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FC recovers bomb making literature, maps of targets, from college in Balochistan

There is no question that Indians. unlike Pakistanis, are burying our heads in sand when it comes to Nagaland or Maoists or Kashmir. Maoism in India is not a freedom movement, but a social movement. So it requires different strategy to tackle as compared to a freedom struggle, and need no adjustments to geography to tackle.

Yes, Kashmir and Nagaland are different cases. But Indians are much better at tackling these issues and have better state institutions to tackle these issues than at Pakistanis disposal.

Till now Kashmiri/Nagaland separatists are not able come-up with coherent reason why they want to separate from the India,

Religion? - India has 200 million Muslims and 50 million Christians, larger than the populations of most countries.
Ethnicity? - India has 1000's of different ethnicities
Culture? - India has 1000's of different culture
Self rule over their states? -All states in India have some sort of self rule. India;'s federal system is even more devolved than US system.
Judiciary? Fairly independent

regardless, you know there is a problem. Some people do want to go. Whether you can convince them otherwise is your strategy. Here the issue is that the people who wish to seperate are branded nutcases or otherwise without realizing that you cannot just blanket everyone who wishes to leave the union as a nutcase and must look at the root causes for it and make up for it. A carrot and stick approach perhaps but people disappearing in the middle of the night and being dumped with bullets is clearly not the answer. India has seen that failure in Kashmir during the 90s. That approach will fail in Balochistan as well.
regardless, you know there is a problem. Some people do want to go. Whether you can convince them otherwise is your strategy. Here the issue is that the people who wish to seperate are branded nutcases or otherwise without realizing that you cannot just blanket everyone who wishes to leave the union as a nutcase and must look at the root causes for it and make up for it. A carrot and stick approach perhaps but people disappearing in the middle of the night and being dumped with bullets is clearly not the answer. India has seen that failure in Kashmir during the 90s. That approach will fail in Balochistan as well.

Many countries do have a separatist issues and some very serious ones. Majority of the serious ones are that stem from denial of political rights. By those standards, India's separatist problems are relatively not serious and this also include Kashmir. For all the noises made by Pakistan, if not for Pakistan, Kashmir issue would have long died. You have to recognize that Kashmiris are not denied their political rights. This is the reason why Kashmir issue is not taken that seriously by International community as much as other issues.

Indian union was much more wobbly in its initial stages of its independence than it is now. There were many movements for separate countries than they are now, and the most dangerous one was Tamil movement that had the maximum potential to disintegrate India. India, in spite of being 8 times more populous and diverse than Pakistan, had survived those because it had better institutions to take care of those issues, while Pakistan had none in spite of having formed in the name of single religion. That is why 1971 happened to Pakistan, while none happened to India.
hehehe .

Get a bite to eat :omghaha:

Is reading Che Guevara and Bertrand Russell the same as anti-Pakistan literature ??? :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
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