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Feb 2019 Battle: How India Lost Battle, Worldwide Humiliated and Surprised by Pakistan


Nov 1, 2010
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United States
Indo-Pak Feb 2019 Battle: How India Lost, Worldwide Humiliated, Shocked and Surprised by Pakistan

India was embarrassed, defeated and left hurt in the most atrocious manner ever:
  1. Indian media exposed, labelled as the most fake news media in the world.
  2. Indian failed at its attempt to penetrate and attack ANY building in Pakistan that they can later claim to be a terrorist base and managed to hit a forest in the most planted region of Pakistan but that is where the list of "success" ends, the Pakistani and world media exposed it all.
  3. India failed to stop Pakistan from striking warning shots deep inside India (some reportedly as deep as 77km inside India)
  4. Two IAF aircrafts shot down (Mig 21 Bison and Su30MKI) and lost an additional helicopter (Mi-17) crashed killing 6 more servicemen including senior officers
  5. Got a wing commander pilot Abhinandan arrested in the process which was graciously released by Pakistan, resulting in further humiliation for India.
  6. The POW Pilot footage told the world he did not shot any F16, and exposed the mirch masala of Indian media anchors
  7. Failed to get Americans involved even after DESPERATELY waiving an AIM-120C derbies,
  8. Failed in the attempts to sell fallen Mig wreckage as Pakistan F-16
  9. Got bashed at OIC, and exposed brually for its crimes against Kashmiris
  10. No support from international community for that false flag Pulwama attack which killed another 40 Security men, self-orchestrated
  11. Got a submarine, a vessel meant for stealth, detected and insertion attempt thwarted, video was exposed for further shame for Indian Navy!
  12. Prime Minister Modi was labelled and exposed a war warmonger and a extremist worldwide, who willings let his country men die for his political causes.

This is the worst defeat India faced in recent times after 1999 kargil war.
All becos underestimate Pakistan-Chinese made hardware and weapon. The western media are all to blame for repeated making fake claims about western superiority and inferiority of China made weapon.
I have already long predicted of such things to happen. It came as no suprise to me.
Indo-Pak Feb 2019 Battle: How India Lost, Worldwide Humiliated, Shocked and Surprised by Pakistan

India was embarrassed, defeated and left hurt in the most atrocious manner ever:
  1. Indian media exposed, labelled as the most fake news media in the world.
  2. Indian failed at its attempt to penetrate and attack ANY building in Pakistan that they can later claim to be a terrorist base and managed to hit a forest in the most planted region of Pakistan but that is where the list of "success" ends, the Pakistani and world media exposed it all.
  3. India failed to stop Pakistan from striking warning shots deep inside India (some reportedly as deep as 77km inside India)
  4. Two IAF aircrafts shot down (Mig 21 Bison and Su30MKI) and lost an additional helicopter (Mi-17) crashed killing 6 more servicemen including senior officers
  5. Got a wing commander pilot Abhinandan arrested in the process which was graciously released by Pakistan, resulting in further humiliation for India.
  6. The POW Pilot footage told the world he did not shot any F16, and exposed the mirch masala of Indian media anchors
  7. Failed to get Americans involved even after DESPERATELY waiving an AIM-120C derbies,
  8. Failed in the attempts to sell fallen Mig wreckage as Pakistan F-16
  9. Got bashed at OIC, and exposed brually for its crimes against Kashmiris
  10. No support from international community for that false flag Pulwama attack which killed another 40 Security men, self-orchestrated
  11. Got a submarine, a vessel meant for stealth, detected and insertion attempt thwarted, video was exposed for further shame for Indian Navy!

This is the worst defeat India faced in recent times after 1999 kargil war.
So TRUE and where are those Indians who called our Airforce and Jf17 Thunder a waste of money and junk.
Indo-Pak Feb 2019 Battle: How India Lost, Worldwide Humiliated, Shocked and Surprised by Pakistan

India was embarrassed, defeated and left hurt in the most atrocious manner ever:
  1. Indian media exposed, labelled as the most fake news media in the world.
  2. Indian failed at its attempt to penetrate and attack ANY building in Pakistan that they can later claim to be a terrorist base and managed to hit a forest in the most planted region of Pakistan but that is where the list of "success" ends, the Pakistani and world media exposed it all.
  3. India failed to stop Pakistan from striking warning shots deep inside India (some reportedly as deep as 77km inside India)
  4. Two IAF aircrafts shot down (Mig 21 Bison and Su30MKI) and lost an additional helicopter (Mi-17) crashed killing 6 more servicemen including senior officers
  5. Got a wing commander pilot Abhinandan arrested in the process which was graciously released by Pakistan, resulting in further humiliation for India.
  6. The POW Pilot footage told the world he did not shot any F16, and exposed the mirch masala of Indian media anchors
  7. Failed to get Americans involved even after DESPERATELY waiving an AIM-120C derbies,
  8. Failed in the attempts to sell fallen Mig wreckage as Pakistan F-16
  9. Got bashed at OIC, and exposed brually for its crimes against Kashmiris
  10. No support from international community for that false flag Pulwama attack which killed another 40 Security men, self-orchestrated
  11. Got a submarine, a vessel meant for stealth, detected and insertion attempt thwarted, video was exposed for further shame for Indian Navy!
  12. Prime Minister Modi was labelled and exposed a war warmonger and a extremist worldwide, who willings let his country men die for his political causes.

This is the worst defeat India faced in recent times after 1999 kargil war.
They haven't seen the last of us yet , they'll think a 1000 times before engaging in any misadventure again:guns:
Ha! The OIC stuff. Apparently, UAE, the host country, because of it's commercial interests, unilaterally decided to invite the Indian FM Sushma Swaraj as Guest of Honor. Even the Gen. Secretary of OIC was not aware of the invite. Says so much about OIC, BTW. Ms. Swaraj got the limelight and Pakistanis felt humiliated for a day or two. But, boy, by clearly condemning India over Kashmir, OIC made India look like attending an international gathering of nation, thus tacitly endorsing that gathering, which later condemned India!!
Indo-Pak Feb 2019 Battle: How India Lost, Worldwide Humiliated, Shocked and Surprised by Pakistan

India was embarrassed, defeated and left hurt in the most atrocious manner ever:
  1. Indian media exposed, labelled as the most fake news media in the world.
  2. Indian failed at its attempt to penetrate and attack ANY building in Pakistan that they can later claim to be a terrorist base and managed to hit a forest in the most planted region of Pakistan but that is where the list of "success" ends, the Pakistani and world media exposed it all.
  3. India failed to stop Pakistan from striking warning shots deep inside India (some reportedly as deep as 77km inside India)
  4. Two IAF aircrafts shot down (Mig 21 Bison and Su30MKI) and lost an additional helicopter (Mi-17) crashed killing 6 more servicemen including senior officers
  5. Got a wing commander pilot Abhinandan arrested in the process which was graciously released by Pakistan, resulting in further humiliation for India.
  6. The POW Pilot footage told the world he did not shot any F16, and exposed the mirch masala of Indian media anchors
  7. Failed to get Americans involved even after DESPERATELY waiving an AIM-120C derbies,
  8. Failed in the attempts to sell fallen Mig wreckage as Pakistan F-16
  9. Got bashed at OIC, and exposed brually for its crimes against Kashmiris
  10. No support from international community for that false flag Pulwama attack which killed another 40 Security men, self-orchestrated
  11. Got a submarine, a vessel meant for stealth, detected and insertion attempt thwarted, video was exposed for further shame for Indian Navy!
  12. Prime Minister Modi was labelled and exposed a war warmonger and a extremist worldwide, who willings let his country men die for his political causes.

This is the worst defeat India faced in recent times after 1999 kargil war.

Excellent! :pakistan:
Dear Friend,

You accept it or not that is up to you. Soon it will all turn up.

Yeah great!!

I'd rather base myself in reality like the rest of the world

Think about it


Pakistan controls everyone from BBC to New York Times to Reuters to independent observers


india got humiliated and everyone knows it

I choosh option 2

The crazy bakht bull crap might work on a dramabazi tamasha driven indian public but not on anyone else
I can credit Pakistani with one thing they are trying very hard to win the information warfare. Let's see what happens.
Ok you can Google dude... Look at how world react upon indian misadventure and about PAF response .. Dont listen pak media..

Dear Friend,

You accept it or not that is up to you. Soon it will all turn up.
Soon.. If...think.. What....do you Indians have some shame left???
I can credit Pakistani with one thing they are trying very hard to win the information warfare. Let's see what happens.

India has had an excellent Information Warfare capability - it has caused massive amount loss of lives in Indian Occupied Kashmir, estimated at killing/murdering over 90,000 kashmiris since 1989. Yet it's information warfare capability has successfully hidden this from mainstream media channels.

Another false narrative that India has continuously stated, that Kashmir is their integral matter has been encouraged across mainly western media outlets - when in reality it has always been a disputed territory.

However, with the advent of modi/BJP government this will change - they are single handedly
Undermining India cohesiveness with their extreme Hindutva ideology, they have alienated the kashmiris, christians, large Muslim population....they are gagging any one criticising the government. Look at the recent attacks on their university professors.....I think it they continue this policy of hatred they will cause an IMPLOSION within.........if you want to destroy India vote for modi/BJP?
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