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FBI says two serving Pak officers had ties with Headley

Just for local Indian consumption nothing is going happen.

and btw the FBI team did not say serving officers are involved.

Above all the operation had been planned and well executed by CIA.

So ohh ahhh well what next

I have noticed you see CIA involvement when ever anything bad happens. I suppose you believe the CIA controls Osama as well?
FBI says two serving Pak officers had ties with Headley

According to a senior source in the Union home ministry, Federal Bureau of Investigation officers who visited New Delhi [ Images ] shared vital information about two Pakistani serving army officers connected to Lashkar-a-Tayiba operative David Coleman Headley, a Pakistani-American arrested in Chicago in October, now accused of criminal conspiracy in the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks [ Images ].

The FBI officers are in Pakistan for further inquiry into the matter. The Pakistan officers who had been laisoning with Headley are army majors, the FBI officers told their Indian counterparts during the briefing.

FBI officers have extensively shared information with the Indian counterparts about the role of Headley and his associate Tahawwur Rana (also picked up in Chicago) in the Mumbai attacks.

However, if the information FBI has on Headley is correct then the Pakistani establishment will have a lot to answer to US and India [ Images ]. Headley has been charged on 12 terror-related counts and one of the counts is pertaining to six US citizens who were killed during the 26/11 attacks.

A home ministry source suggests that the information given by Headley raises serious questions about the role of serving officers of the Pakistan army [ Images ] in the Mumbai attacks. For long, Indian investigators have believed that such a huge and cold-blooded operation could not be planned and executed with such perfection without the backing of the Pakistani military establishment.

Interestingly, the FBI has told India that they are still 'negotiating' with Headley.

If the FBI is able to establish Pakistan army's role in the Mumbai attacks then it will be the game changer for diplomacy over the attacks.

However, the home ministry source said that Pakistan is playing tough. They have so far not allowed US agents access to Lashkar mastermind Zaki-ur Rahman Lakhvi. It is unlikely that they would co-operate in case of serving officers.

When asked why the IB could not track Headley or Rana, a source dealing with internal security said, "We never doubted any US citizen of having terror links."

Now he says after learning about Headley and his movements in and out of India, "There could be many Headleys in India."

Source: 2 serving Pak officers had ties with Headley: FBI: Rediff.com India News
1. The FBI did not say so, an anonymous home ministry source, per the Indian media, said so.

2. It has been reported that the suspects attended an elite school, many of whose students go into the military, and therefore it is possible that they did indeed have contacts with former classmates who were Army officers, just as one of the men was friends with the head of the Pakistani consulate in Chicago.

'Contacts' with individuals do not show guilt or complicity, the nature of contacts does.
1. The FBI did not say so, an anonymous home ministry source, per the Indian media, said so.

2. It has been reported that the suspects attended an elite school, many of whose students go into the military, and therefore it is possible that they did indeed have contacts with former classmates who were Army officers, just as one of the men was friends with the head of the Pakistani consulate in Chicago.

'Contacts' with individuals do not show guilt or complicity, the nature of contacts does.

Are they only classmates. Last time, I read that a retired Pakistani major was also involved, now this. I am waiting for NYT to publish more - let us see whether they will give names of these two guys.
Are they only classmates. Last time, I read that a retired Pakistani major was also involved, now this. I am waiting for NYT to publish more - let us see whether they will give names of these two guys.

The retired Pakistani major story was also confirmed by the GoP, this is so far unconfirmed and therefore speculation at this point. It could be confirmed, but I am just pointing out that as of right now it is not.

And they could be just classmates - criminals don't live their lives in isolation you know. As I pointed out, one of the men was friends with the head of the Pakistani consulate - that does not automatically make the councilor complicit in his plans, that would depend upon the nature of the contacts, and the Indian media, as they typically do, are hying an issue to malign Pakistan when they don't really have enough information.

The sensationalist headlines should have waited till some confirmation was obtained.
FBI / CIA said Sadaam have nukes and can make 100 of them. FBI and CIA said India will be desloved in 50 parts within 2020
The retired Pakistani major story was also confirmed by the GoP, this is so far unconfirmed and therefore speculation at this point. It could be confirmed, but I am just pointing out that as of right now it is not.

And they could be just classmates - criminals don't live their lives in isolation you know. As I pointed out, one of the men was friends with the head of the Pakistani consulate - that does not automatically make the councilor complicit in his plans, that would depend upon the nature of the contacts, and the Indian media, as they typically do, are hying an issue to malign Pakistan when they don't really have enough information.

The sensationalist headlines should have waited till some confirmation was obtained.

What about a news that some one in the PMO was a relative of Headly..is this true??
What about a news that some one in the PMO was a relative of Headly..is this true??

Haven't heard anything about it since I read it in the Indian media.

And even if there was a relative of Headly in the PMO, what does that have to do with anything? You can't blacklist an entire family because one individual ends up being a 'black sheep'.
NEW DELHI: The FBI interrogation of David Coleman Headley alias Daood Gilani has, for the first time, confirmed what India has always known: A
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"section of serving Pakistan army officers" are working in collaboration with India-specific jihadi groups like LeT and JeM. ( Watch Video )

Sources said this was revealed by Headley to his FBI interrogators in what is the first confirmation by an independent probe agency of the involvement of Pakistani army officers in planning and executing terrorist operations against India.

This, sources said, had been conveyed to the Indian side by the FBI team which visited India to share information on Headley’s questioning. While Pakistan has explained away the instances of the involvement of army officials calling them “aberrations”, this has exposed the jihadi infiltration of the Pakistani army and their collaboration with terrorist outfits in anti-India operations.

Sources said the officials identified by Headley were working with Lashkar on ‘Karachi project’ as part of a larger campaign against India. This project involves using jihadi fugitives from India sheltered in Pakistan to draw in vulnerable Indian Muslim youth.

The FBI interrogation of David Coleman Headley has revealed a Lashkar training project involving jihadi fugitives from India. The youth, after they are trained by Pakistani army officials, are sent back to India as part of the gameplan to conceal the Pakistani involvement and pass off the terror in India as a home-grown phenomenon.

During their discussions with FBI, the Indian side told them about their strong suspicion that Headley was present in the Karachi control room from which the Lashkar leadership choreographed the 26/11 terror attacks. The FBI team said this was not borne out by the evidence in their possession but the Indian side has asked the US agency to check a few facts which they have promised to do.

The details of the Karachi project, revealed by FBI, corroborates India’s own findings. Agencies here have established that a number of absconding terrorists — Aamir Raza Khan, Mufti Sufi Patangiya and Rasool Parti and the remnants of Shahid Bilal gang from Hyderabad — have been luring Muslim youth to be trained as jihadis before being sent to India.

The launch of Indian Mujahideen, which tormented India with a wave of bombings, was part of the plan to erase Pakistan’s fingerprints and pass off the attacks as resulting from the disaffection of a section of its own population.

Even 26/11 attackers, armed with fake IDs of a Bangalore engineering college, had planned to mask their nationality. One of them had called up a TV channel introducing the gang as Deccan Mujahideen.

Pak officers working with jihadis, Headley confirms to FBI - India - The Times of India
This is not news. Its a trivial fact.

Lets close this thread.

How the west, India should react if this is further proved? What should be the provisions for it?

How the people of Pakistan will react to it? Will they continue to support such activities of Pakistan army?

Should India respond with the same to Pakistan?
India have been telling this all this while..!!! Unless a clear policy is there against jihadists of all forms whatever pakistan do wont be enough for the world and their country too.. so it is very fair when USA asks pakistan to coorprate more.
And Headley's word is the word of God.

There may be bad apples everywhere, its an insult to allege that there is any such policy while the entire PA is fighting terrorists from around the world.
And Headley's word is the word of God.

There may be bad apples everywhere, its an insult to allege that there is any such policy while the entire PA is fighting terrorists from around the world.

Even america appreicates the work you do, but they ask for more. Why? the surge is not wholsome. I think you dont have a strong policy against extrimists in ALL forms, every one was saying that, now "A" headly confirms it.
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