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Firing during PTI elections injures three


Feb 2, 2007
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LAHORE: At least three people were injured in Lahore in a firing incident during the Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaaf’s (PTI) intra-party elections held on Monday whereas police arrested eight suspects accused if disrupting law and order, DawnNews reported.

The incident occurred when an argument erupted between two contending groups of the PTI, both of whom accused each other of rigging the intra-party polls.

Firing during PTI elections injures three | Pakistan | DAWN.COM
Ganja is sh!tting his pants right now so of course he will try to do everything possible to stop PTI.
Fortunately he is not very smart and his only ideas are cheap ploys like shootings, slandering, and lying.
All ploys the public will see through.
The incident occurred when an argument erupted between two contending groups of the PTI, both of whom accused each other of rigging the intra-party polls.

A example of what may happen if PTI comes to power? Perhaps not, but it should be sobering to PTI members --
Who is idealogical PTI group , & who is mian manzoor cause his group was reported shooting the other group?
Use of arms & PTI???
Or PTI is becoming mainstream party?

Fcuk this type of mainstream party- we have dozens of their likes already-
What Change IK proposes he should start from within his own party-

A person who cannot control his own party should not think of controlling a country ever-
Sh!t we are doomed- who else?- :cry:-
Fcuk this type of mainstream party- we have dozens of their likes already-
What Change IK proposes he should start from within his own party-

A person who cannot control his own party should not think of controlling a country ever-
Sh!t we are doomed- who else?- :cry:-

Cool down bro, more propaganda to come from Noora league and one can expect this in Lahore, because PTI is threat for them,and denting their politics. Noora league will play every cheap shot and we should ready for this.
Cool down bro, more propaganda to come from Noora league and one can expect this in Lahore, because PTI is threat for them,and denting their politics. Noora league will play every cheap shot and we should ready for this.

Zardari is there to talk bussiness with nawaz,why should they be affraid of PTI?
Even yesterday IK himself has accepted that 4 EC provancial members are been from muk-muka mafia?
If its really the situation,that means PMLn & PPP hve their Elections already decided? Its just how to keep all the things under control?
Above everything PTI still un-opposing the punjab local admin which is handpicked by PMLn & PPP & can bring the desired results from both of them?
Why couldn't PTI cameout with some dharna in front of Punjab EC office just like in sindh?
Its called unsensable politiCs?
I think, its about time cracks started Emerging within PTI, & its going to hurt them bad?
Cause of the wrong timmings of the intra-party polls???
Why couuldnt PTI not have done that a year ago, still a very loud question ,which wasn't been answered till now by PTI leadership?
Zardari is there to talk bussiness with nawaz,why should they be affraid of PTI?
Even yesterday IK himself has accepted that 4 EC provancial members are been from muk-muka mafia?
If its really the situation,that means PMLn & PPP hve their Elections already decided? Its just how to keep all the things under control?
Above everything PTI still un-opposing the punjab local admin which is handpicked by PMLn & PPP & can bring the desired results from both of them?
Why couldn't PTI cameout with some dharna in front of Punjab EC office just like in sindh?
Its called unsensable politiCs?
I think, its about time cracks started Emerging within PTI, & its going to hurt them bad?
Cause of the wrong timmings of the intra-party polls???
Why couuldnt PTI not have done that a year ago, still a very loud question ,which wasn't been answered till now by PTI leadership?

My point was that PTI election is in process all over Pakistan more than 100 cities, this incident happened only in Lahore , its surely propaganda and cheap shot by noora league.
yeah your second thought is justifiable.Yeah 4 members are mukmukka, already planning for the rigging. We already saw the credibility of the election commission in recently Punjab elections, where they had done vast rigging in Punjab.
I also agree that intra-party polls are too late now. Anyway, Imran khan has promised to complete it on 16th march.
15 January was the best timing for dharna, Maybe PTI is waiting for the decision of Supreme court. PTI has to accept decision of supreme , if decision favors for 4 members, PTI has two choices, accept the decision of Supreme court,and participate in pre rigged election or dharna in all over Pakistan .
My point was that PTI election is in process all over Pakistan more than 100 cities, this incident happened only in Lahore , its surely propaganda and cheap shot by noora league.
yeah your second thought is justifiable.Yeah 4 members are mukmukka, already planning for the rigging. We already saw the credibility of the election commission in recently Punjab elections, where they had done vast rigging in Punjab.
I also agree that intra-party polls are too late now. Anyway, Imran khan has promised to complete it on 16th march.
15 January was the best timing for dharna, Maybe PTI is waiting for the decision of Supreme court. PTI has to accept decision of supreme , if decision favors for 4 members, PTI has two choices, accept the decision of Supreme court,and participate in pre rigged election or dharna in all over Pakistan .

Dear friend,
Its the leadership flaw here,what we are talking?
It happend at sabza-zar downtown lahore!
Mian manzoor is a well known figure older gruds of PTIans,u can call the police station there cause aressts are made & can confrim the injureds?
As seen till now PMLn is vry carefull to not to start voilent confronttation with PTI in punjab rightly,cause it will make them use of police force which can cause them a real drawback in the eyes of media?
Again & again, I always tried to express the fact IK isn't a politician , all he has is a litreture of democracy from england & a shattered hiistory of pakistani politics?
He still is week players when it, comes to organization?
What he is trying now, should hve tried a year ago,cause if that experiment had failed a year ago,he could hve some option still left?
Bt with 15 or 16 jan, as a deadline, Sure it will bring a lot of dejected PTIans out of PTI?
Will it goes inthe favour of PTI ?no
So its basicly wrong judgment by IK, which will make him stand at same place where he was back in 2002 or 2008?
Which means boycote the elections or be defeated once & for all? End of change game? Another 5 more croupt & drak years of damo-crazy by PMLn or PPP?
Just because of a foolish political mistake by IK?
Which whole nation willbe pAying again with their blood & money ?
With this firing incident PTI is in Guinness book of world.
Party elections. :rofl:
PTI= PAKISTAN TWITTER INITATIVE is good only on E-MEDIA! firing in intra party elections what will they do when they get to the main elections!
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