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Finance minister lies yet again: Liar Liar your pants on fire !!

He has been finance minister 3 times with very strong background on economics.

I'm no PTI fanboy, in fact the very opposite, but the truth is that Dar only gets the ministry because he's a relative of Nawaz Sharif. It's not merit but pure nepotism that he gets the post every time. And I have no confidence in him. Pakistan could have grown by more than 5% last year considering a drop in terrorism and oil prices, but it didn't.
This guy is beyond me, sakka has been caught lying many a times, yet he still misquote figures, fooling who?

I dont know who is he trying to fool but its definitely not you, you are beyond fooling
Stop whining. I can start a new thread about it if you're gonna whine about the topic in every post. Tell me why did your ig kpk not let him go if police took him for his safety. They arrested him,kept him and only let him go only when the dead boy's father stated that his son wasn't killed by Mian iftikhar. When there was no reason for them to keep him, they let him go. I posted all the links of the event but you obviously didn't read them. The police version does not match the defendant's or the complainant's version. What a loser to be defending such a poorly performing government when everything is evident. Remember the jailbreak?

Still waiting for you to start discussing Ishaq Dar - the Finance Minister / Nawaz Sharif samdhee - and his lies. The only loser here is you, who seems oblivious to the fact that he is discussing the wrong subject matter in the wrong thread like a lazy troll because he has nothing of value to say on the topic this thread is all about. I guess that's the patwari modus operandi, change topic & distract discussion from the real issues and keep on posting nonsensical posts to soothe one's own ego.
Still waiting for you to start discussing Ishaq Dar - the Finance Minister / Nawaz Sharif samdhee - and his lies. The only loser here is you, who seems oblivious to the fact that he is discussing the wrong subject matter in the wrong thread like a lazy troll because he has nothing of value to say on the topic this thread is all about. I guess that's the patwari modus operandi, change topic & distract discussion from the real issues and keep on posting nonsensical posts to soothe one's own ego.
So the real issue is a lying minister. The rest are all unreal fantasies that should stay out of focus. Your ignorance is pretty disgusting. Its a blessing people voted for a morally corrupt party and not a stubborn old child atleast they are under army chief's pressure and sitting with their hands tied so that the country can be cleaned and move in the right direction. If IK was the prime minister I'm sure he would have taken a stand against the army and not tlet the operation happen and we'd still have terrorists roaming around the streets.
So the real issue is a lying minister. The rest are all unreal fantasies that should stay out of focus. Your ignorance is pretty disgusting. Its a blessing people voted for a morally corrupt party and not a stubborn old child atleast they are under army chief's pressure and sitting with their hands tied so that the country can be cleaned and move in the right direction. If IK was the prime minister I'm sure he would have taken a stand against the army and not tlet the operation happen and we'd still have terrorists roaming around the streets.

Yes, a lying minister, an incompetent minister who has no business being a 'finance minister' and only made it to the post because he is the Prime Minister's 'samdhee jee'. The rest of your post is utter nonsense.
Jahil patwari, who else then? What credentials do Nawaz/Zardari have who have been ruling us like kings? At least the cricketer has degrees from Oxford.


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What exactly did he lie about? I'm still clueless.

You would know if you checked out the very first post in this thread. Not to mention the shady, non transparent budget presented by this so-called 'finance minister', where he didn't inform the Pakistani public that the real corruption happens in the 'supplementary budget'.
Yes, a lying minister, an incompetent minister who has no business being a 'finance minister' and only made it to the post because he is the Prime Minister's 'samdhee jee'. The rest of your post is utter nonsense.
Yea obviously it is because you dont want to admit the reality. Your priority of issues is utter nonsense.
Yea obviously it is because you dont want to admit the reality. Your priority of issues is utter nonsense.

Whatever helps you sleep at night patwari who would rather have corrupt politicians in power stealing from the nation than someone like Imran Khan. Bask in the glory of your liars, thieves, incompetent imbeciles; like Imran Khan always says, 'Allah imposes up on a people, those rulers which they deserve'.
Whatever helps you sleep at night patwari who would rather have corrupt politicians in power stealing from the nation than someone like Imran Khan. Bask in the glory of your liars, thieves, incompetent imbeciles; like Imran Khan always says, 'Allah imposes up on a people, those rulers which they deserve'.
Yeah I'm glad we don't deserve imran khan. I hope living under a patwaris rule doesn't bother you when you try to sleep.
Yeah I'm glad we don't deserve imran khan. I hope living under a patwaris rule doesn't bother you when you try to sleep.

I don't live under patwari rule. Quite happy to know patwari police of patwari league not gonna kill me just 'cuz they feel like it or are under orders from patwari baadshahs of patwari league to silence those who oppose patwaris. Yes you deserve another 100yrs of misery, while the people of KPK make real progress.
I don't live under patwari rule. Quite happy to know patwari police of patwari league not gonna kill me just 'cuz they feel like it or are under orders from patwari baadshahs of patwari league to silence those who oppose patwaris. Yes you deserve another 100yrs of misery, while the people of KPK make real progress.
Yeah they progressed quite well when floods hit them and their CM was dancing in Islamabad. You'll find out in next elections.
Yeah they progressed quite well when floods hit them and their CM was dancing in Islamabad. You'll find out in next elections.

Indeed. Says the patwari whose patwari league keeps sleeping when Lahore drowns in simple monsoon rains almost every year, let alone 'floods'. lmao!

Patwari league which cannot even handle RAIN in Lahore (forget less developed parts of Punjab) after 7yrs of continuous power; its patwari foot soldiers are now going to comment on KPK 'floods'. The ultimate irony + case of pot calling the kettle black!

31 dead in rain-related incidents in Punjab | Pakistan Today


Lahore During Rain Season 2014
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