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Field Marshal Raheel Sharif

@war&peace @Moonlight @smuhs1 @balixd

Raheel Sharif would not be given executive powers as president, but as stated above, having a decorated and publicly respected retired general as president confers the winning political party with unprecedented legitimacy. This is why I think the party winning in 2018 will extend an offer of presidency to Raheel Sharif.

IMHO, there are two possibilities (1) if PTI wins 2018 elections, they won't offer presidency to any general because, they have already been labelled as the party of the establishment by their opponents thus any such offering would let some credibility to such claims and tarnish their public image despite the goodwill Gen RS enjoys among masses due to his incredible work and (2) if PML comes into power again (by hook or crook), NS and his junta considers Gen RS one of their main enemies even though a president without 58-2b is toothless, it still symbolises a lot of respect and normally presidents are saved from any criticism even by people.

However I see him as a minister of state for defence, defence production and the additional charge of NSA and even ministry of interior be under his charge. Since Gen RS is not very keen about media so he will ministries's spokespersons for communication.
Is this true? Or is he speaking nonsense? RS already stated he didn't want an extension. Why would he be field marshal?
Field Marshal during service is the highest rank but will serve honorary title which means it is not extension in service but a honorary rank for his services.
The post is honourary and does not come with any powers
Nizami says new army chief will be appointed on schedule
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has decided to decorate the Chief of Army Staff General Raheel Sharif as Field Marshal in recognition to his meritorious services in the war against terrorism, especially for leading the successful Operation Zarb-e-Azb.

Field marshal is a very senior military rank, ordinarily senior to the general officer ranks. Usually it is the highest rank in an army, and few, if any, are ever appointed to it. It is considered as a five-star rank (OF-10) in modern-day armed forces in many countries.

General Ayub Khan is the only General in the country’s history who promoted himself as Field Marshal, in 1965.

Seasoned journalist Arif Nizami told Pakistan Today that the decision had been taken by the civilian leadership after taking the army chief into confidence.

“However, it has been decided in principle that the army chief will not be given an extension in his service. Rather, the new army chief will be appointed on schedule,” he added.

Nizami said in his talk show DNA on Channel 24 that COAS Raheel Sharif may continue providing his services in one form or another. He said that due to his great services to the country, especially for his role in crushing terrorists and protecting the country from the menace of terrorism, he may also render his services for an anti-terrorism role, such as being made an “anti-terrorism tsar.”

Veteran jurist Senator SM Zafar told Pakistan Today that there is no need for any amendment to the Army Act 1952 for appointment of General Sharif as Field Marshal.

“There is no need for any amendment in the army act or the constitution. The army has to make a declaration in this regard,” he said.

Asked what powers would be enjoyed by General Sharif after the appointment as Field Marshal, Zafar said that there would be no powers at all.

“It is a ceremonial office – a recognition to the services of a general in a war. No powers, no salaries involved,” he added.

He said that a field marshal also does not retire because it’s a ceremonial office.

“It is just like an ambassador at large or a senator who does not retire. It’s a mere recognition to his services and nothing else,” S M Zafar explained.

A source in the federal government also confirmed that the proposal had been doing the rounds in the military and government circles for some time.

“Field Marshal is an honourary rank. It’s given to the rarest of rare Generals for extraordinary military service,” the source in the Defence Ministry said, requesting not being named.

The source added that the prime minister wanted to reward General Sharif for his meritorious services in the war against terrorism as well as for the democratic process.

“General Raheel is seen with respect for his role during the Dharna days in 2014. He did not take advantage at a time when the civilian regime was in tatters and many generals wanted to overthrow the government. However, General Sharif proved to be a saviour of the democratic setup,” the source added.

“General Raheel Sharif has also successfully commanded Operation Zarb-e-Azb and taken the courageous stance of ousting terrorist outfits from North Waziristan. He is also credited for bringing about a paradigm shift in the military’s top brass as he advocated that Pakistan faced an internal threat from terrorists rather than an external threat. This idea overhauled military’s strategy,” the source added.

The sources said that General Raheel Sharif had also played a key role in improving the country’s relations with its neighbours and partners, just like a true diplomat.

“When the prime minister and his team were facing difficulties on the global stage, General Sharif came forward and played his role in improving relations with Afghanistan, United States, Iran and Saudi Arabia,” the source added.

The source said that General Sharif led the country’s strategic dialogue with the US and improved relations and partnership against terrorism in Afghanistan.

Moreover, General Sharif also played a key role in making China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) a success.

“At a time when the civilian leadership created misperceptions about the CPEC by using it for gaining political mileage, leaving the Chinese top leadership concerned about the fate of the game-changing project, it was none other than Raheel Sharif who made successive trips to China and gave them an unequivocal assurance that the military will ensure timely completion of the CPEC,” the source added.

The source said that it was General Sharif who led the way for civilian leadership by reaching wherever leadership was required.

“Whether there was a bomb blast or a natural disaster – General Sharif was the first to reach the scene. Whenever a festival arrived, Raheel either went to forward posts on the border or he was among combat troops fighting against the enemy. He was visible and on the go all the time, showing the civilian leadership how a leader should act,” the source added.
Is this true? Or is he speaking nonsense? RS already stated he didn't want an extension. Why would he be field marshal?
Promotion is not taking extension. There must be a tenure associated with the rank. Like it is associated with Maj Gen rank. If they promote him, he has no choice but to serve the required tenure. Yes he has the option to take voluntary retirement, but unfortunately a field marshal never retires. So he has to resign from the position of COAS. Federal Govt is putting him in a difficult situation or may be Universe is conspiring for Op Zarb to reach its logical end.
I don't think it's happening but if it does it will ensure that RS is rendered useless and remains no threat to politicians after retirement. RS has such a following that if he puts his weight into something, people will support that cause. This can be very dangerous as after retirement, he can do anything including politics!
Arif Nizami gave a breaking news.

On 14 August or 6 September, Gen. Raheel Sharif is going to be announced and promoted by federal government as FIELD MARSHAL.
Means he will continue.

Won't happen, and even if he does get the promotion, it is unlikely he will continue serving as COAS.
Arif Nizami gave a breaking news.

On 14 August or 6 September, Gen. Raheel Sharif is going to be announced and promoted by federal government as FIELD MARSHAL.
Means he will continue.

Just rumours he won't
There is total diff strategies going on ghq
He will go wd respect and new lion will leads the tiger's
Wish Lt Gen AMIR should be new chief
My guess...

Gen. Raheel Sharif will retire as planned, and then go to the Middle East to do something (e.g. take up a post in the Saudi coalition). In 2018, the newly elected government will invite Raheel Sharif to serve as President.

a president only if the 18th ammendment is reverted or modified to turn setup into a presidential democracy.
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