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nop...Looking at India's track record of lying and deception...certainly not...

well said sir but its the norm almost in every age but this time you dont have depth to conceal yours and owr superiorty in both Radars and Sat cover tell what your doing but the same cant be said about India

when time comes youl be more than surprised ...there are quite a few rabbits in DRDO's hat than what most members love to beleve here on PDF
Pakistan and India are bound by Contract to notify each other of missile tests

notifying does not mean that every detail would be given. and when it is about testing missiles. Merchant Ships are informed in a short notice.
well said sir but its the norm almost in every age but this time you dont have depth to conceal yours and owr superiorty in both Radars and Sat cover tell what your doing but the same cant be said about India

when time comes youl be more than surprised ...there are quite a few rabbits in DRDO's hat than what most members love to beleve here on PDF

Sir, radars and satellites can only detect and monitor so much, they can't exactly see what's happening inside a warehouse, garage or a shed.....and while DRDO may be breeding Rabbits believe me other countries are not exactly growing Gajjar Moli in their laboratories. !!
Sir, radars and satellites can only detect and monitor so much, they can't exactly see what's happening inside a warehouse, garage or a shed.....and while DRDO may be breeding Rabbits believe me other countries are not exactly growing Gajjar Moli in their laboratories. !!

Sucker punch
Sir, radars and satellites can only detect and monitor so much, they can't exactly see what's happening inside a warehouse, garage or a shed.....and while DRDO may be breeding Rabbits believe me other countries are not exactly growing Gajjar Moli in their laboratories. !!

then how come world was unaware about our nuclear test, where else India knew about you doing Test. Thats why we chose the perfect dates just before you ;)
Range depends on what type of Trajectory they select...and the warhead..
with warhead size increasing the range decreases...
Same is for trajectory...
If its a re-entry trajectory then range will be greater..If its a Depressed trajectory where the missile flies all the way inside the atmosphere..Consumes more fuel and trajectory Decreases...

(When will Indian members learn to give a proper answer instead of throwing rants..)

Sorry for the inappropriate comments from my countrymen .They must have thought that jammer was trolling as usual .

Here is the Range v/s Payload Diagram for K15.

Is SLBM on the list of telling Pakistan When India is going to test a ballistic missile?

I'm asking because You all were saying DRDO secretly tested these BM before and never told anyone.

Thats a good point. Not sure anyone here can answer it.
so according to this contract, are they supposed to tell what missile is going to be tested.
This is the real stuff. I hope our Chinese members here spread the news and yes go to ur fancy toilets.
What took off from under the surface was actually a dual purpose hi tech toilet! Imagine the crap it'll spread on Shanghai when it explodes!! :woot: And produce a bl00dy great stink too!
Jeeez! :lol:
may be you are right. but note that Prithvi is also used in missile defence tests as target missile. also K-series was already tested before and was announced , only missing was Pics/video!

What I mean is that so called Prithvi tests are used as a cover for many other missile tests including SLBM test. If something goes up in bay of bengal and if people ask (esp Americans with their satellite will know. Also we have to inform pakistan of every ballistic projectile that goes up) they have to say something. How many of those 14 successful tests for K15 are unaccounted for i.e. never announced. And how many random Prithvi tests have we seen in the recent past. There will never be a official confirmation but you can connect the dots.

I think all the ABM tests are accounted for. They always announced when they are doing the ABM so they don't need a cover for that.
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