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first pic of indian spy RAM BAHAR arrested in parachanar by ISI

what is azmal?

this man azmal qassai

aise so called spy to india me dher sare pare hain. every year we release them . you will release him soon.
Bro What was he doing in Para chinaar thats the point. If they had caught him from Rahimyaar khan or Sialkot etc it could have been argued he strayed from Indian border. But go check out the Geography of the region from where he is caught you will see the obvious something is fishy.
If he was an Indian Civilian running from Current chaos in Afghanistan he should have gone straight to Pakistan Security forces border post and handed himself over with his legal documents with a plea for safe passage to his country. surely he would have been taken up to authorities and allowed to go to India. We are not North Korea. This story is Fishy he is definitely no civilian from the looks of things. Lets see what comes out of this story
Bro What was he doing in Para chinaar thats the point. If they had caught him from Rahimyaar khan or Sialkot etc it could have been argued he strayed from Indian border. But go check out the Geography of the region from where he is caught you will see the obvious something is fishy.
If he was an Indian Civilian running from Current chaos in Afghanistan he should have gone straight to Pakistan Security forces border post and handed himself over with his legal documents with a plea for safe passage to his country. surely he would have been taken up to authorities and allowed to go to India. We are not North Korea. This story is Fishy he is definitely no civilian from the looks of things. Lets see what comes out of this story

he looks to be from labour class and mentally deranged person wandered from may be afghanistan .if he is spy or spy master authorities will soon find out .
he is not like locals , he can be singled out in a moment . any way big success for your agency they got hold of a neem pagal insan .:enjoy:
why you assume he is slightly mad person @GHALIB :what: because of his face expression @GHALIB o_O and you're in Afghanistan and Iran and you're free to send Indian spy's to destabilize/promoting/sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan @GHALIB :enjoy:
Jai Terrorist HIND @GHALIB ;):enjoy:
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