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Feb 2019 Battle: How India Lost Battle, Worldwide Humiliated and Surprised by Pakistan

We have won the combat as well as narrative.
Modern 5th Gen warfare is predominantly based upon 'narrative winning'.
It boils down to what you gain. I can sit here claiming victory for a 100 battles, what's the point of it if you didn't get what you want.
It boils down to what you gain. I can sit here claiming victory for a 100 battles, what's the point of it if you didn't get what you want.
What Pakistan has gained everything it wanted alongside certain bonuses.

On political scale: Appearance of Pakistan as a stronger nation, earning of respect with our military allies, consolidation of Political-Military relationships, restoration of public faith on armed forces and attainment of high morals which will give longterm psychological advantage over India, crucial learnings interms of flow of information from domestic to international media.

On strategic scale : Deniability of Indian attempts to exploit the gap which exists between border conflicts & limited conflicts, achievement of better credibility for conventional deterrence, combat testing of newly developed weapon systems, real time successful combat experience of network centric warfare, demonstration of newly integrated EW suite in hostile environment, earning of better stakes for exporting Jf17 (two more parties keenly interested).

These are 'some' advantages which Pakistan has achieved. Only advantage India achieved that it has learned the gaps in its combat capabilities, and those gaps are numerous!
On political scale:
Zero... Your political clout over India is in the gutters that make you claim big over small margins, it is like when you hit rock bottom the only way to go is up. Now everything would taste honey.

On strategic scale :
You lost everything on a strategic scale. Not only you showed your hands in an insignificant conflict for a jet that's going to get mothballed in few years, but you also lost the bargaining chip of Kashmir when India removed art 370, which was passed without much opposition from India or abroad. Pakistan lost even it's Arab influence so much so that Arabs invited India to observe OIC apply the same to political scale.

Only advantage India achieved that it has learned the gaps in its combat capabilities, and those gaps are numerous!
India already went the escalation ladder when we attacked non-disputed territory in KPK balakot. Pakistan didn't even touch the IB, and you got your F-16 chased by a Bison and returned the pilot in a day despite no obligation to do so, wonder why? Good will, strategic advantage? I don't think so.
You could've bargained for a deal, but Modi made it clear there is no deal. You thought he is crazy enough to go to war for a pilot.
Zero... Your political clout over India is in the gutters that make you claim big over small margins, it is like when you hit rock bottom the only way to go is up. Now everything would taste honey.

You lost everything on a strategic scale. Not only you showed your hands in an insignificant conflict for a jet that's going to get mothballed in few years, but you also lost the bargaining chip of Kashmir when India removed art 370, which was passed without much opposition from India or abroad. Pakistan lost even it's Arab influence so much so that Arabs invited India to observe OIC apply the same to political scale.

India already went the escalation ladder when we attacked non-disputed territory in KPK balakot. Pakistan didn't even touch the IB, and you got your F-16 chased by a Bison and returned the pilot in a day despite no obligation to do so, wonder why? Good will, strategic advantage? I don't think so.
You could've bargained for a deal, but Modi made it clear there is no deal. You thought he is crazy enough to go to war for a pilot.
What Pakistan has gained everything it wanted alongside certain bonuses.

On political scale: Appearance of Pakistan as a stronger nation, earning of respect with our military allies, consolidation of Political-Military relationships, restoration of public faith on armed forces and attainment of high morals which will give longterm psychological advantage over India, crucial learnings interms of flow of information from domestic to international media.

On strategic scale : Deniability of Indian attempts to exploit the gap which exists between border conflicts & limited conflicts, achievement of better credibility for conventional deterrence, combat testing of newly developed weapon systems, real time successful combat experience of network centric warfare, demonstration of newly integrated EW suite in hostile environment, earning of better stakes for exporting Jf17 (two more parties keenly interested).

Excellent analysis.

These are 'some' advantages which Pakistan has achieved. Only advantage India achieved that it has learned the gaps in its combat capabilities, and those gaps are numerous!

We will keep on teaching India, whenever they ask for some schooling.:lol::lol::lol:
Its game of narrative, narrative is what Pakistan lost over last 2 decade. Narrative is the only thing India had, a fake narrative of being secular, develop, inclusive, booming, digital, colorful. However the reality is completely opposite, India is hate filled, intolerant, polluted, over populated, poor, sick , illiterate and dirty.

So narrative does matter.
Zero... Your political clout over India is in the gutters that make you claim big over small margins, it is like when you hit rock bottom the only way to go is up. Now everything would taste honey.

You lost everything on a strategic scale. Not only you showed your hands in an insignificant conflict for a jet that's going to get mothballed in few years, but you also lost the bargaining chip of Kashmir when India removed art 370, which was passed without much opposition from India or abroad. Pakistan lost even it's Arab influence so much so that Arabs invited India to observe OIC apply the same to political scale.

India already went the escalation ladder when we attacked non-disputed territory in KPK balakot. Pakistan didn't even touch the IB, and you got your F-16 chased by a Bison and returned the pilot in a day despite no obligation to do so, wonder why? Good will, strategic advantage? I don't think so.
You could've bargained for a deal, but Modi made it clear there is no deal. You thought he is crazy enough to go to war for a pilot.

Seriously? U guys are really dumb then. Coz i dnt remember anyone talking abt Kashmir and now everyone is. Its like everyone saying Pakistan *****d you and india saying no it wasnt too deep so it doznt count as ******g. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
My name is Sarmad Ishfaq and I am sharing my article titled "From Pulwama to Abhinandan: How India lost the narrative war to Pakistan", which is currently trending on moderndiplomacy.eu.

It details how India blatantly lied during the Pulwama and Abhinandan incident - and how Pakistan's narrative, corroborated by the international media, was based on the objective facts.

I hope you read it and share it as much as possible. We all must play our part in strengthening Pakistan's image across the globe.

Link to the article: https://moderndiplomacy.eu/2020/02/...how-india-lost-the-narrative-war-to-pakistan/
Seriously? U guys are really dumb then. Coz i dnt remember anyone talking abt Kashmir and now everyone is. Its like everyone saying Pakistan *****d you and india saying no it wasnt too deep so it doznt count as ******g. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
You don't remember coz like most Pakistanis in PDF you don't read a thing and know only to troll. From 1947 to 2000 Kashmir was a big talking point in UNSC, USSR had to use its veto twice to prevent a motion against India.
In 1990 Kashmir was so riddled in violence that there were more than 10000 foreign and local militants wreaking havoc in the valley. UK parliament passed a motion against India citing Human rights issue, US called for sanctions and was really sanctioned after the Nuke test.

We survived all that shit, 20 years later the US is the largest trading partner of India we don't need Russia to save us from UNSC we have France, Russia, US, UK supporting us. Meanwhile Pakistanis are holding rallies, putting up digital billboards in 'support for Kashmir cause', flying planes with tag over cricket matches, getting orgasms over two piece articles in Washington Post, celebrating the ghoras who say anything about Kashmir. Talk about getting fuked, that's all you have reduced to.
You don't remember coz like most Pakistanis in PDF you don't read a thing and know only to troll. From 1947 to 2000 Kashmir was a big talking point in UNSC, USSR had to use its veto twice to prevent a motion against India.
In 1990 Kashmir was so riddled in violence that there were more than 10000 foreign and local militants wreaking havoc in the valley. UK parliament passed a motion against India citing Human rights issue, US called for sanctions and was really sanctioned after the Nuke test.

We survived all that shit, 20 years later the US is the largest trading partner of India we don't need Russia to save us from UNSC we have France, Russia, US, UK supporting us. Meanwhile Pakistanis are holding rallies, putting up digital billboards in 'support for Kashmir cause', flying planes with tag over cricket matches, getting orgasms over two piece articles in Washington Post, celebrating the ghoras who say anything about Kashmir. Talk about getting fuked, that's all you have reduced to.

Yes that is the far past, in recent past india with support of the 4 u mentioned almost wiped Kashmir but ur own stupidity brought it back in lime light. Now US congressmen and UE n british parliamentarians regularly point it. Flying planes with tags? Dumb moron it was indians who did it first and we just made u taste ur own crap. The very fact that u guys start jumping and getring edgy shows we have stepped on ur tail.
Ur worried about Kashmir? A new partirion is in the making lolzz forget Kashmir, it was never urs, now ull lose half of india again.
Yes that is the far past, in recent past india with support of the 4 u mentioned almost wiped Kashmir but ur own stupidity brought it back in lime light. Now US congressmen and UE n british parliamentarians regularly point it. Flying planes with tags? Dumb moron it was indians who did it first and we just made u taste ur own crap. The very fact that u guys start jumping and getring edgy shows we have stepped on ur tail.
Ur worried about Kashmir? A new partirion is in the making lolzz forget Kashmir, it was never urs, now ull lose half of india again.
Stupidity? It was the smartest move the government ever made with respect to Kashmir. We locked the state down took away any autonomy left with the state. In one day we turned the tables, now it's your turn to act and what did you do? digital billboards, and twitter rants by Imran. How long you can run your foreign policy over Kashmir so much that your economy went stagnant with double digit inflation and still the entire leadership is behind Kashmir to hide the incompetency maybe.

Half of India? Try to hold on to Balochistan first, now PTM has opened another front, Afghanistan is getting Talibanized it will be fun times ahead. India knows how to deal with internal troubles, unlike Pakistan who only lost territory since partition.
Stupidity? It was the smartest move the government ever made with respect to Kashmir. We locked the state down took away any autonomy left with the state. In one day we turned the tables, now it's your turn to act and what did you do? digital billboards, and twitter rants by Imran. How long you can run your foreign policy over Kashmir so much that your economy went stagnant with double digit inflation and still the entire leadership is behind Kashmir to hide the incompetency maybe.

Half of India? Try to hold on to Balochistan first, now PTM has opened another front, Afghanistan is getting Talibanized it will be fun times ahead. India knows how to deal with internal troubles, unlike Pakistan who only lost territory since partition.

Hahaha mate ur dilesional. How exactly it was a smart move? Its not like u took azad Kashmir, u just changed status on paper, any past govt could have done that but they didnt, coz they knew the long term repercussions. Kashmir is same as was before that paper work, the diff is that modi even managed to alienate the pro indian kashmiris, mehbooba mufti n abdullah type ppl are also against india now, u lost the support previous govts managed to collect in decades. Its not like Kashmir was on verge of conquest by Pakistan n modi saved it, that moron only made it worst, what kind of idiots r u. Our foreign policy will always include Kashmir, no matter wat, and that really hurts u.
Do u even know what is meaning of taliban coming to power? Are u that dumb to not see? All ur investment in Afghanistan is gone down the drain. PTM is gone and believe me we dnt worry abt balochistan at all coz the RAW networks been disbanded and iran is also reluctant to help u. U need to worry abt Delhi lolz. I do agree with u about fun times ahead, taliban in Afghanistan will boost jihad in Kashmir and else where in india. Just wait n watch.
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