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First ever pics of Arihant, Arighat and Chakra parked close to each other!

why need subs when you have brahamos?
Brahmos is much weak missile than you think
Brahmos is much weak missile than you think
but current world can be defeated using this ancient technology.
Good you earned your 5 cent paycheck. Good job!
says a less then $2 a day bhariti
but current world can be defeated using this ancient technology.
Good for you
See how the Northern Hindi portrayed you Tamil as... BARBARIANS.

Do you have any idea about the history of the Kingdom, place or characters mentioned in the movie. If you don't know you should not make such stupid & vague comment. Mahishmati is supposed to be in Central India Madhya Pradesh somewhere near Narmada river. The dark army depicted as enemies in the movie are Kalakeyas. These people are basically from the region of J & K.

Kashmir, the northern Himalayan region of the Indian subcontinent got its name from Kashyapa Rishi. The name Kashmir, is shortened form of "Kashyapa Mir" or the "lake of the sage Kashyapa", or alternatively derived from "Kashyapa Meru" the sacred mountains of Kashyapa.

Kalaka and Puloma were married to Kashyapa. The Kalakeyas were the descendants of Kalaka. The Kalakeyas and the Paulomas defended the great city of gold, Hiranyapura. Hiranyapura was a floating celestial sky-city created by Brahma as a boon granted to Kalaka and Puloma to protect their children. Hiranyapura was a city in the present day Jammu and Kashmir. Almost all characters played in the movies are also South Indians. The best part is there are hardly any Northern Hindi who played any character in the movie too. Another truth for you is, the movie was actually made in Telugu. So kindly explain to me where does the Tamil come here & your foolish statement the Northern Hindi portrayal of Tamil barbarians. Tamil has nothing to do with the story or the actual characters.

Please don't worry about Tamil. There is no issue with Tamil. I have already explained in another thread the reality of Tamil separatism which most Pakistanis & people like you fan as separatist movement in India. Many Pakistanis talk about it not even knowing the ground reality.
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In fact, india Navy is underachieved. Domestic carrier project struggle, domestic scorpene project is very slow. Many of the sub system needed to procure from over seas like gas turbine engine, missile system and radar/fire control.

The missile range carry by Indian SSBN is pathetic short. India Navy global projection is still very limited. Large replenishment ship and amphibious ships are far cry from the number required.

And subs are loud
I do not choose any names for anyone. Actually I can read urdu, learnt it almost 14 years back. So that's what his urdu name reads. Shaheen mizzail or anglicised version shaheen missile.

Hi, since when Mishras started learning urdu ?

We belong to team Sanskrit :p
Why are you feeding trolls? If you've any point, kindly categorically answer based on facts. Please do not ruin my thread with this trolls. There are umpteen number of threads gone waste to trolls.
As for tamil I really like the language and culture. Either this guy doesn't know or he's fed a lot of propaganda. Either ways, this thread is strictly about Arihant, I'm sure there are plethora of threads where he can troll.

Just ignore him bhai. I am in process of exposing him (as you can see it doesn't take much at all) for greater good as I see it.

Sorry your thread became somewhat a casualty because of his childishness. I will be careful to do this only in threads you did not start next time (I will check first since you requested me here).

In meantime just ignore him completely....and carry on with your much needed analysis.
Great, you earn you 50 cent from your north Hindi master. :enjoy:

Tamil has no hope. All Tamil shall dropped tamil dravidian language and convert to Hindi sanskrit.

A foolish Tamil bend on destroying Tamil themselves. I pity u. :lol:

See how the Northern Hindi portrayed you Tamil as...


Oh. What an idiot we have in our midst......... :lol: Do you even know what that movie is and where it was made? It was a South Indian movie and the characters are all South Indians. Now if you think South Indians speak Sanskrit then I think what you speak is true.

For this very "intellectual" comments which the 50 cent army is very famous for, you do get a cent raise for this effort buddy.
Hi, since when Mishras started learning urdu ?

We belong to team Sanskrit :p
That's the mindset we need to change. So a Mishra can't learn urdu? I've learnt sanskrit formally for 3 years, among other languages I can read and write hindi, urdu, English and German (B2 level). Urdu is easier to read and write if you know nashtaliq script. It's basically hindi written in nashtaliq script- of course with a lot of Persian and Arabic words. Urdu once upon a time used to be dominated by Persian (a sister language to our own sanskrit), however radicalisation in Pakistani society has replaced a lot of Persian root words with Arabic.
As for tamil, it is another great language of our country -almost as old as sanskrit and still in use. What I like most about tamil is, it is still in continuous use for almost 3000-5000 years (if you go by archaeological records) of course the language itself has undergone a lot of changes.
That's the mindset we need to change. So a Mishra can't learn urdu? I've learnt sanskrit formally for 3 years, among other languages I can read and write hindi, urdu, English and German (B2 level). Urdu is easier to read and write if you know nashtaliq script. It's basically hindi written in nashtaliq script- of course with a lot of Persian and Arabic words. Urdu once upon a time used to be dominated by Persian (a sister language to our own sanskrit), however radicalisation in Pakistani society has replaced a lot of Persian root words with Arabic.
As for tamil, it is another great language of our country -almost as old as sanskrit and still in use. What I like most about tamil is, it is still in continuous use for almost 3000-5000 years (if you go by archaeological records) of course the language itself has undergone a lot of changes.

"Almost as old"...well depends where you start to define the language as Tamil :) ...this is a long debate in itself.

Obviously tamilakam/sangam era Tamil came from somewhere (something pre-existed it, often referred to as "Proto Dravidian" which was not written down and thus offers no real snapshot of how it sounded/performed unlike Vedic Sanskrit which predated writing but was conveyed mouth to mouth "as is").

Increasingly its found the Dravidian languages influenced Sanskrit in various ways too (only natural if you think about it).

Yes Tamil has underwent its own evolution and changes present in any language spoken today. But if you take the oldest stuff, a fluent Tamil person can still get the meaning of it generally....because root cognates (especially those that make Tamil and Dravidian very distinct to any other language family) have not changed all that much ..though its true some have fallen out of use/favour and would need the proper study that missionaries like Beschi and G.U Pope obviously did quite thoroughly. In fact Pope's english translation of Manikavacakar's (my favourite saivite poet who's name literally means "ruby-reader") magnus opus is quite astonishing quality.

He deserves every bit of that statue he has in Marina beach and much much more imo....for that devotion and ultimate mastery of what must have been a very strange and foreign tongue....and the very gracious merging that would have been needed of his own concept of God (given he was Christian missionary) with that of the one he was translating.

@Joe Shearer @Atlas @M. Sarmad
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To deliver it...
why submarine, when you have 8th gen tejas to delive
why submarine, when you have 8th gen tejas to delive

Tejas cannot carry BRAHMOS... MKI is the only IAF jet which can carry it... so...
why submarine, when you have 8th gen tejas to delive

You Pakistanis claim JF17 far better than Tejas. Then what generation will it be 8.5 or 9th.

Just wait till March end, let's see if your JF17 participates in the Malaysian Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition (19/03/2019 to 24/03/2019). we will come to know the reality if both come face to face & gets some neutral assessment by experts. Pray it doesn't turn all your heroic claims into utter humiliation

Hope Pakistan don't make any excuse not to send it's fighter to avoid getting exposed. But I think this time you people will be in a fix, as this is not just a airshow. Malaysia want finalize on a single jet fighter for placing an order from the show, so you have no choice but to send your fighter.

Apart from price, the present JF17 is a basic plane with capabilities at-least 3 decades older & it's your front line fighter. At-least Tejas is not our front line fighter, it's only a support fighter to defend our borders. Even the low combat radius you people jump about is not an issue as it's not for deep penetration. We have a list of other fighters for that role.

I am thinking how people here going to come to terms if it's declared inferior to Tejas being your front line fighter. Imagine if you can't match Tejas, how you going to face MIG 29's, Jaguar's, Su30's, Rafael's, etc.

Good Luck. Once again - India don't have this worry even if Tejas is declared inferior to JF17 as it's not our front-line fighter.
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