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Firing between Pak-Afghan forces at Torkham border

Wrong time for payback......Afghanistan army struggled in tackling paramilitary FC, any battle with regular army will be ruinous for them. This Raheel Shareef is a very ruthless general, as evident from devastation in North Waziristan by zarb-e-azab......this provocation from Afghanistan, he wont let it go without retaliation.

Most people join ANA to bring food to the table for their families. Its far from resembling a professional army and I have no doubt Pakistani army will rout them in a conventional war due to more rescources, numbers, training etc. Everyone knows this. Maybe Afghanistan wants Pakistan to retaliate so they can get more sympathy from international community and also bring the Afghan Taliban on their side. It will be interesting to see the stance of Afghan Taliban if things do escalate further (hopefully not ).
Of course not. Waving war **** doesn't prove anything. At the same time, Pakistan's educators have stated that Pakistanis don't have the right to judge the conflict between Israel and Palestine, as a matter of national loyalty, so your criticisms of Zionists are quite empty.

I am not criticising actually quite the opposite, just showing the hypocrisy. Those who lecture us to go to UNSC have always resorted to use of brute force.

When Americans leave Pakistanis to their own devices in the face of violence, is that not referred to as "abandonment"? You can't have it both ways.

Pakistanis are well aware of the dual face hypocrisy of the US since the 90s. The problem with you people is your selective approach towards Pakistan. You only engage Pakistan when it suits you or when you want to take on matters of so called concern like why Pakistan is building battle field nukes however chose to ignore everything the other party has to say like the conventional imbalance that is further fuelled by military hardware being offered to India yet denied the same to Pakistan. It doesnt work like that maybe in the past but not now.
Most people join ANA to bring food to the table for their families. Its far from resembling a professional army and I have no doubt Pakistani army will rout them in a conventional war due to more rescources, numbers, training etc. Everyone knows this. Maybe Afghanistan wants Pakistan to retaliate so they can get more sympathy from international community and also bring the Afghan Taliban on their side. It will be interesting to see the stance of Afghan Taliban if things do escalate further (hopefully not ).

If you believe twitter then a number of bearded Afghan Tali commanders have voiced their support to defend against Pakistani aggression :P
Most people join ANA to bring food to the table for their families. Its far from resembling a professional army and I have no doubt Pakistani army will rout them in a conventional war due to more rescources, numbers, training etc. Everyone knows this. Maybe Afghanistan wants Pakistan to retaliate so they can get more sympathy from international community and also bring the Afghan Taliban on their side. It will be interesting to see the stance of Afghan Taliban if things do escalate further (hopefully not ).

Previous pages I think there was a report stating by the afghan Taliban commander that they were siding with you guys bcz they also don't want the gates. Don't know on ground. They haven't tried to take advantage of the situation.
Most people join ANA to bring food to the table for their families. Its far from resembling a professional army and I have no doubt Pakistani army will rout them in a conventional war due to more rescources, numbers, training etc. Everyone knows this. Maybe Afghanistan wants Pakistan to retaliate so they can get more sympathy from international community and also bring the Afghan Taliban on their side. It will be interesting to see the stance of Afghan Taliban if things do escalate further (hopefully not ).

A Taliban commander allegedly showing solidarity with Afghan forces over Torkham issue

If you believe twitter then a number of bearded Afghan Tali commanders have voiced their support to defend against Pakistani aggression :P

Point. Bcz if one believes twitter than we have lost three tanks, fifty soldiers and some territory. Amazingly its being reported by Indians mostly. :p :p :p

An announcement from the Taliban is what would decide this. Has there been any announcement from them? Or anything apart from twitter.
If you believe twitter then a number of bearded Afghan Tali commanders have voiced their support to defend against Pakistani aggression :P
They might be angry due to role of Pakistan in Mullah Mansoor's death
A Taliban commander allegedly showing solidarity with Afghan forces over Torkham issue


I think Ghani want to Unite Afghanistan with war against Pakistan.. Good trick but we have to look how long it can last..
Hello All
Just look at some reasons of latest Afghans aggressions on our country and innocent civilians living near border , well there must be some , there or there's masters if you like to say .

1 . According to RT tv the illegal drugs trade of Afghanistan is around 60 billion Us $$$$$$ yeh man that right 60 billion so if we build a fence on border and monitor every movement , that means no smuggling or it will make it very hard and that much (60 billion) worth of business will almost end .
Now who is the beneficiary of this trade , you guess it right the one and only CIA and Afghan warlords (in current Govt In Kabul) . That's also explain Y USA IS SILENT ON THIS.
2. If fence is there with tight border control it will be hard for enemies of Pakistan to send terrorist in Pakistan and do terrorist activates , peaceful Pakistan means greater economy and that's what they don't want , Here In this case India joins USA and Afghanistan.
3 . They may already know Pakistan will not give extension to Afghan refuges , or sooner send them back , so they came out with this trick , first fight then talk and tell Pakistan we will stop fighting if you (Pakistan) allow Afghan refuges to stay in Pakistan for few more years . we don't need to be caerful here.
4 . It might sound silly but I think this time they think all world and regional powers will help them (may be they already backing them) powers like Iran , India . so why not they set some score with Pakistan , and for Iran and India (also USA blessing) CPEC is there target with destabilization and anti Pakistan or Ethnic unrest (civil war) .

Now for Afghans , The mad man who have mad father " the mad family" who killed innocent people in USA night club did not kill any military , don't get overexcited with the name LTGB community .

So what Come out from top is .

1 . Build the fence , close the boarder , apply strict visa policy , stop smuggling , and send all Afghan Refuges back home please no more extensions.

So the building fence is main thing here , just look at the benefits of sealing our border , Time has change now if it was not done in past so what , Foe me its never to late , The time has arrive , seal the boarder and send Afghans back home and have a peaceful , terror free , drugs free , economically and healthy Pakistan (remember its Afghans refuges who most of the time don't allow there children to have polio vaccine )
Thank you all
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Because i am an ethnic Afghan, so are they.

Thats some twisted version of history. Read the real history, Afghan people rejected Shah Shuja, the puppet of British. British accused Amir Abdul Rahman of giving support to insurgents in 1897's uprising, Hadda Mullah was from Afghanistan and most probably had received instructions from the Amir. Amir in his autobiography is unhappy about treaty Durand line. King Amanullah started third Anglo-Afghan war to reclaim the FATA area, Mehsuds and Wazirs rebelled against British due to encouragement from Afghans. Faqir of IPI was supported by Afghanistan.....the tribes would take shelter in Afghanistan whenever British would start operation against them...................and you have the audacity to lie that Afghanistan remained aloof ?......Bangal Khan Jogezai from Zhob, an anti-British chief, too asylum in Afghanistan in 1890s, do you even know that?.......

This only proves that Afghanistan was focused on getting land that had voted for Pakistan in his arrogance. As I said Durand line is the main source of conflict as is the Afghan refusal to accept the current boundaries between the 2 nations rather than Pakistan's percieved support to militants.

Shah Shuja by the way was supported by the Afghan people to an extent as was Dost Mohammad Khan-they opposed the British more and even were ready to accept Shuja as ruler at one point if he threw away British yolk, but that still does not mean they gave support to Pashtuns on the Pakistani side. In fact they were ignored and called traitors just because an Afghan King threw them away like tissue paper. How often are Pakistani pashtuns treated as Urduized and demonized for their loyalty to Pakistan? Aren't they called Dal-khor and insults made to Jinnah? Khushal Khan Khattak said things that were for his time and age. It proves nothing because the situation was different. Khushal Khan Khattak's words are a way to arm twist Pakistani pashtuns to give up their loyalty to Pakistan and strengthen the Afgha national stand

Both Shah Shuja and Dost Mohammad Khan were british puppets living in Luidhuana under British care and then sent to rule their kingdoms under their watchful eyes. Similarly Abdur Rehman Khan was a puppet too. What he wrote was to save his reputation as an Amir who sacrificed the southern lands. In reality he forever forfeited the southern lands just to save Kandahar and Kabul, otherwise Afghanistan would have a new master other than the Americans and Soviets.
Can someone please help me understand how did it all started. I tried reading the thread but could not understand fully. I saw on Twitter that Pakistan lost a Major and a Tank.
Solomon I have been taught in a Christian owned school outside the current boundaries of Pakistan and vouch for secularism in Pakistan. But even I can see that Israel has a draconian foreign policy, oppresses Palestinians and is America's blue eyed boy allowed to keep nukes while Iran and Pakistan are not.

This is a canard. The moment someone criticizes the state of Israel he is blamed to be acting due to what he has been taught by an Islamist system. This is incorrect and even jews have stood up to the state of Israel for the attrocities it commits. You will never pull away from Israel-I understand. But please don't tell me you have been taught by neo con system so you view Israel so positively.
Israel and its policy is not because they are strong but because they are weak. The Jews have gone through these atrocities and they know the horrors and pains hence they are afraid. To over come this they are going to do the same what they went through because this is what they know. They also know that these atrocities were done by those people who either belong to their own faith or followed the same (Bible).

They do not want themselves to be in the same situation hence they would go to what ever extreme they have to so that they may sleep in peace.

I would say this would have been the way if we (Muslims) would have suffered the same.

Though I do not approve of their policies and find them totally unethical.

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