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First tarawih prayer in Ayasofya Mosque after 88 years

Just couple days a go a Muslim woman exposed the hypocrisy of these thieves about the aqsa and haghia Sophia they told her not only haghia Sophia but we shall take all the mosques in India Armenia abd Spain then they wonder why the worlds hates them?!😂

Bhai leave the sect/ethno pride and go by Kitabullah , Quran ------.

But do keep in mind that those be returned to the locals in case they find religion consoling.

This is blatant muslim imperialism right there ------. Why cry when others return the favour?
That’s because they are hypocrite dogs don’t you know that the Islamists are the filthiest creatures in the world.

They’ve already done that and worse.
Our masjids in Spain, former Ottoman Empire territories, all over Europe and Palestine have been converted into churches, shops, bars, night clubs, temples and other stuff.
First they should hand over the control of those thousands of masjids back to us and allow them to be converted back to a masjid then we well give them Ayasofya. Until then it will stay a masjid.
You comparison is stupid because Konstantinia is Christian land invaded by ottomans while Spain is Christian land who was invaded by Muslims not liberated and returned to them the same with the Balkan and Iran and India they don’t owe you anything.
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Which prophet is buried in Aya Sofia again?

There is no comparison of Masjid e Nabawi S.A.W and Hagia Sophia

The most people compare it with is The Great Mosque of Córdoba
I'm trying to compare the significance it has to us in a way. Would you prefer if I said "Badshahi Mosque"?

You comparison is stupid because Konstantinia is Christian land invaded by ottomans while Spain is Christian land who was invaded by Muslims not liberated and returned to them the same with the Balkan and Iran and India they don’t owe you anything.
I tried to explain it to him about the Spanish Reconquista in another thread,but he wouldn't understand. He kept mentioning Alhambra no matter what I said.
I'm trying to compare the significance it has to us in a way. Would you prefer if I said "Badshahi Mosque"?
It was turned into a horse stable during non Muslim rule as a sign of insult to the mughals who made the mosque- so by all measures was handed a much worse treatment than hagia Sofia
I'm trying to compare the significance it has to us in a way. Would you prefer if I said "Badshahi Mosque"?

I tried to explain it to him about the Spanish Reconquista in another thread,but he wouldn't understand. He kept mentioning Alhambra no matter what I said.
Most of them is better to argue with a donkey then argue with them. I mean every body know the Christian in Spain liberated their land which was already Christian while Anatolia was never Turkish or Muslim so the comprising itself is false. Like comparing the Russian invasion of Ukraine to the fight against nazi Germany who invaded Russia but this time it’s Russia the aggressor.
They’ve already done that and worse.
Our masjids in Spain, former Ottoman Empire territories, all over Europe and Palestine have been converted into churches, shops, bars, night clubs, temples and other stuff.
First they should hand over the control of those thousands of masjids back to us and allow them to be converted back to a masjid then we well give them Ayasofya. Until then it will stay a masjid.
ITS not our way never will be you dont combat fire with fire who turned and tarnished mosques are in hell right now or will be soon doing the same evil act wont balance it out it will only bring more hate
They’ve already done that and worse.
Our masjids in Spain, former Ottoman Empire territories, all over Europe and Palestine have been converted into churches, shops, bars, night clubs, temples and other stuff.
First they should hand over the control of those thousands of masjids back to us and allow them to be converted back to a masjid then we well give them Ayasofya. Until then it will stay a masjid.
How many thousands of Masjids?
My knowledge in Ottoman Empire rule over european part is cursory.
Balkan was in strong control, many countries were vassal states, countries passed hands also.

Hagia Sofia built over 1500 years ago is very sacred to orthodox Christians and as sacred as Most Holy places in Islam.
In coming world War with western civilization, Eastern Orthodox Church which has strong presence in Russia may be one strong ALLY.

Why are mental slaves of west always out to somehow appease the west?? Give them aya sofia, give them this, give then that... They will hate u even if u give them ur house and all. Why always muslims will give gestures??? Why not for once demand from them to give gesture? Guess what, they dont give a damn.
As long as this meek and slave mentality remains, we will be slaves. I dont expect Pakistan to ever come out of slavery because most are mental slaves and lack the honor that nations like afghan and iran have.
How many thousands of Masjids?
My knowledge in Ottoman Empire rule over european part is cursory.
Balkan was in strong control, many countries were vassal states, countries passed hands also.

Hagia Sofia built over 1500 years ago is very sacred to orthodox Christians and as sacred as Most Holy places in Islam.
In coming world War with western civilization, Eastern Orthodox Church which has strong presence in Russia may be one strong ALLY.

View attachment 829658

Most Muslims nations are in Alliance with the Western Roman Catholics.

Muslims are taking help of the Western Roman Catholics to defeat the Orthodox Christians.
Why are mental slaves of west always out to somehow appease the west?? Give them aya sofia, give them this, give then that... They will hate u even if u give them ur house and all. Why always muslims will give gestures??? Why not for once demand from them to give gesture? Guess what, they dont give a damn.
As long as this meek and slave mentality remains, we will be slaves. I dont expect Pakistan to ever come out of slavery because most are mental slaves and lack the honor that nations like afghan and iran have.
the honour they have is one is a base for international terrorism and the other is also a base for international terrorism + sponsering terrorism
Like @imadul said,it's very sacred to us. But not just that,it's also a symbol. It's like turning the Notre Damme into a mosque or the Basilica of Saint Peter in Rome. Can you imagine that?

Erdogan built the Camlica mosque right across the Bosphorus. It's a huge mosque. And even though he built that and other mosques,he converted Agia Sofia into a mosque again. Why? For two reasons: To destroy Ataturk's legacy,because Ataturk turned Agia Sofia into a museum and that way he also defies the Kemalists. The other reason is for votes. He tries to get the vote and sympathy of the conservative muslims and and all those who want a return to the Ottoman past.

Also,Russia isn't the only Eastern Orthodox country in the world:


Agia Sofia is a symbol for all these people. And you could say for some romantic Catholics as well.
Hagia Sofia was very sacred to orthodox Christianity and should be returned to them. Although it is claimed it was bought by Sultan Mihammad Fateh but defeated ones are not choosers. Muslims need an alliance with orthodox Christianity and return of Hagia Sofia to them shall be massive gesture.
agree and its also against Shariah to turn other religious sites into Masjid!
Hagia Sofia was very sacred to orthodox Christianity and should be returned to them. Although it is claimed it was bought by Sultan Mihammad Fateh but defeated ones are not choosers. Muslims need an alliance with orthodox Christianity and return of Hagia Sofia to them shall be massive gesture.

should stop listen to that priest imran hussaovic....

He even defended armenian against Azerbajdians, he is nothing but toilet paper.
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