Which surely is one of the good things he does or brought in, but it's only worth it, if there is substance behind it! You have to look at the delays the PM causes in defence modernisation, just to push his economic agenda. At the end of the day, the performance and security of our forces, especially in these extreem conditions are bound on the arms and techs they have and not only by a moral boost that politicans give. The LUH that IA is asking for, are specifically aimed on the use in high altitude areas, so by delaying that important procurement, he is not adding substance to the moral boost. And we can see the same difference bettween the obvious PR and the results on several recent occasions, like the foreign trips to Japan or US, which both had huge PR parts for the public, but very low substance on the political level. So you have to look beyond the PR too and judge the actual performance of the PM and the new government, to see if things get better or worse. Give him credit for the moral boost, but also criticize for the bad things that happens and don't!