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Firing between Pak-Afghan forces at Torkham border

Not trolling or anything, but if you observe the trucks, they look empty :what:. Look at the flatbeds there aren't any troops in them. Looks as if they're trying intimidate by making it seem as if a large force has been mobilized.
If all but anything they've left Kabul vulnerable to militant attacks and a large part of Afghanistan.

It seems like some of the trucks have troops while others have weapons and stuff .
Not trolling or anything, but if you observe the trucks, they look empty :what:. Look at the flatbeds there aren't any troops in them. Looks as if they're trying intimidate by making it seem as if a large force has been mobilized.
If all but anything they've left Kabul vulnerable to militant attacks and a large part of Afghanistan.
You may just be right
This sounds like one of those circumstances when the U.N. can usefully bring in a handful of blue-helmets to certify (or not) that the border construction crossing is legit.

Durand line is internationally recognised border. If there is any need of blue caps, then its absolutely on afghan side.
Some of the trucks with troops while others have weapons and stuff .

Even Afghan media is reporting that heavy reinforcement of troops is arriving at the border from Kabul ..

Pakistan better be prepared to deal with these pests !!!
Ignore some of the media outlets, they have their own agenda and blow things out of proportion. Also ignore all the idiots who are cheering the deaths on either side, they are idiots of the highest order.

We need a Jirga meeting right now, this is unacceptable, fighting in Ramadhan and brothers killing brothers.

Ofcourse You have the right to build within your borders and no one is disputing that. I wonder which munafiq instigated this whole episode and us Pashtuns on both sides have to suffer :(

I grew up among Afghan refugees living in my city Peshawar so for me the most painful thing would be sufferings of poor Afghan Pashtuns in Pakistan as refugees. Trust me the gilumjami or for that matter majority Persian speaking Afghan refugees in Pakistan are elite class and enjoying luxuries the way they were in Kabul while Pashtun refugees are the most poor as they were in Afghanistan.

ANA is a bunch of munafiqs who can sacrifice Pashtuns for even a single TATA Bus.
Meanwhile the supporters of our ruling party
A Taliban commander allegedly showing solidarity with Afghan forces over Torkham issue
Are the Talibs supporting Afghan forces because of political loyalty or because their smuggling network is threatened?
Are the Talibs supporting Afghan forces because of political loyalty or because their smuggling network is threatened?

They do not have political loyalty. For them closure of routes they use for cross border terrorism is the biggest concern

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