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Finance minister lies yet again: Liar Liar your pants on fire !!

Still waiting to see an ounce of evidence from you that PTI ordered the arrest of ANP's Mian Iftikhar. KPK police arrested him on their own, just like they arrested PTI's KPK Minister of Revenue, Ali Amin Gandapur. So either PTI is using KPK police to target political opponents (in which case, none of PTI guys would get arrested for anything) OR PTI is NOT using KPK police (in which case, the law will be same for all, as evident from PTI sitting minister being arrested).

You CANNOT have your cake and eat it too. Your entire rant is a useless work of your fanciful imagination.

PTI has turned around KPK quite a bit. Try asking patwari league or jiyala party to make an independent Ehtisaab Commission like PTI has made functional in KPK. Then come n talk..

In the mean time, you can continue defending Ishaq Dar, the liar, samdhee of the patwari prime minister.
LOL. Its quite entertaining to see how the content of most of you pti followers posts are so similar.
-Question for a question, no answers.
-Try insulting the the person questioning your party.
-Try Insulting other parties.

A party of the educated class after all.
I'll break it down for you. When a killing happens the police goes to the deceased person's family to ask if they suspect someone. Or if there's no family to follow up, the state files the case. Now in this case the police picks up Mian Iftikhar. Questions are raised. Pti clarifies its not political. The deceased person's father says this man is not the killer. So either the police had some sort of a grudge with the man or the great pti tried to scare its opponents by the move. If you still don't get it I feel sorry for you.
LOL. Its quite entertaining to see how the content of most of you pti followers posts are so similar.
-Question for a question, no answers.
-Try insulting the the person questioning your party.
-Try Insulting other parties.

Says the patwari. Its like pot calling the kettle black.

A party of the educated class after all. I'll break it down for you. When a killing happens the police goes to the deceased person's family to ask if they suspect someone. Or if there's no family to follow up, the state files the case. Now in this case the police picks up Mian Iftikhar. Questions are raised. Pti clarifies its not political. The deceased person's father says this man is not the killer. So either the police had some sort of a grudge with the man or the great pti tried to scare its opponents by the move. If you still don't get it I feel sorry for you.

No one's at fault if you are too lazy to Google some facts before ranting away. Let ME break it down for you,

It has already been established by IG KPK Nasir Durrani and others that DPO of that area registered the FIR against Mian Iftikhar to calm down the mob who were ready to break in to his office and hurt him big time. This was done after the police offered the enraged mob they would take Mian Iftikhar into custody since they are alleging that the PTI guy was shot on his orders; the mob did not agree because the mob believed the police will just take Mian Iftikhar with them and release him once he is in safer area. To counter this, DPO ensured the mob he would make it official arrest and lodge FIR, only after this the mob allowed police to take Mian Iftikhar out of there. Army folks had been called in as well. The father of the deceased went with mob mentality at the time in his traumatic state of losing his son but once he had come to his senses in court and with no mob around, he withdrew his claim.

In all of this, NONE of the PTI leadership was involved, heck! they did not even know this was going on until it hit the headlines.

So now, if you are done side-tracking all of us and changing the topic to Mian Iftikhar from Ishaq Dar's lies; I suggest you either get back to the topic of this thread or go to the relevant thread to continue Mian Iftikhar discussion; otherwise I will be happy to report you to Mods for derailing this thread.
Says the patwari. Its like pot calling the kettle black.

No one's at fault if you are too lazy to Google some facts before ranting away. Let ME break it down for you,

It has already been established by IG KPK Nasir Durrani and others that DPO of that area registered the FIR against Mian Iftikhar to calm down the mob who were ready to break in to his office and hurt him big time. This was done after the police offered the enraged mob they would take Mian Iftikhar into custody since they are alleging that the PTI guy was shot on his orders; the mob did not agree because the mob believed the police will just take Mian Iftikhar with them and release him once he is in safer area. To counter this, DPO ensured the mob he would make it official arrest and lodge FIR, only after this the mob allowed police to take Mian Iftikhar out of there. Army folks had been called in as well. The father of the deceased went with mob mentality at the time in his traumatic state of losing his son but once he had come to his senses in court and with no mob around, he withdrew his claim.

In all of this, NONE of the PTI leadership was involved, heck! they did not even know this was going on until it hit the headlines.

So now, if you are done side-tracking all of us and changing the topic to Mian Iftikhar from Ishaq Dar's lies; I suggest you either get back to the topic of this thread or go to the relevant thread to continue Mian Iftikhar discussion; otherwise I will be happy to report you to Mods for derailing this thread.
I had no idea 'The MOB' plays such an effective role in murder cases. Keep fooling yourself I'd appreciate it if your obsession was for the country and not for a political party. And by the way you guys have changed patwari's definition to 'anyone who criticizes pti even if they have neutral political views'. Keep bashing Ishaq dar if it helps turning a blind eye to pti blunders. The party is already exposed.
I had no idea 'The MOB' plays such an effective role in murder cases. Keep fooling yourself I'd appreciate it if your obsession was for the country and not for a political party. And by the way you guys have changed patwari's definition to 'anyone who criticizes pti even if they have neutral political views'. Keep bashing Ishaq dar if it helps turning a blind eye to pti blunders. The party is already exposed.

Yes it does. Its Pakistan - mobs and mob mentality is very much alive. If ten police personnel show up at the scene and there is a mob of a few hundred angry men and you know you won't get reinforcements since its Election Day, the only thing you can do is prioritize saving the life of a citizen by whichever means (short of acting like Punjab police and shooting at the mob and causing more loss of life further enraging the mob) to maintain order. If you don't know how things work in Pakistan, you are on the wrong website.

Yeh sure, whatever helps you sleep at night. If you want to criticize PTI, bring your facts, don't fart in the wind. The only ones exposed in KPK LB elections were the lying, cheating, scheming, alliance of PPP-JUI-ANP and PMLN.

Now get back to Ishaq Dar - the samdhee liar of patwari prime minister.
Yes it does. Its Pakistan - mobs and mob mentality is very much alive. If ten police personnel show up at the scene and there is a mob of a few hundred angry men and you know you won't get reinforcements since its Election Day, the only thing you can do is prioritize saving the life of a citizen by whichever means (short of acting like Punjab police and shooting at the mob and causing more loss of life further enraging the mob) to maintain order. If you don't know how things work in Pakistan, you are on the wrong website.

Yeh sure, whatever helps you sleep at night. If you want to criticize PTI, bring your facts, don't fart in the wind. The only ones exposed in KPK LB elections were the lying, cheating, scheming, alliance of PPP-JUI-ANP and PMLN.

Now get back to Ishaq Dar - the samdhee liar of patwari prime minister.

Screw your samdhee patwari man you are one stubborn son of a gun. You are telling tales like you were present at the scene. Read what I'm posting and get your dumb brain to register it.

ANP's Mian Iftikhar Hussain arrested after killing of PTI activist - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

Mian Iftikhar's arrest not politically motivated: Imran Khan - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

PTI worker’s father says Mian Iftikhar had no role in son’s killing - thenews.com.pk

How can I get anyone’s son killed, when I am a victim too: Mian Iftikhar

You are telling the kpk police version of the story in which case you should also believe punjab police's version of model town that Minhaj ul quran was full of weapons.
You definitely seem like a pti fanatic with little knowledge. The man you are talking about was a minister in the previous ANP government in kpk. His only son was killed by taliban. Who Imran khan kept endorsing for a very long time. Even asked for an office for them. He is respected nationwide because after such a great loss he issued a statement saying he has forgiven his son's killers. Now if you keep a man like that behind bars for political reasons you're not going to stay in a neutral person's good books. I did not compare Lahore killings to what happened in kpk. I'm saying have the heart to condemn both the incidents. Doesn't matter if there were elections or not in Lahore, people who lost their lives during these elections were also human beings.
Of course if someone doesnt agree with you they automatically have to be a PTI fanatic...Before labeling someone take a good look in the mirror...The very fact that you can come up with the word fanatic from a post describes you....

2ndly, Yes I know he is ANP. I also know about his son. I also know IK was endorsing him....Yet the min he was in jail people felt the need to blame IK? AMAZING MENTALITY!

Why are you fighting a fight he himself isnt making an issue of? He said he was put in jail for his safety, now go tell him he is a liar and you know it better :tup:

Why should I condemn him going to jail? ALL the politicians voiced out on the double! Something they ignored about Lahore massacre! NOW THAT is disgusting!

And he HIMSELF proclaimed her was put in for his safety...Why would anyone in their sane mind condemn his safety? :o: Are you saying he should have died in mob attack and hence his safety is condemn worthy or do you not know the meaning of the word condemn?

Those people who died was a tragedy ....Courts failed to open a case and make inquiries ...THAT too was a tragedy! The very fact that NS failed to push for justice of a number of people for months and continue doing so is a tragedy worth condemning....A politician going to jail for his safety isnt!

You can blame media all you want but the picture pti painted during 2013 election campaign that it has the magic wand to turn the country into paradise in 90 days has been exposed. I also thought this party was the best option but now it seems like pti is an in experienced version of noon league. There's no political hope left. That's my view and if it doesn't get through you can save your energy and keep admiring your holy IK.

Now what does all this have to do with finance minster lying to the nation...Neither he is PTI nor under IK! Of course your logic has it that if you cant answer bash PTI....If you feel ashamed of the doings of your party bash IK....LOVELY isnt it?

As for change...Lets discuss about SS's dawah of dragging Zardari...when is that gonna happen? Any idea?

What about same joshi marizi's ka dawah of finishing loadshedding in few months? any idea when the deadline is?

So before pointing your fingers around look at the mirror!

As for admiring IK....I admire him no doubt but I do question EVERYTHING he does....Why? COZ it is my bloody right!

Why do I admire him? Coz in few months he has brought SOME changes in a province that NOONI would have abandoned like they did to FATA! And that is the blatant truth!

They have always got a developed province called Punjab and all they do is loot it! Shame on them! Have they done flood control? NOPE....Have they improved education standards? Nope....Have they improved sewage? Nope...All they did was make cheap metro expensive (impressive talent btw) and now lies.....PAK-China corridor being an investment was a lie ....and there are many more to pile it!

Now taking a rich province and looting it covering it with lies.....that is a shame coz they could have made Punjab 10x better but they got greedy!

To be honest with you the Finance Minister is a disgrace to Pakistan and the accounting association in general, because he is a clueless monkey that loves to bring concocted gibberish statistics out of his rear end. The Noon League government has done nothing special since taking office and they certainly can't take credit for the success of the economic corridor. When I was working in Agricultural Bank of China, a number of officials in private did advocate that the central government has a fund to invest into Pakistan when the climate is stable. This has occurred obviously with the current COAS, because terrorism has actually reduced by 40% as most attacks have become more sophisticated in nature. The network bases of TTP have virtually been dislodged in Pakistan and have therefore taken refuge in Afghanistan whose political dynamics have completely changed with Ghani in power.
I agree

The only positive aspect of this government is that its actions and policies are a million times better than PPP and this cannot be disputed.
Sure it is better, but Sadly, it has reached questionable stage ever since we didnt see Zardari being dragged nor any questions about Swiss accounts ........Make the rich richer such the blood out of the poor!

One day these cockroach will be punished for destroying and selling the integrity of Pakistan.
I think that 1 day will be in their graves! Since no power on earth wants to touch the filth! Let ALLAH do the justice for now dear Pakistani suffer coz you bow to shit!
Of course if someone doesnt agree with you they automatically have to be a PTI fanatic...Before labeling someone take a good look in the mirror...The very fact that you can come up with the word fanatic from a post describes you....

2ndly, Yes I know he is ANP. I also know about his son. I also know IK was endorsing him....Yet the min he was in jail people felt the need to blame IK? AMAZING MENTALITY!

Why are you fighting a fight he himself isnt making an issue of? He said he was put in jail for his safety, now go tell him he is a liar and you know it better :tup:

Why should I condemn him going to jail? ALL the politicians voiced out on the double! Something they ignored about Lahore massacre! NOW THAT is disgusting!

And he HIMSELF proclaimed her was put in for his safety...Why would anyone in their sane mind condemn his safety? :o: Are you saying he should have died in mob attack and hence his safety is condemn worthy or do you not know the meaning of the word condemn?

Those people who died was a tragedy ....Courts failed to open a case and make inquiries ...THAT too was a tragedy! The very fact that NS failed to push for justice of a number of people for months and continue doing so is a tragedy worth condemning....A politician going to jail for his safety isnt!

Now what does all this have to do with finance minster lying to the nation...Neither he is PTI nor under IK! Of course your logic has it that if you cant answer bash PTI....If you feel ashamed of the doings of your party bash IK....LOVELY isnt it?

As for change...Lets discuss about SS's dawah of dragging Zardari...when is that gonna happen? Any idea?

What about same joshi marizi's ka dawah of finishing loadshedding in few months? any idea when the deadline is?

So before pointing your fingers around look at the mirror!

As for admiring IK....I admire him no doubt but I do question EVERYTHING he does....Why? COZ it is my bloody right!

Why do I admire him? Coz in few months he has brought SOME changes in a province that NOONI would have abandoned like they did to FATA! And that is the blatant truth!

They have always got a developed province called Punjab and all they do is loot it! Shame on them! Have they done flood control? NOPE....Have they improved education standards? Nope....Have they improved sewage? Nope...All they did was make cheap metro expensive (impressive talent btw) and now lies.....PAK-China corridor being an investment was a lie ....and there are many more to pile it!

Now taking a rich province and looting it covering it with lies.....that is a shame coz they could have made Punjab 10x better but they got greedy!

Im not a noon supporter. I condemn every wrong thing they have been doing and criticize them as much. So all your questions should be directed to a noon supporter no use asking me.My point is pti has not proved to be any different than ppp or noon league as it claimed it was. Next thing, IK never endorsed mian iftikhar it was taliban i was referring to. Plus you are saying you question IK's action but you don't seem to admit the poor governance his party has been displaying since they came into power.
Screw your samdhee patwari man you are one stubborn son of a gun. You are telling tales like you were present at the scene. Read what I'm posting and get your dumb brain to register it.

ANP's Mian Iftikhar Hussain arrested after killing of PTI activist - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

Mian Iftikhar's arrest not politically motivated: Imran Khan - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

PTI worker’s father says Mian Iftikhar had no role in son’s killing - thenews.com.pk

How can I get anyone’s son killed, when I am a victim too: Mian Iftikhar

You are telling the kpk police version of the story in which case you should also believe punjab police's version of model town that Minhaj ul quran was full of weapons.

Why should I believe Punjab police's version of events? Does Punjab police have an IG like Nasir Durrani - a man of repute and credibility? Two-bit patwaris like you don't know the meaning of the worth of an honest man such as Nasir Durrani because you have become accustomed to ganja league schemers. If Punjab police was independent and had a saadiq & ameen IG police like Nasir Durrani, I would believe Punjab police version of events on Model Town without question; but that is NOT the case.

So either you now admit that you have evidence against Nasir Durrani or you admit that you do not believe in the Islamic principle of believing a man who has, after decades of service proven that he is saadiq and ameen.
My point is pti has not proved to be any different than ppp or noon league as it claimed it was.
Prob so....I rather give it time...Like we allowed ourselves to be misused by PMLN, PPP in repeated cycles...I would say give another one a chance in the looting game!

However, the only thing good about PTI so far is they are trying and that too in a province like KPK is noteworthy! Sure they do blunders, who does....WE manage to criticize and point it out...We are allowed to raise our voice and show our displeasure, re election allowed was 1 step forward....Something NS would get a heartattack if one questioned his election win!

Apart from that, IK really needs to get rid of his useless lootay who fell from other parties...Those things are as good as any goon!

Next thing, IK never endorsed mian iftikhar it was taliban i was referring to. Plus you are saying you question IK's action but you don't seem to admit the poor governance his party has been displaying since they came into power.
I have questioned ever since he stood for elections everytime a lota came to join them, I wasnt among the happy....Sure it was laughable but it was disgrace for him to accept assholes in to the party! However, I also understand Pakistani sheep (those who throw in the votes) THEY vote based on ethnicity and locality....so he needed all the lotay he could get to get in the sheep...But since he didnt win he could have trashed them after all they are drop outs from other parties!

As for the govt in KPK...I would give it a full term before judging people wanna give NS full term to loot us but god forbid the same is applied to anyone else eh?
Prob so....I rather give it time...Like we allowed ourselves to be misused by PMLN, PPP in repeated cycles...I would say give another one a chance in the looting game!

However, the only thing good about PTI so far is they are trying and that too in a province like KPK is noteworthy! Sure they do blunders, who does....WE manage to criticize and point it out...We are allowed to raise our voice and show our displeasure, re election allowed was 1 step forward....Something NS would get a heartattack if one questioned his election win!

Apart from that, IK really needs to get rid of his useless lootay who fell from other parties...Those things are as good as any goon!

I have questioned ever since he stood for elections everytime a lota came to join them, I wasnt among the happy....Sure it was laughable but it was disgrace for him to accept assholes in to the party! However, I also understand Pakistani sheep (those who throw in the votes) THEY vote based on ethnicity and locality....so he needed all the lotay he could get to get in the sheep...But since he didnt win he could have trashed them after all they are drop outs from other parties!

As for the govt in KPK...I would give it a full term before judging people wanna give NS full term to loot us but god forbid the same is applied to anyone else eh?

For the first time I'll agree with you because you're calling a spade, spade. Yea sure give all these governments their full terms and lets see what results they produce. My problem with pti is that they should make changes for e.g if the CM doesn't perform they should ask him to quit and bring some other credible man. That would make a difference and they will stand out. Which doesn't seem to be the case for now but like you said it'll be better to judge them when their term ends.
Why should I believe Punjab police's version of events? Does Punjab police have an IG like Nasir Durrani - a man of repute and credibility? Two-bit patwaris like you don't know the meaning of the worth of an honest man such as Nasir Durrani because you have become accustomed to ganja league schemers. If Punjab police was independent and had a saadiq & ameen IG police like Nasir Durrani, I would believe Punjab police version of events on Model Town without question; but that is NOT the case.

So either you now admit that you have evidence against Nasir Durrani or you admit that you do not believe in the Islamic principle of believing a man who has, after decades of service proven that he is saadiq and ameen.

What a clown you are! You post a video to somehow suggest IG KPK Police Nasir Durrani is a dishonest man, YET the journalist reporting to the newsroom clearly states that in fact, it was Nasir Durrani who instituted the independent audit of the recruitment process after being given free hand by KPK's PTI government. This is the level of shameless, bey-haya, nonsense of patwaris everywhere.

The video quite evidently shows that the recruitment irregularities happened in August 2013, whereas the PTI government only took charge in late May, early June 2013 after general elections and the provincial government had barely started working. The news report makes it abundantly clear that after IG KPK Police Nasir Durrani was given full authority and the freedom to use that authority, he was the one who ordered the independent audit that caught the recruitment irregularities and he took immediate action on it by firing the FRP commandant.

Try harder patwari. You have reduced yourself to a laughing stock.
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What a clown you are! You post a video to somehow suggest IG KPK Police Nasir Durrani is a dishonest man, YET the journalist reporting to the newsroom clearly states that in fact, it was Nasir Durrani who instituted the independent audit of the recruitment process after being given free hand by KPK's PTI government. This is the level of shameless, bey-haya, nonsense of patwaris everywhere.

The video quite evidently shows that the recruitment irregularities happened in August 2013, whereas the PTI government only took charge in late May, early June 2013 after general elections and the provincial government had barely started working. The news report makes it abundantly clear that after IG KPK Police Nasir Durrani was given full authority and the freedom to use that authority, he was the one who ordered the independent audit that caught the recruitment irregularities and he took immediate action on it by firing the FRP commandant.

Try harder patwari. You have reduced yourself to a laughing stock.
Ok so elections were held in may, assemblies were formed in end of may, this report is from august. Must be done by the previous government, lol. What about the recent kpk police scandal exposed by saleem safi? Online F.I.R registration for a province where literacy rate is so low? lol. Where was IG nasir durrani's police when law and order situation got out of hands at every other polling station in the local bodies elections and people died.You can keep living in denial and call everyone you see a patwari doesn't change the facts.
Ok so elections were held in may, assemblies were formed in end of may, this report is from august. Must be done by the previous government, lol. What about the recent kpk police scandal exposed by saleem safi? Online F.I.R registration for a province where literacy rate is so low? lol. Where was IG nasir durrani's police when law and order situation got out of hands at every other polling station in the local bodies elections and people died.You can keep living in denial and call everyone you see a patwari doesn't change the facts.

Maybe you are deaf? Cannot understand Urdu language? Please enlighten me where in the news report video you posted is IG KPK Police Nasir Durrani implicated? Patwaris like you come dime-a-dozen on this forum, criticism for the sake of criticism to score browny points. When patwari couldn't prove anything against IG KPK, he starts to change topic and now moves to 'online FIR' as if its an issue.

@The-Authority still ranting about KPK but has nothing to say about Ishaq Dar the liar, which is the topic of this thread.

@Manticore @Horus @Jungibaaz or any of the Moderators online, please boot this troll out of here since he cannot seem to read the title of this thread.
Maybe you are deaf? Cannot understand Urdu language? Please enlighten me where in the news report video you posted is IG KPK Police Nasir Durrani implicated? Patwaris like you come dime-a-dozen on this forum, criticism for the sake of criticism to score browny points. When patwari couldn't prove anything against IG KPK, he starts to change topic and now moves to 'online FIR' as if its an issue.

@The-Authority still ranting about KPK but has nothing to say about Ishaq Dar the liar, which is the topic of this thread.

@Manticore @Horus @Jungibaaz or any of the Moderators online, please boot this troll out of here since he cannot seem to read the title of this thread.

Stop whining. I can start a new thread about it if you're gonna whine about the topic in every post. Tell me why did your ig kpk not let him go if police took him for his safety. They arrested him,kept him and only let him go only when the dead boy's father stated that his son wasn't killed by Mian iftikhar. When there was no reason for them to keep him, they let him go. I posted all the links of the event but you obviously didn't read them. The police version does not match the defendant's or the complainant's version. What a loser to be defending such a poorly performing government when everything is evident. Remember the jailbreak?
Sure it is better, but Sadly, it has reached questionable stage ever since we didnt see Zardari being dragged nor any questions about Swiss accounts ........Make the rich richer such the blood out of the poor!

Ganja Sharif loves to play the childish game of you scratch my back and in return I will scratch your back. Zardari will never be held accountable or questioned on the subject of money laundering because they are all part of the same group..alibaba and the 40 thieves. However there will come a time in Pakistan, in when the poor masses will advocate with conviction that enough is enough and a lynch mob will be prowling across the streets to achieve justice.

I think that 1 day will be in their graves! Since no power on earth wants to touch the filth! Let ALLAH do the justice for now dear Pakistani suffer coz you bow to shit!

If this Dunya cannot provide justice, then there punishment is sealed on the day of judgement. However can we Pakistani's sit idle and watch young children dying of thirst and hunger. Do we have the stomach to accept oppression, where women are raped and abused by acid attacks. What about the land mafia who encroach and steal the land of poor citizens and kill there love one's, if they attempt to raise there voice for the right to maintain there ancestral lands. I would rather attempt to bring change and die trying instead of bowing, because at least my conscious would be clear and I would have no regrets. Radical change will only come through when these cockroaches are eradicated from existence...and I mean all them.
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