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Few Questions for Pakistanis

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The great!! the magnificent!! the benevolent!! Mr. jeypore:lol::cool:

r u muslim ??????????????? ??????????????? sorry abt that but that question was for pakistani yaar sorry abt that.........

<(_|_)| AKBAR
ask ur self

PAKISTAN is doing work for ISLAM

4get every one ask ur self bro.........

<(_|_)| AKBAR

It is not Pakistan who has to do 'work; for Islam, dude!
It is you and me who has to work for Islam.
Don't blame the country for your misconception!
Pakistan is what you and i make it, right?

And as far as your question is concern, i think i am satisfied for what i do for Islam while living in Pakistan!
It is my personal matter and no one tells me to do something else, Pakistan being the Castle of Islam and the only Muslim Nuclear State has to survive the 'evils' against it, and thats how we/Pakistan will 'do work' for Islam, got it??
Greetings Rehan;
i m not from Pakistan but as a muslim i feel that i can speak here under your topic.
What exactly do you want us to do?what is wrong in us?and what would you change if you had a chance to change?
my Greetings Brother
Kansu Esref
first of all Pakistan was created in the name of Islam. we are an islamic country. wat does this mean? this means we shouldnt do anything which goes against the teachings of islam. now if u understand this u wont see any clash bw ur religious obligations and national obligations coz u wont be doin anything against islam. Therefore ur religious obligation and national obligation become one. working for the well being of pakistan will be the same as working for the betterment of islam. defending pakistan will be the same as defending islam.
the question which arises is that are we really following islam?? are we really practicing the teachings on which the very foundations of our motherland are based on?? if u r not a gud believer u cant be a gud pakistani and if u r not a gud pakistani u cant be a gud believer. i say this coz our country represents islam and islam represents our country. we represent muslims and muslims represent us.
i cant see any problem in being patriotic and gud believer at the same time.
brother u dont have tell anyone if u r urdu speaking or watever. u are a pakistani and we are one.
Allah made tribes so that we could recognise each other easily and not so that we could discrimitate amongst each other.
Long live Pakistan
there was a WORD of QURAN ..

and the point : give ur every thing for ALLAH and ALLAH will give u every thing what u want but do those thing what ALLAH want

<(_|_)| AKBAR

And we shoud all read our prayers and give to charity.........your just stating the obvious what we all ready know.
You can't compare Islam and Pakistan like they are some opposing ideologies. We have to make Pakistan GOOD first. Something GOOD can't be against Islam right? We have to make Pakistanis decent, law abiding, moderate, kind, peaceful, educated, generous, honest, loyal, determined, brave, etc. Being all that kind be against Islam right?

There is no Islam first, second or third question. The slogan, Sabse pehle Pakistan is not vis-a-vis Islam, but it is a wake up call to your common sense, your better judgment. When we say Sabse pehle Pakistan we need to ask ourselves, Is Pakistan going to be the first in simply being Good? Are we putting the condition of Pakistan being Good First above everything else? Can you put Islam before Pakistan and try to make things bad?

These are comparable things in this manner only, but Pakistan and Islam are not compete-able things in any regard. One is a faith and one is an idea inspired by... Amongst other things, by faith.

Asim's definition best explains everything!

We can never serve Islam nor help other Muslim countries, until and unless we serve and strengthen our country first & foremost. For that, we have to

1- Strengthen our Economy
2- Improve literacy and Education
3- Fortify our Militaries

What we have seen in Bosnia and continue to see, in Palestine, Kashmir, Iraq and Afghanistan - testify to the fact that Muslim countries need major transformation to become modern educated states.

With weak economies, internal conflicts, illiteracy and feeble militaries - we cannot save ourselves, let alone saving other muslims.
brother u dont have tell anyone if u r urdu speaking or watever. u are a pakistani and we are one.
Allah made tribes so that we could recognise each other easily and not so that we could discrimitate amongst each other.
Long live Pakistan

bro........ yeh main urdu main khena cahon ga take dusry log na samjhain BRO..
1st of all kuch log samjhte hain ke urduspeaking against hain that's why i mentioned that ...............


<(_|_)| AKBAR
Waste of bandwidth and my time.
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