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Finance minister lies yet again: Liar Liar your pants on fire !!

Indeed. Says the patwari whose patwari league was sleeping when Lahore drowned in simple monsoon rains, let alone 'floods'. lmao!

Patwari league which cannot even handle RAIN in Lahore (forget less developed parts of Punjab) after 7yrs of continuous power; its patwari foot soldiers are now going to comment on KPK 'floods'. The ultimate irony + case of pot calling the kettle black!

31 dead in rain-related incidents in Punjab | Pakistan Today

View attachment 228100
Lahore During Rain Season 2014
LOL like I can't find stuff to post. Pmln is not perfect they mismanage flood situations who can deny that. But dancing in the capital. A little too much. Tell me how many times you have to write the word patwari before your nerves calm down every day? The funny thing is it doesn't make a difference. I could call you youthiya all this while and im sure you know where this word is derived from, but then i don't want to stoop down to your level. Let me predict your next post. A desperate try to insult everyone but pti, the word patwari a couple of times, repetition of old idioms. Debating with you has become boring because you are a programmed bot of pti. Go find some other pti critic to call patwari and sleep off of it.
LOL like I can't find stuff to post. Pmln is not perfect they mismanage flood situations who can deny that. But dancing in the capital. A little too much. Tell me how many times you have to write the word patwari before your nerves calm down every day? The funny thing is it doesn't make a difference. I could call you youthiya all this while and im sure you know where this word is derived from, but then i don't want to stoop down to your level. Let me predict your next post. A desperate try to insult everyone but pti, the word patwari a couple of times, repetition of old idioms. Debating with you has become boring because you are a programmed bot of pti. Go find some other pti critic to call patwari and sleep off of it.

Whatever helps you sleep at night. Enjoy the monsoon rains this year as well :) Patwaris literally drowning for their love of their patwari shehanshahs, Sharif braathraan. Good for you. You call this a debate? lol Someone like you who doesn't even know what topic to raise in which thread believes he is actually 'debating' something. Going off-topic isn't debating or discussing anything. That's Lesson 101 for you regarding 'debates'. Still waiting for you to talk about the Finance Minister and his lies as per the topic of this thread.
I dont care if bhangi became pm bottom line is result which these liars dont have so stop blaming who is in power is responsible no justification people of pak finance from underwear to their shoe lases if they dont deliver than should be acoountable
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