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Firing at a Gurudwara in US, several people shot

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According to CNN, the killer was wearing 9/11 tattoos. So, is it possible that he went after Sikh instead of Muslims?
I like how some people are saying they were probably mistaken for Muslims. So if the shooter attacked a mosque, it would be perfectly ok?
No buddy its not. But these psychopaths when believe something, no one can change their view. May be that person wanted to kill Muslims just coz of same old reasons or Sikhs for taking jobs in US. Possibilities are millions. He might have attacked considering them just Indian, not Sikh specifically considering Indians are taking away their jobs. He may have reason to blame anyone. So its hard to determine what was his motive until investigation is over.

FBI has been called early, things will be clear soon.
Can't believe! Jews also keep beard.
I hope you are joking - you mad man.

Nah man i am serious, just preparing my vest with bombs. You will hear the news in nxt 30 mins.

Your posts were pretty shameful....Killing innocent people isn't OK.

Sad incident.....hard working Americans getting killed by a fanatic.

Time to cancel your visa and deport you back to your village.

Yeah man my apologies, for hurting ur feelings, but i dont think i was that shamefull considering what has been posted on this forum before.
Fights in Sikh Temples happen quite a bit. I was wondering why they had Police officers at the temple. One of the officers killed the suspect and another office was injured in gunfire exchanged with the suspect.

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the Police Chief John Edwards has termed it


FBI is going to take over the criminal investigation. still no further details about the identity and motives of the gunman. they are certain now that it was a lone gunman.

I will go along the "mistaken Identity" as speculation about the motives as suggested by our fellow members. it doesnt mean that it would have been ok if it was Muslims. well it would have been ok for American media because they would blame it on AL Qaeda.,

till today, on the eve of day when Pearl Harbour attack took place, people with oriental features are attacked throughout America by the God fearing true American patriots so this also could have been an attack on Muslims gone wrong

like I mentioned earlier, (about thinking & mentality of racists that) they all look the same so what the hell. in UK the fascists only went as far as throwing a pigs head at a proposed mosque site and I know some members had a giggle about it but today's incident had tragic consequences.

The chief goes further saying that he cant give any details about the suspect and explains what he means by domestic terrorist act as something that has been perpetrated within the confines of United states and has no link to a foreign country or organisation.

Let us wait for the legal process to continue. I am sure everything will become clearer as to the motives in this case.
Rep. Mark Honadel, who represents the area, called the attack "craziness."
"Unfortunately, when this type of stuff hits your area, you say to yourself, 'Why?' But in today's society, I don't think there's any place that's free from idiots."

Yaar I have so many of these stories I do not even know where to start. I forgot to list the Marlboro projects, when my aunts first came from Pakistan they rented a house there and heard gunshot every other night. One time I was at a party in sunset park and some drunk Hispanic put a .45 on my head for the heck of it (my friend knew him though so he calmed him down, we are friends now :lol:). One of my friends who I grew up with since elementary school is currently in jail for gutting some kid who was in a rival gang. Some of my black friends in Brownsville tell me how they can't even take out their electronics on their way to school without getting mugged. One of my other friend got shot at in a park just because he was supposedly in their "turf". Then lets not even start with the stupid Pakistani kids who try to emulate these "gangsters" and start up their own stupid sh*t. The ironic thing is then they fight fellow Pakistanis it really is ridiculous.

Man, i can relate to a lot of the things you mentioned. I remember in middle school- early high school growing up in the ghetto the only people i mostly knew were Blacks and Hispanics, most of my friends were blacks as well and a lot of them ended up joining the local gangs. I remember how in school kids would get picked on, especially the kids who didn't have any gang affiliation and if you had a new phone or nice pair of Jordan's you were pretty much screwed. The neighborhood was so bad that even the teachers would only bring their crappy cars since those were less likely to get jacked. Around summer time was when it got really violent and desperate. It was like all the thugs came out of hibernation.

I still remember how this kid was beat up very badly, jumped by a whole group of boys, they were literally doing back flips on the kid, that left a lasting impression on me, it was literally like living in a jungle. If you didn't know anybody in the neighborhood you were a basically a target, no one really messed with me, they just left me alone, since i knew a lot of people and basically grew up there since i was 6, i had friends who were in gangs or had family members in gangs. The

There was this gang in my neighborhood known as Lost Boys, L.B. for short, it was pretty big too and a lot of the boys in my neighborhood were in this gang, they had beef with the L.K. (Latin Kings) and L.F. (Lost Foundation), my friend was initiated into this gang as well, he had a lot of connections, majority of my friends had a family member in a gang or were in a gang themselves. They had to memorize these unique hand shakes, hand signals, etc so that when they came across a fellow gang member they had to prove their membership through these handshakes and signals. Fortunately for me i didn't have to join a gang since my friends had my back regardless, they knew since i was a Pakistani and stood out from the rest, joining a gang would make me a prime target for rival gangs, and considering that the OG's would purposely lengthen my initiation process (you had to fight a active gang soldier for a certain amount of time to become a member) due to me being different from the rest. My other friend was a crip, the school officials switched him out to a different school since he started receiving a lot of threats from rival gang members.

Now when i was in high school, initially i went to the notorious Jamaica High school located in hillside avenue and Gothic street, it had a very bad reputation and eventually they had to close it down in 2009 due to the very low graduation rate and sky high dropout rate. The school was literally a zoo, everyday we had to go through security scans before entering the school, take of our belts like we were in some prison, in the class rooms you had constant brawls, in the hallways it was like animals screaming, crazy. There were a lot of Pakistanis, indians, Bangalis, Afghans, and Arabs in that school as well, since the school was in a predominantly Pakistani/desi neighborhood, but they were the easy targets, except a few Pakistanis who didn't take sh!t. I remember this kid Irfan, he newly moved to the US and used to work at the local fried chicken store until he was either fired or just quit, he was 17 years old and a freshmen, he knew some english and spoke with a accent. He had beef with this Latino kid and i hated that kid a lot too since he had a habit of picking on Pakistani freshmen, and Irfan was no coward, he didn't back off when it came to fighting, i still remember how i was walking down to hillside ave along with Irfan and a few other Pakistanis with the Latino kid walking in front of us with two of his buddies. Both of them were cussing and insulting each other and the kid was talking trash like how he was going to eff Irfan up, and it got heated to an extent that it was like they'd actually fight but the latino backed off since he knew he'd get his but handed to him, Irfan was a tough kid.

A lot of Arabs began to move into hillside ave (the neighborhood surrounding Jamaica HS) as well, last time i went there after i had moved out i saw a lot of Arabs.

When i look back i had some good times there and i do miss it at times, but i had to move on, i always had a feeling that had i stayed there i probably would have been a high school dropout like the many of them and would not have made it to where i am now.

Then lets not even start with the stupid Pakistani kids who try to emulate these "gangsters" and start up their own stupid sh*t. The ironic thing is then they fight fellow Pakistanis it really is ridiculous.
Yeah i came across my share of such people as well.
but mostly they are white so there is less or no chance for a mistake.

Still not convinced unless trigger-happy lunatic was after south Asian Muslims. Muslims from Arab and Europe are often white.
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