You can't compare Islam and Pakistan like they are some opposing ideologies. We have to make Pakistan GOOD first. Something GOOD can't be against Islam right? We have to make Pakistanis decent, law abiding, moderate, kind, peaceful, educated, generous, honest, loyal, determined, brave, etc. Being all that kind be against Islam right?
There is no Islam first, second or third question. The slogan, Sabse pehle Pakistan is not vis-a-vis Islam, but it is a wake up call to your common sense, your better judgment. When we say Sabse pehle Pakistan we need to ask ourselves, Is Pakistan going to be the first in simply being Good? Are we putting the condition of Pakistan being Good First above everything else? Can you put Islam before Pakistan and try to make things bad?
These are comparable things in this manner only, but Pakistan and Islam are not compete-able things in any regard. One is a faith and one is an idea inspired by... Amongst other things, by faith.