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Feeling lonely...

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I rather not answer that question. At least take me to dinner first if you want such private info :lol:

Hey being a virgin aint a crime is it? we are good muslim... not evil infidels are we?we dnt do tht stuff...thts okay bud dnt worry...... :lol:
I called by ex-gf 4 days ago when i had drank half bottle of scotch... i only remember her crying.. me talkin funny n my frnds laughin... lol

Damn man that's cruel. Go easy on a girl's heart lots of chicks turning lesbos these days. Gotta keep the available and ready to fukk category as high as possible. Be good to your fellow man.
Have done tht... didnt talk to her or contact her ... after 2 days she called me.... n the same old story.

Il take tht as a "no, im still a virgin"....lol

Never had a relationship if that is what you mean. A few one night stands with wasted European tourist girls can count I guess :lol: . I am not a peace of meat :cry:
i think dear you need to take lessons from owr very own shareef log guru & isi agent ....:rofl:
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