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Final nod soon for Navy’s advanced stealth frigate

@acetophenol bro got any info on EW suite,the fire control radar and the like??
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Bro Indian shipyars import 80% of their equipment. From engines to almost all radars and missiles. Indian contribution is bare minimum. Accept it.

''bro'' can your give me link for those words too? if u can I can give links on words I have said. I see some members have tried to explain my point in detail here. so stop smoking its playing with ur mind.
1.Warship Grade Steel: Jointly developed by DRDO and SAIL , used for the production of INS Vikrant.

2.Missiles & other Armaments:



Nirbhay (In future)


RBU-6000 (Made under license by L&T


WM-18 A (

Made under license by L&T.


AK 630 Gun

Made under license by OFB.


CRN 91 NAVAL GUN (Medak)




The KAVACH MOD-II system is designed to counter the threat of various anti-ship missiles by using chaff decoys. The system provides soft kill defense in a three-layered defense scheme.


hull-mounted sonar array (HUMSA), USHUS etc

Mate no offense but these PSUs & DRDO are just junk yard nothing less. So poorly equipped & trained(if they are trained , they do it just for promotions nothing less nothing more. I just know these things somehow.)
I know 1st hand that navy is the most serious defense element interested in indigenous developed, not in in-manufacturing.
But these organizations just license produce the imported techs, that's where our tax money goes. Accept it & force them to stand down, that's the way to go if you believe me.
Regarding products which you mentioned there, allow me to debunk them 1 by one.

:sick: lol what a stupid piece of article , 5 shipyard spent 6700cr( $1.2 billion) in 3 year. :lol: dude you do know that even a single warship costs $400 million to $1 billion , and we are inducting $2-3 billiions worth of warship every years. now go home and do your own math of 80% . I think this article was olny about commercial shipbuilding not warships.
@acetophenol bro got any info on EW suite,the fire control radar and the like??

Yeah bro,

BEL Aparna Radar for Kh-35 SSM.

BEL Shikari opto-electronic trackers for guns.

BEL Ajanta Electronic Warfare system

DLRL ELLORA Electronic Support Measures system

DLRL SANGRAHA Electronic Warfare (EW) system

BEL TOTED Towed Torpedo Decoy.

Bharat RAWL Dutch Signaal LW08 surface search radar

BDL Torpedo Counter Measure System (C303) torpedo counter measure system for submarine

there are more buddy.
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Bro Indian shipyars import 80% of their equipment. From engines to almost all radars and missiles. Indian contribution is bare minimum. Accept it.

Wrong there. The Radars are of the RAWL or ELTA families which are built at BEL. The Diesel Engines are built at KOEL, Nashik.
The LM-2500 GT engines are now assembled by HAL. The Breda SRGMs by BHEL. Components for Barak 1 and Barak 8 are exported from Indian vendors to Israel.
For the rest; read @acetophenol's post #12 and get enlightened on the realities.
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Mate no offense but these PSUs & DRDO are just junk yard nothing less. So poorly equipped & trained(if they are trained , they do it just for promotions nothing less nothing more. I just know these things somehow.)
I know 1st hand that navy is the most serious defense element interested in indigenous developed, not in in-manufacturing.
But these organizations just license produce the imported techs, that's where our tax money goes. Accept it & force them to stand down, that's the way to go if you believe me.
Regarding products which you mentioned there, allow me to debunk them 1 by one.

I never claimed that all these products are indigenous. My point was showing them that we do have the capability to make them at home.

Yes,I am equally worried as you for the lack of indigenous content in the armed forces as you. We do have the capability and capacity but still we import.

But I can never ever agree with you calling the junkyards and other such names. They have chosen to work for their own country instead of migrating to some foreign lands. These guys earn just as much a decent call centre employ and has no glamour in their professional life. Definitly , I would have gone and worked for some other country if I was in their position

Recently ,I got involved big time in Student Satellite program and then only I realized the amount of hardwork put on each of these project. Now I have nothing short of respect for these men.
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