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Fierce battle between Indian army-Pakistan militants in Kashmir

First of all one has to know what Machil and Keran Sectors looks like.

These are high mountains and highly forested with many 'gullies' and caves.

One cannot guard every inch as is obvious.

Infiltrators have always used this route since it is easy to give the slip.

The guides are the bakarwals and gujjars who in the summer go up to the heights to graze their animals and have 'second homes' called 'dhoks' which are isolated rustic huts where they stay the summer.

Of course, these dhoks are not on the LC, but well within.

The gujjars knowing each inch of the ground better than anyone, are used as 'guides' by the infiltrators. And the infiltrators pay well.
I know dude. In real life Jawans shout a warning before opening fire. A little difficult to do so with this beast :).

yeah but dude its remote controlled!!!! from a control station near by and you think these militants who infiltrate into our territory fire warning shots at civilians or IA Jawans?
we've been diplomatic to Pakistan about infiltration that obviously did not work and is not working today so lets go to the next step and use sentry guns and some of the area is hilly and mountainous of where these militants infiltrate but we can still place the sentry guns there and operate them from a control room nearby
yeah but dude its remote controlled!!!! from a control station near by and you think these militants who infiltrate into our territory fire warning shots at civilians or IA Jawans?

No they don't. I think they should be blown to oblivion.But not sure if remote controlled sentry gun can guard the border effectively and without collateral damage.
No they don't. I think they should be blown to oblivion.But not sure if remote controlled sentry gun can guard the border effectively and without collateral damage.

my view is that the sentry guns be placed at infiltration hotspots like the ones tiki mentioned the Keran and Machil sectors 2.5km away from the LoC

in the remote control station people operate it and thermal imagers look at whats happening they won't shoot 1 small goat in the area but a horde of 12 heavily armed men with AK47s in they're hands yeah obviously then they would basically your pulling the trigger from miles away and if that fails you can contact IA quick response team to subdue the infiltrators
i hope DRDO makes a sentry gun system or we procure some from Israel or South Korea it will reduce the loss of Jawans in J&K fighting off infiltrators one thing we need to be able to mount the sentry gun systems on mountainous and hilly terrain can anyone clarify how this is possible?
Pakistani FM is in India & talking peace and the same time PA is pushing terrorists across the border. Good going Pakistan!!
from when indian border guards started caring for these??? just shoot... He gave a good idea,,,,,,,,,

These machines if deployed would be on western borders. But these cannot fully replace soldiers and moreover i wonder if we could use these in Siachen. There soldiers have to stand in snow where temperatures are below -30C.
Pakistani FM is in India & talking peace and the same time PA is pushing terrorists across the border. Good going Pakistan!!
where is the proof that PA is pushing terrorist in india.?
where is the proof that PA is pushing terrorist in india.?

Do you really want us to believe that a group of heavily armed men can approach the Pakistani side of LOC without the PA knowing anything about it.
Why the fcuk we talk to pakistan.they will not change there tactics.A dog's tail cant be straight.
and congress talks peace with pakistan lol
get rid of that sonia (remote control) and mms (tv) for the welfare of nation
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