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FBI says two serving Pak officers had ties with Headley

And Headley's word is the word of God.

There may be bad apples everywhere, its an insult to allege that there is any such policy while the entire PA is fighting terrorists from around the world.

Well, If you dont know, there are two types of terrorists/Talibans for PA. The good one and the bad one, depending upon wether they attack Pak or its neighbours. Although both are pakistans own creation.

Us frustration of pakistan not doing more is on the part of PA's "reluctance" to deal with AFG/INDIA/NATO specific terrorists, if not "supporting them vigorously" like in case of 26/11.
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And Headley's word is the word of God.

There may be bad apples everywhere, its an insult to allege that there is any such policy while the entire PA is fighting terrorists from around the world.

When you say we are fighting the terrorists you mean those guys who are blowing up your cities. They are bad guys but if the same happens in India those become good guys with the label of freedom fighters. At the same time all these attacks on the civilian targets are justified on the name of freedom struggle.
Even america appreicates the work you do, but they ask for more. Why? the surge is not wholsome. I think you dont have a strong policy against extrimists in ALL forms, every one was saying that, now "A" headly confirms it.
Its no confirmation, thats why only Times of India is reporting it as confirmation. It means one case has 2 Pakistani officers as suspects.

Our policies are the only ones that are working against terrorists, whereas the ENTIRE WORLD is losing against terrorists. So the world needs to learn from us, not the other way round.

The Indian spin usually takes one fact and tries to apply it as a general norm. Which is not true.
When you say we are fighting the terrorists you mean those guys who are blowing up your cities. They are bad guys but if the same happens in India those become good guys with the label of freedom fighters. At the same time all these attacks on the civilian targets are justified on the name of freedom struggle.
There is not a shred of evidence to support that claim. The military is fighting people based on priority, Pakistanis will fight those who form the most threat to us.

Furthermore we're fighting people who we consider are armed terrorists supported by India. So if you want us to control the people bombing you guys, you need to stop bombing us first.

At best we're turning a blind eye to some anti-Indian activities and not really actively supporting the terrorists.
Its no confirmation, thats why only Times of India is reporting it as confirmation. It means one case has 2 Pakistani officers as suspects.

Our policies are the only ones that are working against terrorists, whereas the ENTIRE WORLD is losing against terrorists. So the world needs to learn from us, not the other way round.

The Indian spin usually takes one fact and tries to apply it as a general norm. Which is not true.

Well might be true, we can contest the authincity of the article. However surely we can learn many things from pakistan both the faliures and success on dealing with jihadists.
Well, If you dont know, there are two types of terrorists/Talibans for PA. The good one and the bad one, depending upon wether they attack Pak or its neighbours. Although both are pakistans own creation.

Us frustration of pakistan not doing more is on the part of PA's reluctance to deal with AFG/INDIA/NATO specific terrorists.

It would be better that you guys first read some history of the operations done in those areas. In the past PA took on those terrorists/militants also which you guys and the Americans mention each day. Do some objective analysis to see why PA can't take on all of them at the same time.

Major reasons being, its a vast area with hostile forces all around, with the supply lines very vulnerable.

PA does not have specific troops deployed there nor it can spare more of them.

PA lacks night fighting capability, air borne assets for supply and attack purposes, to sustain long term operations lot of such assets and uninterrupted supply of spares are needed. Even ammo for such things are needed as they are not local made.

Lack and scarcity of PGMs and delivery systems.

Surveillance equipment scarcity.

So priority for PA is Pakistan first. The elements which threaten and try to destabilize Pakistan are first and foremost priority and after that other elements.

It would be better that those guys who try to tow the line of US and ask PA to do more or do action against the Afghan Taliban elements, they should first study what the US forces have done so far in Afghanistan to subdue the Taliban except for emptying border posts or leaving their bases to Taliban with ammo and weapons intact or giving full provinces to Taliban especially the province near to Bajaur Agency where all the militants went to regroup with the blessing of local Afghans and US forces who not even killed a single militant fleeing Pakistan after PA was hot in their pursuit and now those same militants after regrouping in the Nuristan province which the US forces emptied are coming back into Bajaur Agency and creating chaos, and especially the Afghan Taliban ones who are operating way inside deep in Afghanistan, hundreds of miles away from the border area with Pakistan. Would be better you guys have a look at the map of Afghanistan and see the 80% area in which Taliban are active heavily, it may dawn on you guys that this 80% area is not with the Pakistan border rather way deep inside Afghanistan, hundreds of miles away separated by a treacherous landscape and taking weeks to do such journeys to Pakistan border.

Also ask the US forces and its govt that how come millions from their aid money is landing into the hands of the Afghan Taliban, leave aside the drug money which is in millions too. If the US forces and govt can't control & do their part of the deal, why do they ask us to do their job. Even if we launch an attack on the Afghan Taliban over here, they can easily go to the 80% of heavily infested Afghan Taliban domain in Afghanistan.

If NATO forces with such hi-tech military forces from different nations at its disposal can't control a few hundred or thousand Afghan Taliban deep inside Afghanistan, well then our rag tag outdated, ill equipment military is doing a very fine job.
There is not a shred of evidence to support that claim. The military is fighting people based on priority, Pakistanis will fight those who form the most threat to us.

How many terrorists from the groups like LeT have been arrested and prosecuted by Pakistan or was it like that these groups never did any terrorist activity and bombs went of India just like that.

Furthermore we're fighting people who we consider are armed terrorists supported by India. So if you want us to control the people bombing you guys, you need to stop bombing us first.
We are not the one who laid down the policy of "Bleeding India with 1000 cuts" and then there are no proofs neither with nor with your government to proove the same. Anyways there is a famous saying you reap what you sow.

At best we're turning a blind eye to some anti-Indian activities and not really actively supporting the terrorists.
And that blind eye causes the death of Indians.

How about if anyone wants to attack Pakistan and we just turn a blind eye towards them and let them run over to Pakistan kill people there and then let them come back. will it be justified according to your logic
How many terrorists from the groups like LeT have been arrested and prosecuted by Pakistan or was it like that these groups never did any terrorist activity and bombs went of India just like that.

We are not the one who laid down the policy of "Bleeding India with 1000 cuts" and then there are no proofs neither with nor with your government to proove the same. Anyways there is a famous saying you reap what you sow.
Decades old policy, and Kashmir centric only and designed to fight Indian Army. The bombings in Pakistan are targeted against civilians and hence India is the aggressor here.

And that blind eye causes the death of Indians.
Indian army in Kashmir only, which is legitimate.

The others like LeT when they attack elsewhere, we catch them and try them.

How about if anyone wants to attack Pakistan and we just turn a blind eye towards them and let them run over to Pakistan kill people there and then let them come back. will it be justified according to your logic
You already are bombing Pakistanis and will face a fitting response for it.
Furthermore we're fighting people who we consider are armed terrorists supported by India. So if you want us to control the people bombing you guys, you need to stop bombing us first.

Well, why not go for a surgical strike instead on the terrorist camps supported by India. Why risk pakistani civilians lives by taking the WOT at their homes in SW and worse making peace deals with few of the terrorists, like in swat?

Peace deal with India supported terrorists?? Isnt it a shame, really??
Well, why not go for a surgical strike instead on the terrorist camps supported by India. Why risk pakistani civilians lives by taking the WOT at their homes in SW and worse making peace deals with few of the terrorists, like in swat?

Peace deal with India supported terrorists?? Isnt it a shame, really??

Would be better that you upgrade your memory, what happened a year back and what is happening now or has happened, hell of a difference. No need to dig up the dead ones.

That was something done for some purpose, that purpose was not achieved or in another way a purpose was achieved, its history now.

Are they prosecuted? NO... In fact they are being protected by the government of Pakistan on the name of house arrest....

Decades old policy, and Kashmir centric only and designed to fight Indian Army. The bombings in Pakistan are targeted against civilians and hence India is the aggressor here.

Is Delhi and Mumbai in Kashmir or the people died in the train bombings were Indian army. Was the people killed in Mumbai were Army commondoes.

Walking on the same lines majority of the attacks in Pakistan these days are on the army installations only. It is the civilians who come in between the line of fire.

Indian army in Kashmir only, which is legitimate.

The others like LeT when they attack elsewhere, we catch them and try them.

So if any group in Pakistan decides to wage war against the Pakistan army we can provide them with the logistics on the same ground. Does Kashmir being a disputed territory gives Pakistan rights to do whatever it want. I dont think so. If it was then India can also do the same in the Pakistan occupied Kashmir and it takes hardly few couple of currency notes to do the same. world is not short of people to cause havoc. but will it be justified?
You already are bombing Pakistanis and will face a fitting response for it.
Is this statement same as which we are hearing for past 62 years like "Kashmir banega Pakistan""We will rule India" "India will be destroyed" "India will be partitioned"

Last time I checked you lost East Pakistan when you fancied such a thing.
Major reasons being, its a vast area with hostile forces all around, with the supply lines very vulnerable.

PA does not have specific troops deployed there nor it can spare more of them.

PA lacks night fighting capability, air borne assets ...

Well thats a good reason. If you are short of resources to deal with Anti-India terrorists then it is very reasonable to hire them(Haqqani taliban) and execute deadly bombings on Indian embassy in Kabul. Twice.

That does makes sense for PA. :tdown:
Would be better that you upgrade your memory, what happened a year back and what is happening now or has happened, hell of a difference. No need to dig up the dead ones.

That was something done for some purpose, that purpose was not achieved or in another way a purpose was achieved, its history now.

Sir, Even if it is in the past and even if it is embarrasing to Pakistan, but truth is what it is. By that logic even the UN resolutions on Kashmir is insignificant as they were passed long back and its "history" now.
Well thats a good reason. If you are short of resources to deal with Anti-India terrorists then it is very reasonable to hire them(Haqqani taliban) and execute deadly bombings on Indian embassy in Kabul. Twice.

That does makes sense for PA. :tdown:

Makes sense for you guys also to open consulates and finance and support the thugs working what you guys love to see happen inside Pakistan.

So tit for tat, or call it whatever you like.

You guys made East Pakistan into Bangladesh and expect us to forget it so easily ?? Can you guys forget if you had faced such a humiliation ?? You guys are not forgetting 26/11 and you expect Pakistan to forget all what you have done to Pakistan and currently doing ?? How ironic

I just closed a thread where a video was showing Indian captured equipment of Indian in 65 war, there was no offensive language or anything else, just a video of about 2-3 minutes, should have seen how the Indian members got flamed up and charged up and started to post the posts which i hope you can think yourself.

So past of both countries is not a very pleasant one nor is it easy for each other to forget and neither one will leave an opportunity to take revenge from each other whether whatever means utilized, be it Pakistan or be it India.
Sir, Even if it is in the past and even if it is embarrasing to Pakistan, but truth is what it is. By that logic even the UN resolutions on Kashmir is insignificant as they were passed long back and its "history" now.

If you are comparing a peace deal within a country to some thugs Vs a resolution by UN asking for a plebiscite to know what the people really want, or what even your great leader Nehru promised the people of Kashmir, what can i say.

No words with me to express about such a logic that you just said.
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