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Firing between Pak-Afghan forces at Torkham border

I don't know the details.But it sound to me the Bharati are provoking Afghan to test the readyness ofthe Pakistani army with future Indo-Pak conflict in mind.
That is why para military forces are fighting them not the real deal Pak army but if it escalates then army would have to intervene and that would be disastrous if that happens gunships,missile,heavy artillery,SSG and what not will tear them apart.Whereas PAF is onhold if they really want fireworks in the end of the show.
Why the **** the Airforce is not bombing the routes to Torkham?
Cause it is an skirmish not a war.
Fun Fact: The road from Jalalabad to Torkham which these Afghan forces are using to get to the border was constructed by non other than our very own FWO :enjoy:
ahahahahaha:lol::lol: did FWO planted some kill switches in those roads for you know just in case?
Right now there are ex-diplomats (and probably diplomats, too) braying that Islam today is an exercise in hate. Seeking victory by arms before seeking a peaceful settlement will simply vindicate them.
They are not willing to backoff we tried negotiating with them they will continue the Loy Afghanistan agenda and we are not seeking victory we are exercising our right to fence our border and repel hostile forces after that we can seek UN,s help in ensuring proper demarcation of Durand line
Right now there are ex-diplomats (and probably diplomats, too) braying that Islam today is an exercise in hate. Seeking victory by arms before seeking a peaceful settlement will simply vindicate them.
Says the guy whose country has used war as a tool to further its interests each time. From Vietnam to Iraq. You want us to be introspective while you Americans never are. In our eyes you are protecting enemies of Pakistan, both India and Afghanistan. Once Americans leave we reserve the right to make chutney of the Afghans. Their hatred for us in fact as I witnessed on other forums outpaces that even India has for us.
Indeed it is under our control and i posted this news on the first day even before any media got wind of it

So we have captured afghan territory. Fort Shiraz and other few posts as you mentioned before on the first day. Let's hope sense prevails in afghanistan.
I don't know the details.But it sound to me the Bharati are provoking Afghan to test the readyness of the Pakistani army with future Indo-Pak conflict in mind.
They surely do but they are well aware of Pakistan readiness. They just want to divide attention. Pakistan don't use their main front line formations and equipment for Afghan border. Kasadar, FC and other paramilitary forces covers Afghan border. It's a distraction at most.
Indeed it is under our control and i posted this news on the first day even before any media got wind of it
We lost a major and the Afghans lost little. They need to be taught an enduring and painful lesson. I like other Pakistanis continue to think that Afghanistan is a pain in the *** for Pakistan.
We lost a major and the Afghans lost little. They need to be taught an enduring and painful lesson. I like other Pakistanis continue to think that Afghanistan is a pain in the *** for Pakistan.

Close border with Afghanistan for unlimited period



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