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Farmhouse where Hakimullah died was worth Rs1,27,56,000: report

Like Pakistanis do 2 plus 2 and create create conspiracy theories, many theories can be created in this news.
Like TTP was created by ISI, they sacrificed some civilians etc etc. I do not believe in these theories, just want to highlight how others feel and they can also do 2 plus 2.
How about searching high profile targets in the vicinage of military bases? I am positive forces shall glean a couple.

Latif Mehsud is in US custody, same guy who gifted this property to Hakimullah. Quite possible that he passed on this information to Americans.

Anyway, a terrorist killed is one less terrorist to fight.
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well brother as they say "are all kings men" wait for some time some new relewations are coming TTP is onli surviving cause it is used by your security appratus to keep there opponents quite and keep people away from asking valid questions other wise how can some one live in such a big and palatial farm house a few KM away from district millitarry HQ and your security dosent even know about it while even locals know....use your logic sir can u live near your areas millitarry HQ withowt being asked any questions
How do you know , it was such a big and palatial farm house - have you visited the palace? do you even have a damn picture of the farmhouse???
and please share the link where Military had denied about the whereabouts of Mehsud, we denied about OBL, i am sure if such a statement was ever made against this idiot, it has to be somewhere......
Do u know what is the strengh of what u r terming as regilonal HQ and do u know the highest rank who sit there? 

dnt bother explaining .just go through there news and see how they are minuplated ... its their media propoganda ,...which made up their mind about ISI and Pakistan .
If you know why don't you tell everyone. How will we know?
actually establishment and government and previous government (PPP, MQM, ANP) is against blocking NATO supplies and Drones ..only Imran khan is against drone and pro peace ... he is the only force that is driving this opinion ///

Asking for peace from a terrorist is nothing but bargaining. & you don't bargain with a terrorist, unless you put pre-conditions such as asking the outfit to give up arms. That has to be the first & foremost demand before one could talk peace with a terrorist. But here it doesn't seems to be the case. IK & other political parties are coming across as the ones who are negotiating from a weaker position. IK needs to understand the motive of TTP. Are they really fighting against the Americans or their real enemies are common Pakistanis? Blocking Nato supply lines or doing away with drones are not the primary motive for TTP... that is only an hurdle in their way for reaching their ultimate goal. It's just that IK & his ilk's priorities are misplaced.
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How about searching high profile targets in the vicinage of military bases? I am positive forces shall glean a couple.

Latif Mehsud is in US custody, same guy who gifted this property to Hakimullah. Quite possible that he passed on this information to Americans.

Anyway, a terrorist killed is one less terrorist to fight.
yes, and it would be interesting to know, why US would be so interested in Latif and extract info about Hakimullah?? why not leave it with karzai govt like they did with fazalullah and others??
In a remote area like these Regional HQs mean nothing, never been to NW or SW but have definitely been to remote areas of Balochistan and interior sindh, i was posted some 40km off Indian border too, so as I said Regional HQ in such remote areas mean nothing.
You are overlooking the fact that NW is not our stronghold,
did we know about his whereabouts? well i leave it for you to think as we knew people in Haqqani Network,
had it been the right time to take about the leader? well perhaps we didnt find the open window.....
was it the right time? I guess yes - with US finding Afghans playing double game with them as ISI played CIA.....

@balixd You may be right , but the regional HQ do mean something even if little , I mean the force is still present - less as it may be , but present nonetheless . Can you believe the story that the locals which obviously they did , being so pro Taliban and the army didn't ? Almost five TTP chiefs and dozens of top brass members have died in the drone strikes , is it possible without solid HUMINT from ISI ? :D I would say " No " . I fully realize the fact that North Waziristan isn't really run by the Govt/Military and I mentioned it in my post but yet , you have the insiders working for you . But the Haqqani Network has strongly condemned his death along with Afghan Taliban , does it make sense again ? This is more adding to the confusion , which isn't good for the nation . I would say it was a good decision to take him out , why dont do it whilst we have the chance ? Do you expect anything good out of these peace talks ? 
Frankly one must not worry about that, for we have no writ in that region.

You know the tribal people were very angry after the " Great leader Kim Jong Sun " was killed :azn: Speaks tons about the loyalty .

You are really talking weird now . What opponents are you talking about ? You think the army itself is involved in the murder of 64,000 Pakistanis seriously ? :azn:
no sir whta i was saying that army and ISI controlled these elements and still have some say and as these so called "tabliqui jamats" got more and more fan following deu to poor govt writt and corrupttion and ignorence and poverty they became powerfull in time and ruthless and anybody whio stood against them was sielenced for some time your offiicals turned a blind eye on there activities as they also took favours from them and alwyas saw them as a tool to have a proxy to ruel and influence the naighbouring countries now they are unmamangable and uncontrolable and often go berseck well if pkistanies still think that these so called "tabliqui jamats" are foreign funded and against the ISI & P Army well what can we say as you yourself are at there reciveing end good luck
@Oscar What do you make of this ? Though the evaluation of the property prices and that of items where there is abundance of such materials due to smuggling and what-not and the free labor provided by " little angels " is obviously not right , the proximity to the North Waziristan military HQ is interesting .

He dint live there. He never lived at a place rather moving.

That day he was coming for arranged meeting at that place for negotiations. The missiles fired at vehicle and the place.

You are really talking weird now . What opponents are you talking about ? You think the army itself is involved in the murder of 64,000 Pakistanis seriously ? :azn:

How can a leader of a terror organization stay 1km away from a military HQ and the army would have no clue about it ? The only other explanation other than incompetence or "hand in gloves" is Pakistan is truly scared of TTP. Maybe the TTP/wahabi Ideology has infected the military ..... give me some explanation ....

I was just asking about the " opponents " you mentioned . Who are the people , whom going by your last post , need to be silenced by the army right now ? Just who ? Who exactly do you think , would be opposing anything happens , by either side , in those remote , dangerous and writ-less areas ? It is true that ISI controls/controlled " some elements " - a fallout of Soviet invasion from the 80's but you are assuming that the same elements are killing the Pakistanis with active support from the intelligence agency of the same country - do you think you are making sense ? You are repeating the old story , whilst we talk about the present .
He dint live there. He never lived at a place rather moving.

That day he was coming for arranged meeting at that place for negotiations. The missiles fired at vehicle and the place.
namaste Jana Ji Happy belated diwali to you and your family
Frankly one must not worry about that, for we have no writ in that region.
The writ is not there because you lack ability or because you do not want to do for some reason. Hard to believe you cannot control this land with so much investment in military.
@balixd You may be right , but the regional HQ do mean something even if little , I mean the force is still present - less as it may be , but present nonetheless . Can you believe the story that the locals which obviously they did , being so pro Taliban and the army didn't ? Almost five TTP chiefs and dozens of top brass members have died in the drone strikes , is it possible without solid HUMINT from ISI ? :D I would say " No " . I fully realize the fact that North Waziristan isn't really run by the Govt/Military and I mentioned it in my post but yet , you have the insiders working for you . But the Haqqani Network has strongly condemned his death along with Afghan Taliban , does it make sense again ? This is more adding to the confusion , which isn't good for the nation . I would say it was a good decision to take him out , why dont do it whilst we have the chance ? Do you expect anything good out of these peace talks ? 

You know the tribal people were very angry after the " Great leader Kim Jong Sun " was killed :azn: Speaks tons about the loyalty .
my dear, we have JI calling this son of a B&(( a martyr, what does that tell you? rather than celebrating the death of this mofo, our moronic nation (idk if thats a word :D) is pissed off that why Americans fired a drone....that my dear is the confusion......
Talking about the intelligence than there has to be on ground intelligence as it had been in the past, we had the intel about attacks and notifications were issued, that means he did infiltrated the network.

it is good he died, that is one less Terrorist - end of story for me...i don't care whether he was in bed with ISI or KSA

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