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Firing between Pak-Afghan forces at Torkham border

I have No sympathy for ANA if they are at fault. I am not a blind Afghan nationalist. Do what is necessary from your side, God will judge between both sides.

I just don't want war in that region, Pashtuns have sufferedin enough for the past few decades. I am not saying others haven't but we are the biggest victims.

Someone needs to ask Karzais to stop boot licking those who are using Pashtuns and pressurizing ghani. This is not going to settle well. A full scale war may not commence but it is going to harden difficulties of Afghans on both sides. Just imagine only if we decide to ban flour transportation to Afghanistan from Pakistan?
time to break some bones...we never want a stone of their land un-turned but unfortunately they are not leaving any choice ... It is very unfortunate to see that Afghanistan attacking Pakistan... In their hour of need Pakistan always stood for them...
I wonder if curfew is imposed on the road in this video.......in our areas , curfew is automatically imposed whenever army caravan passes on the road, you have to stand still like a statue otherwise you will be shot.
What fact you want? Torkham is Pakistani territory. If we want to build checks and balances gate there then what right Afghanistan has to attack us and at the same time cry over alleged border infiltration?

It is time Pakistan should order sending back all Afghans to their home. Pakistan itself is finding it hard to accommodate own people . We tried everything to be friendly towards Afghanistan despite the fact that it was Afghanistan who opposed and refused to Accept Pakistan's independence.

Torkham is a Pakistani territory? :) You are being mistaken here my friend, Torkham is the name of a border crossing between Pakistan and Afghanistan, its not a place in Pakistan its a name for the border crossing, it's taken from Tor Gham, mean Black Sadness ( rough translation ). You see the facts are so convoluted over here and thus we see the so called facts from our perspective. I see the solution to this issue is an immediate ceasefire, calm heads sitting down and figuring what went wrong.
It isn't what Israel teaches. It's what it does. That's why it's so important for many political leaders - especially the corrupt, incompetent, and those bent on stealing from their own people - to hide Israel's excellent example of good world citizenship and ethical conduct. Because they pale by comparison to the Jewish State in charity, humanity, lawfulness, and equity. So much so that it many countries, including Pakistan, it's entirely permitted to slander the Jewish State yet practically forbidden to correct them.

I absolutely endorse your views about having a just and corruption free society for own people and "f* the rest of the world" attitude.

For that standing ovation to Israel!
oh bhai tu apna nawazharif pana apany pass rakh at least in this thread.
Bibi I didn't make that stupid argument in the first place. Baqi I can't stop you from posting your whatever ideas here so feel free.
Torkham is a Pakistani territory? :) You are being mistaken here my friend, Torkham is the name of a border crossing between Pakistan and Afghanistan, its not a place in Pakistan its a name for the border crossing, it's taken from Tor Gham, mean Black Sadness ( rough translation ). You see the facts are so convoluted over here and thus we see the so called facts from our perspective. I see the solution to this issue is an immediate ceasefire, calm heads sitting down and figuring what went wrong.
I believe she meant where the gate was being built.
The Brahmos that you wish for would be delivered in some days...Till then what would you do.
Idiots. They seem to be very excited for starting a war. Its like you buy toys for kids and they are eager to play with it. These shells are gonna fall on civilian population of Landi Kotal. There is too much gap between armies of Afghanistan and Pakistan, they dont seem to realize it. Afghan forces are rather too much aggressive in these clashes even though they are weak, i wonder why?.

Maybe they think its time to payback for this

They are idiots because they are too emotional. I don't honestly know what is going on behind the scenes.
Thats why we want to fence it because it is difficult to guard long border.
OMG are you really a major or a wanabe one? A-How can you fense clifs B-Whats the use of fencing if you can't even properly patrol it? BTW there is no fencing plan in the first place. Maybe a mental fart of someone on this thread but had that been possible, we would have done it long while ago #CommonSense.
I believe she meant where the gate was being built.

If Pakistan was building gates on her side of the terriotory then by all means, its your right and the ANSF shouldnt get involved, no need to esclate shit when the Talis are killing us both.

But since I dont have the actual facts on the ground, I would assume that the ANSF had ample reason to escalate ( if they shot first).

Anyways the shit has hit the fan now, only sensible thing to do is cease fire right away and let sane minds figure this one on over a cup of a tea, in an airconditioned room ;) ( cool minds make cool decisions :P
Someone needs to ask Karzais to stop boot licking those who are using Pashtuns and pressurizing ghani. This is not going to settle well. A full scale war may not commence but it is going to harden difficulties of Afghans on both sides. Just imagine only if we decide to ban flour transportation to Afghanistan from Pakistan?

You can't reason with some people, they will tell you "Rizq dainay wala Khuda hai" :)

Anyways Karzai is useless so he can't do anything. I doubt Ghani has anything to do with this episode, seems like a bunch of emotional soldiers wanted some action and now they will regret it.

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