: :blah:<delete> Kashmir

What about P0K - Pak infested Kashmir?
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Who wants water with its electricity content removed ? :lol:

reminds me of dialog from shool...hahahaha

this is just a propaganda started by the pak govt. to deviate people from the real problems out there...whenever there is an uprising in media about corruption and incompetence of govt. there, this indian angle is always brought up...funny thing is that their media also starts to play in the same line..
But shouldn't you be happy for your Kashmiri brethren? It will generate employment in Kashmir, provide electricity to the Kashmiris and they will prosper. You have been carrying the flag of Kashmiri independence for 62 years - can't you sacrifice a little water for them?
But shouldn't you be happy for your Kashmiri brethren? It will generate employment in Kashmir, provide electricity to the Kashmiris and they will prosper. You have been carrying the flag of Kashmiri independence for 62 years - can't you sacrifice a little water for them?

they never do any things for people of J&K, they want only waters that is the main reason till date the Kashmir issue...:devil:

They just tell we are brothers releations blah blah blah, but not give them electricity for their well fare...funny :hitwall:
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