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'Fatal' blast at Islamabad hotel

PESHAWAR, Jan 28: Traders stunned by Saturday’s devastating blast which killed 13 people, including senior police officers, kept their shops closed and a tense calm prevailed in the provincial capital on Sunday. All vehicles entering or leaving the city were being checked and paramilitary troops and police personnel patrolled sensitive areas to provide protection to Muharram processions and congregation.

(Extraordinary security measures have also been taken all over the country in the wake of the Peshawar suicide blast and a similar attack in Islamabad a day earlier and Interior Minister Aftab Khan Sherpao told newsmen that army troops were on standby to be deployed to any of the 40 districts considered potential flashpoints for violence on Ashura. Sharp-shooters from police and paramilitary forces, he said, had been posted around mosques.)

Meanwhile, Additional AIG Investigation Fiaz Ahmad Khan Toru who is heading a joint investigation team comprising officials of Inter Services Intelligence, Intelligence Bureau and Military Intelligence, told Dawn in Peshawar that an ‘important lead’ had been found.

“We have found an important lead. We are working on that and will hopefully reach the perpetrators of the crime.”

He said the clue indicated involvement of a foreign country. He did not elaborate.

“There is no doubt whatsoever that it was a case of trained suicide bombing,” he said. “We have collected pieces of human flesh, skin, shirt, belt, grenades, nut and bolts and two severed legs” from the site, he added.

All these things were being tested, he said, adding that DNA tests would also be carried out.

In view of the importance of the case, he said, several high-ranking officials from police, CID, MI, IB and ISI were carrying out interrogations from different aspects.

Federal Interior Secretary Syed Kamal Shah said he believed the attack had targeted police force.

“Foreign elements are involved in the suicide attacks in Peshawar and Islamabad,” he said while talking to newsmen at the Peshawar Police Lines after funeral prayers for the slain police officers and constables.

He said the army had been put on high alert in several districts, and it might be deployed in Peshawar to maintain law and order. Meanwhile, DIG Special Branch Abdul Majid Marwat has been appointed city police chief in place of Malik Saad who lost his life in the suicide attack.

The new police chief told newsmen that security arrangements in the city had been tightened further and points of entry into the city were being monitored strictly.

According to eyewitnesses, the suicide bomber blew himself up as he neared the police officers who were reviewing security arrangements along the route of the Muharram procession.

Governor Ali Mohammed Jan Aurakzai, Chief Minister Akram Khan Durrani, Corps Commander Peshawar Lt-Gen Mohammed Hamid, federal and provincial ministers, senators, MNAs, MPAs, senior government officials and thousands of people attended the funeral prayers for the policemen whose bodies had been wrapped in national flag.

Later, the remains of Malik Saad were sent to his native town Kohat for burial. The bodies of other policemen also were sent to their hometowns.

Governor Aurakzai visited the Lady Reading Hospital and the Hayatabad Medical Complex to inquire after the health of the injured. He prayed for their early recovery.

He told newsmen that terrorists wanted to destroy peace and harmony in the country, but they would not be allowed to succeed in their nefarious designs.

He appealed to the people to remain peaceful and help the government in exposing the anti-state elements.

COMPENSATION: The provincial government announced a compensation of Rs5 million for Malik Saad’s family which will also be entitled to the facility of the official car and residence for 10 years and the police chief’s salary till his retirement time.

The heirs of DSP Khan Raziq will get Rs2.5 million in compensation while those of the four slain constables would get Rs1 million each.

The government also announced Rs1 million for the families of each of the three nazims and Rs200,000 earch for those of the civilians killed in the incident.

Meanwhile, Syed Akhtar Ali Shah, DIG, E&I has been transferred and posted as DIG Special Branch in place of Abdul Majid Marwat.

AP adds: Army troops were put on alert to guard against sectarian violence.

Security was also stepped up in Karachi after an intelligence report indicated the threat of a car bombing, police said.

Heavily armed police and security forces in pick-up trucks and armoured personnel carriers patrolled streets in Peshawar, but no violence was reported.

In Karachi, police and troops from the paramilitary Rangers force were ordered to check all vehicles entering the city for explosives, said Sindh police chief Jehangir Mirza.

He said police received an intelligence report early on Sunday indicating that an explosives-laden car was heading to Karachi from Dera Ismail Khan.

''We have taken this report very seriously and took all necessary measures to intercept any such vehicle,'' he said, but did not say who had dispatched the alleged car bomb or what is was aimed at.
You can laugh your a$$ off on whatever you feel like. India did indeed gain the upperhand in all the three wars, with winning the 1972 war decisively as well as pounding the PA in Kargil. Those two count as pure victories. In the rest of the 2, India had the upperhand in both the cases. As Pakistan invaded India on both counts, i would rather say that this amounts to a defeat for Pakistan. If you invade, then you invade to win, not to lose. Thus a loss to Pakistan.

LOL :bunny: :bunny: :bunny:

I am not gonna go into details of this as this topic is not about wars, but seriously :rofl: :rofl:
What you're saying is more of an opinion than anything else. Obviously your government has feeded you such trash in your brain. I am amazed at how successful the indian government has been in terms of selling lies to its own citizens and how the citizens buy into them (such as india has won 3 wars against Pakistan LMFAO). But then again, kudos to the indian government as they have a stronger propaganda machine compared to Pakistan government.

And you indians say that Pakistan has been involved in pretty much every bomb blast in india over the last 5 years or so. I have yet to see any substantial proof that proves that. Mumbai bomb blast... the indians said that they will hand Pakistan the proof soon. We're still waiting for the proof sir, or should I say fabricated proof.

Ahsan, forget about the claims India makes.

Let us speak about what you said. You said earlier the bomb blasts are india sponsored and in the same breath you said all were culprits of the earlier bomb blasts were caught and punished on evidence. Yet i have not seen any media article which said anything about India's involvement. The articles i have read either pointed out to the baluchs , the talibans or the shia-sunni extremists.
ISLAMABAD, Jan 29 (Online): The security apparatus and investigating agencies were well aware in advance about the possibility of suicide blasts and sabotage in Dera Ismail Khan.

Reliable Sources here Monday said that the security apparatus in collaboration with DIK police had initiated a grand operation 3 days before, arresting one FC personnel, while arresting the rest of 5 terrorists after interrogation from him, recovering explosive laden belts and videos depicting training sessions of Taliban elements, recorded with mobile cell phones.

All the arrested terrorists were shifted to Islamabad by helicopter, who revealed their identities as belonging from the Mahsood and Burki tribes of South Wazirstan, and also revealed the horrific news about penetration of 16 trained terrorists in DIK, replete with seven suicidal vehicles.

The security apparatus has sped up their search and investigations for these dangerous elements, and timely steps saved DIK from a devastating destruction.

The security apparatus is said to have arrested a person wearing an explosives jacket in evening, while the arrested terrorists from Wazirstan, have been shifted to Islamabad for further investigations
Ahsan, forget about the claims India makes.

Let us speak about what you said. You said earlier the bomb blasts are india sponsored and in the same breath you said all were culprits of the earlier bomb blasts were caught and punished on evidence. Yet i have not seen any media article which said anything about India's involvement. The articles i have read either pointed out to the baluchs , the talibans or the shia-sunni extremists.

Obviously you won't see the indian or western media blaming india. But I have seen it on Geo, ARY, etc. Pakistan government does realize and know that India has been responsible for some of the terrorism in Pakistan over the years. The baluchs and the tribals have been funded by RAW over the years.
Obviously you won't see the indian or western media blaming india. But I have seen it on Geo, ARY, etc. Pakistan government does realize and know that India has been responsible for some of the terrorism in Pakistan over the years. The baluchs and the tribals have been funded by RAW over the years.

I have watched so many interviews of Mushraff, i have never seen him uttering a word about India's state sponsored terrorism.

If you have seen any news relating India to the present unrest in pakistan , then why r u not posting it here?
I have watched so many interviews of Mushraff, i have never seen him uttering a word about India's state sponsored terrorism.

If you have seen any news relating India to the present unrest in pakistan , then why r u not posting it here?

Well obviously Mushy won't say anything unless he knows for sure and has conclusive evidence. I saw on GEO that Pakistan government will give evidence to indian government regarding its involvment in terrorism in Balochistan and tribal areas some time back. Our government is not like Man-o-man singh, or Pranab.

And I can't just record a video live and post it on the internet. I got no idea how to do that.
Well obviously Mushy won't say anything unless he knows for sure and has conclusive evidence. I saw on GEO that Pakistan government will give evidence to indian government regarding its involvment in terrorism in Balochistan and tribal areas some time back. Our government is not like Man-o-man singh, or Pranab..

You should be having evidence already as you said all the culprits have been caught. So in the next interview will mushraff say anything about it? Or else why would Pakistan have to wait for Mushraffs statement/Interview, the GOP can issue a press release statign the facts and India's involvement.

And I can't just record a video live and post it on the internet. I got no idea how to do that.

You mean to say it came on TV. but still nothing in the main stream print media yet. Well, thats strange.
You should be having evidence already as you said all the culprits have been caught. So in the next interview will mushraff say anything about it? Or else why would Pakistan have to wait for Mushraffs statement/Interview, the GOP can issue a press release statign the facts and India's involvement.

It takes time to investigate these incidents. It has been only a few days. Give them some time.
It takes time to investigate these incidents. It has been only a few days. Give them some time.

But you said you saw a video where India's involvement was disclosed. What about that?

And this is not the first bomb blast that happened. there were so mnay before last year by the talibans, by the sunni-shia revenge ttacks, by the baluch tribals. What abt all those?

All the culprits have been caught as per your own words, so why no evidence is still forthcoming.
Musharraf today said that they believe there are foreign elements involve. Could be Afghanistan or India or both.

Evidence? I doubt there'd be enough evidence, just best guesses. So what are we going to do even if we have Manmohan Singh firing bullets from an Ak-47 on a crowd in Pakistan? Nothing. I'm not concerned with implicating India. I want them to investigate and try to prevent it from happening again. What's the big deal if a coupla people say "Shame on India" for this incident.

India is always SURE about Pak involvement, but has it ever provided any evidence? There is none. Even if they had Musharraf on tape, Mush can just moon India his *** and they can't do anything about it. Unless we are willing to goto war, which neither side is.

So we do nothing? No. We just try and prevent it from happening again.
IT was realy a sad day for Peshawar as we had seen one of the best Police officers Malik Saad killed in that blast.

Rest yesterday and day before Ysterday we had also seen such happenings in Bannu, Hangu and DI Khan.
The good news is we had arrested few suicide bombers with all their equipment alive :)

too bad they missed it. And Bull indeed we are not India who even before happening of any incident states that Pakistan will be behind it.

As far Indian involvement well two Afghan Refugess were killed in DI Khan incident, the RAW-KHAD Northern Alliance link is not a secret.
Its another thing that they are playing with the emotionalism of some people out here.
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