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Firing between Pak-Afghan forces at Torkham border

Are the Talibs supporting Afghan forces because of political loyalty or because their smuggling network is threatened?
Fencing stops undocumented flow of goods and people ofcourse taliban would be against it
Pretty reliable one ..

They have already deployed 2 Divisions army at the border..

We need quick mobilization of troops to deal with their new enforcements .

Yes and that's about 25000-50000 soldiers.. Thats a quarter of their army if they have deployed 50,000 men. They have gone mad.
Yes and that's about 25000-50000 soldiers.. Thats a quarter of their army if they have deployed 50,000 men. They have gone mad.

Golden Chance for Pakistan to cut Afghan Army to half , right at Torkham ..

and yes! they have clearly gone made and taking things to another level.

They don't know the consequences of this, if things escalate to another level ..
2 division is huge:unsure:.Hope it doesn't tun into full scale war.
even if it does they will lose their 2 divs they underestimate us (because of hashish obviously).
Just to give an insight here is an event from 2012 " Pakistani Special Forces Troops from elite Special Services Group entered 4 to 5 km deep inside Afghan borders from Lower Dir area in pursuit of militants. Afghan Forces opened fire in retaliation, 11 Afghan Soldiers were killed in the exchange of fire. Pakistan immediately withdrew without any casualties. Afghanistan also blamed SSG Commandos for taking away the body of a killed Afghan Army Major." If this company of SSG can do inside their territory imagine what we can do when we are inside our area to them.
Meanwhile the supporters of our ruling party
All i have is the word of you and you're contacts.
Give me something solid and in one hour i will start a social campaign but i need evidence
Looks like the main stream media in Afghanistan has really whipped up the passions of the Afghan public.

The outrage in Pakistan is very much limited to the social media so far.

The top headlines are still about korangi me paani ke kami ke khilaf ehtijaj
I noticed that too.....Afghans are really hyped and excited about the clash which they are calling "war"
Pakistan can ask for emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council.

That's not a bad idea and we may approach that if afghanistan really doesn't control itself. If you would look at previous posts you will find a lot of information about the gate. I will post another plan of the gate.


As you can see the disputed gate is on our side.

:lol: what a fakey. they are firing themselves this afghan reporter is acting like a hen/duck posing as if he is in the line of fire.

samandari stop your cheap copying pasting from your masters on facebook

I noticed that too.....Afghans are really hyped and excited about the clash which they are calling "war"

the donkeys can be driven by emotional fake speeches by ANA big headed morons
Looks like the main stream media in Afghanistan has really whipped up the passions of the Afghan public.

The outrage in Pakistan is very much limited to the social media so far.

The top headlines are still about korangi me paani ke kami ke khilaf ehtijaj

Agree, Pakistani media is doing a pathetic job of covering all this .. !! still after the loss of a Major .

Pathetic Stuff .. They got all the time for Bollywood Masala and Qandeel Balochs but no time for this !!!
But first the immediate threat needs to be countered to prevent another such adventure
Right now there are ex-diplomats (and probably diplomats, too) braying that Islam today is an exercise in hate. Seeking victory by arms before seeking a peaceful settlement will simply vindicate them.
:lol: what a fakey. they are firing themselves this afghan reporter is acting like a hen/duck posing as if he is in the line of fire.

samandari stop your cheap copying pasting from your masters on facebook
Better than the boring videos......

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