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If you are comparing a peace deal within a country to some thugs Vs a resolution by UN asking for a plebiscite to know what the people really want, or what even your great leader Nehru promised the people of Kashmir, what can i say.

No words with me to express about such a logic that you just said.

Point is, typical pakistani mentality of conviniently wanting to play down what is embarassing and yet want to cash in, whats favourable.

a peace deal within a country to some thugs
Agreed. Thugs at one end. But who was on the other end?? The great PA. you chose to ignore this.

History cannot be selective.
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Say that to any Bangladeshi and you will have your answer. It was Pakistan which made Bangladesh not India. India just helped them out and that too because India was under pressure because of illegal immigrants. Man we were not short of mouths to feed at that time and we were flooded with your people and we were forced to do so.

Your helping was not required it was an internal matter of Pakistan, because with such logic, then supporting Kashmiris is also right, supporting Khalistan movement is also then right, supporting Naxals will also be right.

And as for immigrants, you guys must be having more immigrants right now then at the time, and the easy task would have been if Indian could not take care of them, repatriation if you have heard of it.
Your helping was not required it was an internal matter of Pakistan, because with such logic, then supporting Kashmiris is also right, supporting Khalistan movement is also then right, supporting Naxals will also be right.

And as for immigrants, you guys must be having more immigrants right now then at the time, and the easy task would have been if Indian could not take care of them, repatriation if you have heard of it.

Are these naxals creating problem for Pakistan definitely not. And you tried your heart out before we kicked the Khalistanis out. And right now you are doing in Kashmir. So why are you so amazed when you conspiracy theorists come up with the idea of Indian involvement in freedom movements in Pakistan. That is the fear mongering in your people because of what you have done in the past that some day we will also do the same which come out as these conspiracy theories which are eventually accepted by the people of Pakistan

Boss there is a limit for immigrants why are we supposed to feed out enemy. If it would have been Indians what you would done. Would you people would have fed them and sent back to India so that they can come back to fight you.
one has to wonder where all this information comes from.

many newspapers just publish anti-Pakistan articles by some people and then every indian claims it as proof.

as for PA involvement in incidents, then can someone remind me who hit the samjotha express... ?? :)

any PA officers caught yet...??

Point is, typical pakistani mentality of conviniently wanting to play down what is embarassing and yet want to cash in, whats favourable.

Have you check your mentality ?? Do check out your posts too.

Agreed. Thugs at one end. But who was on the other end?? The great PA. you chose to ignore this.

If misinformed, what can be done. Do little bit correction in your memory, the deal was done by the govt, not by the Army, a new govt was in place and they wanted to give it a try through peace, PA had already thrown those thugs into the mountains and driven then out of towns, it was the govt of ANP which had asked and done the deal.

Again Agreed. But who was on the other end. UNSC, consisting of Ultra-pak friendly US and CHINA at that time.

History cannot be selective.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 47, adopted on April 21, 1948, at which time we had no ultra-Pak friendly ties with US, nor we were part of any US alliance nor US had any feelings for us. We were alone at that time.

And as for China, the one which you are referring, it became part of UN Security Council in 1971, so don't understand which history book you have read. If a country wasn't a member of UN or its security council till 71, how can it influence a decision in 1948, when it was itself not born, PRC came into being on 1st October 1949.

After this argument of yours, i believe I just have wasted my time as i thought you to be some learned person, but your facts about history told above shows the opposite. Sorry.
one has to wonder where all this information comes from.

many newspapers just publish anti-Pakistan articles by some people and then every indian claims it as proof.

as for PA involvement in incidents, then can someone remind me who hit the samjotha express... ?? :)

any PA officers caught yet...??


Is it related to the topic..... well i belive the same is the proof which the international community belives. now do not come up with a rant saying that whole world is hell bent to destroy Pakistan. And the simple reason... you do not have anything that worthy which the whole world wants apart from you are gradually developing yourself as the epicenter for terrorism which needs to be checked.
Are they prosecuted? NO... In fact they are being protected by the government of Pakistan on the name of house arrest....
Prosecuted? Yes.
Pakistan Charges 7 in Mumbai Attacks | Asia | English

Walking on the same lines majority of the attacks in Pakistan these days are on the army installations only. It is the civilians who come in between the line of fire.
You can argue that, but then Pakistan is not disputed territory and Kashmir is. Also, we will bomb your embassies off without hesitation whenever we can (read whenever the Americans step out of the way).

So if any group in Pakistan decides to wage war against the Pakistan army we can provide them with the logistics on the same ground. Does Kashmir being a disputed territory gives Pakistan rights to do whatever it want.
Not whatever we want, but yeah, all those 1 million Indian soldiers stationed in Kashmir are terrorists in our point of view and are as good as dead.

I dont think so. If it was then India can also do the same in the Pakistan occupied Kashmir and it takes hardly few couple of currency notes to do the same. world is not short of people to cause havoc. but will it be justified?
Not according to us, because there is no rebellion in Azad Kashmir but you can try.

Is this statement same as which we are hearing for past 62 years like "Kashmir banega Pakistan""We will rule India" "India will be destroyed" "India will be partitioned"

None of them are official statements, only that Kashmiris should be given a right of self-determination.

Last time I checked you lost East Pakistan when you fancied such a thing.
Pakistani government has the full mandate of its people to work in the interest of Kashmir's freedom from Indian occupation. Not anywhere else in India. Those are just non-state actors.
Is it related to the topic..... well i belive the same is the proof which the international community belives. now do not come up with a rant saying that whole world is hell bent to destroy Pakistan. And the simple reason... you do not have anything that worthy which the whole world wants apart from you are gradually developing yourself as the epicenter for terrorism which needs to be checked.

Ohh you are talking about that world which can't control Afghanistan itself and blames others for their failure ?? Who themselves are giving millions to these Taliban ?? Or from where does AQ get the money ?? From Saudi Arabia mostly, and who supports KSA ?? Who buys the oil and sells billions of weapons and can't ask them to try to not send money to the AQ or who can't help themselves to stop the aid money given to Afghan puppet govt in reaching the Taliban hands, Afghan taliban who are arming themselves with weapons supplied by this same world you are talking about and money also provided by this same world. Or the same world who justifies & supports the killing of innocent Children, women, elderly by Israel and award it with more aid & weapons to kill thousands more. You talk about that world ???

Or are you talking about India or its PM and politicians who uses very fondly use the term "Epicenter of Terrorism", who themselves have multiple consulates with the border of Pakistan, even when no traveling is done through Pakistan or no trade is allowed through Pakistan, but still having multiple consulates, for what purpose by the way ???

I am just waiting in how many days you are going to set them free from you protection. Do you fear we will kill them on the lines of Munich incident. :lol:
You can argue that, but then Pakistan is not disputed territory and Kashmir is. Also, we will bomb your embassies off without hesitation whenever we can (read whenever the Americans step out of the way).
Do it. You become the agressor. No aids there after. We will get the ball in out courts. Since you attacked the Afghan territory they will part with us and next thing you will see coming is the Indian base in Afghanistan. :agree:

Not whatever we want, but yeah, all those 1 million Indian soldiers stationed in Kashmir are terrorists in our point of view and are as good as dead.

Oh so should we see your army operations also as the acts of terrorism against the poor Balochs. By the way apart from you no one considers Indian army as terrorists. Simple you want offensive against them but expect the same against yours.

Not according to us, because there is no rebellion in Azad Kashmir but you can try.
Oh we do not need to do anything you have your own brothers who are doing our job.

None of them are official statements, only that Kashmiris should be given a right of self-determination.

So do you have any official statement before claiming Indian involvement where your government itself has agreed upon it. So you cant claim on it. But your governement has officially accepted the terrorists and using the policy of terrorism in the past.

Pakistani government has the full mandate of its people to work in the interest of Kashmir's freedom from Indian occupation. Not anywhere else in India. Those are just non-state actors.
And who gave you that divine right to do so. You are the aggressor in Kashmir... remember.

Oh your Indians in Pakistan... well they are also non state actors.

The theory is very simple to understand Asim we can go on debating but the thing is and the mandate is simple. You do it here in India but expect the same in Pakistan. And as i see it and these are my personal belief that Pakistan is very good at calculating what it can do to India but they forget to take in account what can India do to them. If they would have thought that they would have not had operation chengez khan sort of stuff
Ohh you are talking about that world which can't control Afghanistan itself and blames others for their failure ?? Who themselves are giving millions to these Taliban ?? Or from where does AQ get the money ?? From Saudi Arabia mostly, and who supports KSA ?? Who buys the oil and sells billions of weapons and can't ask them to try to not send money to the AQ or who can't help themselves to stop the aid money given to Afghan puppet govt in reaching the Taliban hands, Afghan taliban who are arming themselves with weapons supplied by this same world you are talking about and money also provided by this same world. Or the same world who justifies & supports the killing of innocent Children, women, elderly by Israel and award it with more aid & weapons to kill thousands more. You talk about that world ???
So you mean to say that the same world is after Pakistan but for what. Definely Nukes are one of the reason no one wants some fanatic to have those nukes and use them anywhere to kill your kafirs.

Or are you talking about India or its PM and politicians who uses very fondly use the term "Epicenter of Terrorism", who themselves have multiple consulates with the border of Pakistan, even when no traveling is done through Pakistan or no trade is allowed through Pakistan, but still having multiple consulates, for what purpose by the way ???

well do we need to take the permission of Pakistan before any consulate or any geographical location. If you have some problem with those ask your government to prepare an agreement where India will not make any consulate near Pakistan in return for ..... (now this is hard to think what you have left to give...):rofl:
So you mean to say that the same world is after Pakistan but for what. Definely Nukes are one of the reason no one wants some fanatic to have those nukes and use them anywhere to kill your kafirs.

And have you seen the fanatics in your country ?? Even your Chief of the Army talks about Nuclear Wars between the two of us, if the head of the IA talks in such fanatic terms, what else can we ask.

well do we need to take the permission of Pakistan before any consulate or any geographical location. If you have some problem with those ask your government to prepare an agreement where India will not make any consulate near Pakistan in return for ..... (now this is hard to think what you have left to give...):rofl:

That's the best you can come up with ??

Well shouldn't have expected anything better in the first place.
I am just waiting in how many days you are going to set them free from you protection. Do you fear we will kill them on the lines of Munich incident. :lol:

Do it. You become the agressor. No aids there after. We will get the ball in out courts. Since you attacked the Afghan territory they will part with us and next thing you will see coming is the Indian base in Afghanistan. :agree:
So much wishful thinking, that just testifies that you're completely oblivious to realities both in Pak and Afghanistan.

There's a saying about Afghans "You can buy an Afghan but not his loyalty". What does this imply? This implies you cannot buy Afghans loyalty. He might come back and shoot you in the arse the next day.

Secondly you're dream of building a base in AFG will never become a reality. It would be an open declaration of war. This was testified by a PA General.

So, the only harm you're capable of committing against Pak through AFG is covertly by hiding your faces in the embassies. Odds are against you, not in favour of you.
Oh so should we see your army operations also as the acts of terrorism against the poor Balochs. By the way apart from you no one considers Indian army as terrorists. Simple you want offensive against them but expect the same against yours.
Maybe you should ask the Kashmiris, the Moaists, Nepalese, and een Bengali's who the real terrorists are :lol: so on and so forth..

Oh we do not need to do anything you have your own brothers who are doing our job.

they are not our brothers, never were. they're doing your job because they're recruited and paid by you. and they're getting one hell of a beating as we speak hiding around wearing burqas, should we blame the incompetence of their masters now? :lol:
So much wishful thinking, that just testifies that you're completely oblivious to realities both in Pak and Afghanistan.

There's a saying about Afghans "You can buy an Afghan but not his loyalty". What does this imply? This implies you cannot buy Afghans loyalty. He might come back and shoot you in the arse the next day.

Do you think Afghans would be happy about your beloved Taliban government with you who had supported such A$$holes over them. At the same time does the Taliban would be loyal to you because you gave the guys who bombed them your air space and supplies. come back from the fairy tale. If you are helping some one bomb my home i wont part with you. So either Taliban or no Taliban game is slowly slipping out of your hands.

Secondly you're dream of building a base in AFG will never become a reality. It would be an open declaration of war. This was testified by a PA General.
Lol so you will declare war on India and become the aggressor once again. That would be great because next thing we will see is Pakistan crunched in economic crisis just like Iraq with no aid. Well we can assure you that.

So, the only harm you're capable of committing against Pak through AFG is covertly by hiding your faces in the embassies. Odds are against you, not in favour of you.
See we have embassies for the construction work. It is you who have problems with them and are not able to do anything about them apart from shouting at the highest pitch of which no one actually cares in the whole world. Oh yes i am expecting some reply starting with "Soon..............." :lol:

Maybe you should ask the Kashmiris, the Moaists, Nepalese, and een Bengali's who the real terrorists are :lol: so on and so forth..

62 years if people are not satisfied still i see the same map of India but map of Pakistan has changed over the period of time.

they are not our brothers, never were. they're doing your job because they're recruited and paid by you. and they're getting one hell of a beating as we speak hiding around wearing burqas, should we blame the incompetence of their masters now? :lol:

Oh you are the ones who consider all of Muslims as your brothers so by that logic they are also your brothers wheather we fund them or not. Now dont come up with they are not muslims as Pakistan is not the central Islamic authority to decide on who is muslim and who is not apart from self declared champion of unification of ummah :rofl:
Your helping was not required it was an internal matter of Pakistan, because with such logic, then supporting Kashmiris is also right, supporting Khalistan movement is also then right, supporting Naxals will also be right.

And as for immigrants, you guys must be having more immigrants right now then at the time, and the easy task would have been if Indian could not take care of them, repatriation if you have heard of it.

are the kashmiris immigrating to pakistan.....are the naxals comin into pakistan.....as long as they dont interfere in your country they remain an internal matter of india.(again dont go off on kashmir now-as of now it is disputed ..but it is still partly under india and whatever happening on this side is none of your consern till it affects pakistan -till a solution to the dispute is acheived) .

but bangladesh was different....people were pouring into india?what do you expect us to do....keep them all here when we didnt have an economy and shortage of food. we had to get them back to where they belong and most importantly in a safe condition since they came to india with hope of being safe.....so we had to interfere.....we helped them to go ack to thier own land.....the reason for the creation of bangladesh lies in your leadership and their greed to weild power no matter what.
are the kashmiris immigrating to pakistan.....are the naxals comin into pakistan.....as long as they dont interfere in your country they remain an internal matter of india.(again dont go off on kashmir now-as of now it is disputed ..but it is still partly under india and whatever happening on this side is none of your consern till it affects pakistan -till a solution to the dispute is acheived) .

but bangladesh was different....people were pouring into india?what do you expect us to do....keep them all here when we didnt have an economy and shortage of food. we had to get them back to where they belong and most importantly in a safe condition since they came to india with hope of being safe.....so we had to interfere.....we helped them to go ack to thier own land.....the reason for the creation of bangladesh lies in your leadership and their greed to weild power no matter what.

Sure the Pakistani leadership is to blame for the crisis but to allude the Indian war as one fought or the benefit of East Pakistani people out of good faith is a very over simplistic point of view.
India interfered because the unrest offered a tremendous advantage to help split Pakistan which India certainly played a major part in.
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