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first pic of indian spy RAM BAHAR arrested in parachanar by ISI

I understand. I know you are a reasonable guy for the most part. With that being said, dominated is rather strong word that I disagree with, as they rarely had control over many parts of India. I think "influenced" would be a better word. I do think there are some parts of the subcontinent where dominated would be more accurate, but not for most of the modern ROI.

Anyway, as I said, this is mostly a troll thread as there is no way to prove Mr. Bahar is a RAW agent, so don't take comments here so hard.

BTW, does anyone here think Mr. Bahar looks about the same age as Mr. Habib?
and these are not Indian spy how cute you're @Cobra Arbok spreading/sponsoring terrorism in pakistan @Cobra Arbok

Jai terrorist HIND @Cobra Arbok

we release hundreds of such pakistani citizen who either unknowingly wander in indian border or overstay jumping the visa limits .
give us proof not just in your blabbering @GHALIB :)
from muslim first theory ,
all churas and low caste who converted to masihis ,
ruled this world for many centuries along with queen victoria .........:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

You guys sure are a strange bunch.
His physical condition and looks tells he is a ordinary man. But India Pakistan animosity and brutal torture by isi will makes him admit he indeed was a Spy. Humanity have lost to state interest .

An ordinary Indian man has no business being in Parachinar, which is on the western border of Pakistan.

There are two possibilities,

Either he was working in Afghanistan( was kidnapped and pushed into Pakistan) or he is most probably a spy.
First decide either he is Indian or not? Batter not make u-turn like Kalboshan? So, tell me is he Indian or not?

he may be indian or may be poor pakistani dalit hindu from thar ,mirpur or tharpakar .
dosnt seems like an Officer to me
He is not an officer. He is a big bad Zionist space force commander who causes bomb blasts in Balochistan by snapping his fingers. Its a good thing ISI arrested him.
He is not an officer. He is a big bad Zionist space force commander who causes bomb blasts in Balochistan by snapping his fingers. Its a good thing ISI arrested him.
maybe he is lower caste dalit who was forced to do dirty work of Indian regime

He was a terrorist... Cornered and collared by locals...

Last night I watched "raazi' movie... and believe me my heart is still feeling the dual pain of loosing Atal Ji and the story of sehmat... going through each and every material available over internet... some are mentioned below:

“I knocked at her door, she opened it, and I said I’m so-and-so. I used my rank (Lieutenant Commander) as well. Very politely, but very firmly, she said, ‘I don’t want to discuss’ and went inside. Before going in she said sorry and then she shut the door. I sat outside with a bottle of water in my hand. At about 4:45 pm, she opened the door again and saw me sitting outside. She said, ‘Please come in.’ And that is when she spoke in bits and pieces.

“I asked her, ‘Why are you here?

“She said, ‘Because Abdul lived here.’

“‘Who was Abdul?’

“She said, ‘He was their (her Pakistan family) most favourite servant’.

“‘What happened to him?’

“‘He died.’ ‘How did he die?’

“‘I crushed him under a truck.’

“Now, that lady – god willing, you will see her poster in the near future – her hands are incapable of killing even a mosquito!”


“Here’s this Kashmiri woman who fought for her country. When I spoke to Dr Farooq Abdullah about her he said, ‘You want one Sehmat? You will find thousands in Srinagar."

Extracts from Quint...

IF any Indian or Pakistani member have further info... i would love to read about that...

You are trained, but you are left to fend for yourself. That’s the job. The nation can’t be embarrassed if you are caught. You are disowned.
Bollywood was never epitome of Truth dont take movies seriously they are just for entertainment purposes
So what he is doing in our remote area?

Trust ISI and they know where all snakes are and they are Markhor
I don't know maybe he got lost? He looks pretty old, maybe he is losing it like this man below:

You should pat ISI on the back for arresting an old man.

maybe he is lower caste dalit who was forced to do dirty work of Indian regime

Bollywood was never epitome of Truth dont take movies seriously they are just for entertainment purposes
Nope he is a member of the Zionist space force
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