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Fareed Zakaria: Let’s be honest, Islam has a problem right now


Jun 16, 2010
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When television host Bill Maher declares on his weekly show that “the Muslim world . . . has too much in common with ISIS ” and guest Sam Harris says that Islam is “the mother lode of bad ideas,” I understand why people are upset. Maher and Harris, an author, made crude simplifications and exaggerations. And yet, they were also talking about something real.

I know the arguments against speaking of Islam as violent and reactionary. It has a following of 1.6 billion people. Places such as Indonesia and India have hundreds of millions of Muslims who don’t fit these caricatures. That’s why Maher and Harris are guilty of gross generalizations. But let’s be honest. Islam has a problem today. The places that have trouble accommodating themselves to the modern world are disproportionately Muslim.

In 2013, of the top 10 groups that perpetrated terrorist attacks, seven were Muslim. Of the top 10 countries where terrorist attacks took place, seven were Muslim-majority. The Pew Research Center rates countries on the level of restrictions that governments impose on the free exercise of religion. Of the 24 most restrictive countries, 19 are Muslim-majority. Of the 21 countries that have laws against apostasy, all have Muslim majorities.

There is a cancer of extremism within Islam today. A small minority of Muslims celebrates violence and intolerance and harbors deeply reactionary attitudes toward women and minorities. While some confront these extremists, not enough do so, and the protests are not loud enough. How many mass rallies have been held against the Islamic State (also known as ISIS) in the Arab world today?

The caveat, “Islam today,” is important. The central problem with Maher’s and Harris’s analyses are that they take a reality — extremism in Islam — and describe it in ways that suggest it is inherent in Islam. Maher says Islam is “the only religion that acts like the Mafia, that will [expletive] kill you if you say the wrong thing, draw the wrong picture or write the wrong book.” He’s right about the viciousness but wrong to link it to “Islam” — instead of “some Muslims.”

Harris prides himself on being highly analytical — with a PhD, no less. I learned in graduate school that you can never explain a variable phenomenon with a fixed cause. So, if you are asserting that Islam is inherently violent and intolerant — “the mother lode of bad ideas” — then, since Islam has been around for 14 centuries, we should have seen 14 centuries of this behavior.

Harris should read Zachary Karabell’s book “Peace Be Upon You: Fourteen Centuries of Muslim, Christian and Jewish Conflict and Cooperation.” What he would discover is that there have been wars but also many centuries of peace. Islam has at times been at the cutting edge of modernity, but like today, it has also been the great laggard. As Karabell explained to me, “If you exclude the last 70 years or so, in general the Islamic world was more tolerant of minorities than the Christian world. That’s why there were more than a million Jews living in the Arab world until the early 1950s — nearly 200,000 in Iraq alone.”

If there were periods when the Islamic world was open, modern, tolerant and peaceful, this suggests that the problem is not in the religion’s essence and that things can change once more. So why is Maher making these comments? I understand that as a public intellectual he feels the need to speak what he sees as the unvarnished truth (though his “truth” is simplified and exaggerated). But surely there is another task for public intellectuals as well — to try to change the world for good.

Does he really think that comparing Islam to the Mafia will do this? Harris says that he wants to encourage “nominal Muslims who don’t take the faith seriously” to reform the religion. So, the strategy to reform Islam is to tell 1.6 billion Muslims, most of whom are pious and devout, that their religion is evil and they should stop taking it seriously?

That is not how Christianity moved from its centuries-long embrace of violence, crusades, inquisitions, witch-burning and intolerance to its modern state. On the contrary, intellectuals and theologians celebrated the elements of the religion that were tolerant, liberal and modern, and emphasized them, while giving devout Christians reasons to take pride in their faith. A similar approach — reform coupled with respect — will work with Islam over time.

The stakes are high in this debate. You can try to make news or you can make a difference. I hope Maher starts doing the latter.

Fareed Zakaria: Let’s be honest, Islam has a problem right now - The Washington Post

@levina @SarthakGanguly @ExtraOdinary @scorpionx @Ravi Nair @anant_s @Indischer @arp2041 @nair @Robinhood Pandey @Roybot @jaunty @Abingdonboy @sancho @Srinivas @gslv mk3 @halupridol @Dash @MohitV @Skull and Bones @acetophenol @IND151 @HariPrasad @he-man @Guynextdoor2 @eowyn @Tridibans @sms @my2cents @jarves @Rajaraja Chola @XiNiX @Android @nik22 @OrionHunter @Star Wars @Nair saab @Indo-guy @Brahmos_2 @desert warrior @gslv @Mike_Brando @oFFbEAT @GR!FF!N @COLDHEARTED AVIATOR @Bang Galore @Dillinger @AUSTERLITZ @sandy_3126 @Dem!god @Kurama @sourya kharib @zip @wolfschanzze @RKO @ni8mare @JD_In @illusion8 @kaku1 @blood @ranjeet @GURU DUTT @rockstarIN @IndoUS @SR-91 @danish_vij @kaykay @Black Widow @StormShadow @kurup @raja hindustani @noksss @TejasMk3 @shuntmaster
The crux of whole article is following:

There is a cancer of extremism within Islam today. A small minority of Muslims celebrates violence and intolerance and harbors deeply reactionary attitudes toward women and minorities. While some confront these extremists, not enough do so, and the protests are not loud enough. How many mass rallies have been held against the Islamic State (also known as ISIS) in the Arab world today?

This is what I am saying for past many months. If Israel becomes offensive even once to Gaza. Whole Muslim world jumps up and down. ISIS doesn't seem a problem for these people. Selectivity of Human rights make Islam is in more danger than people like ISIS, Boko Haram, Al Qaeda etc
It's all politics, It's not Islam's fault.

The only reasons Muslims look more like terrorists right now is not because there is any problem with Islam, it's because Muslims don't have Cruise Missiles, Aircraft Carriers and Drones to help them achieve their political goals. When that research counts the amount of "terrorists", I'm sure it doesn't include the likes of America or the CIA or any of the private military contractors that do as much 'terrorism' as anyone else.

It's more political than it is Islam. I'm sure if Islam hadn't existed, the terrorists would have used some other ideology to brainwash people and use them for their political goals. Islam is just the trend for now, before it was Communism, now its Islam's turn to be used and abused and twisted around for politics and money.

Anyway, this Bill Maher BS is getting a lot more publicity than it should be getting.

Then, about the whole stupid argument people have been repeating over and over and over again - that Muslims don't protest enough against ISIS, so they secretly support it or something.
PROTEST IS NOT EVEN REQUIRED!! Why do we protest? To show our state and our leaders that we disagree with something or that we would like some action to be taken. The whole world is already united against ISIS and multiple Muslim nations have already started bombing them and fighting them, along with western nations. There is no need to convince any leaders or any governments to take action - they already are.
With Israel, an example everyone keeps bringing up, people need to protest because it is a nation that claims to be civilized and modern. Israel is also backed by the leaders of many nations and is supported by the whole West. ISIS makes no such claims, neither is it supported by any country (not directly atleast). The whole world is already against ISIS. There is no need to protest. Sure, we need to show ISIS we Muslims disagree with them, but I'm sure they'll understand that when they get their arses blown apart by Muslim pilots fighting for Muslim countries.

The final point this article made is great,
That is not how Christianity moved from its centuries-long embrace of violence, crusades, inquisitions, witch-burning and intolerance to its modern state. On the contrary, intellectuals and theologians celebrated the elements of the religion that were tolerant, liberal and modern, and emphasized them, while giving devout Christians reasons to take pride in their faith. A similar approach — reform coupled with respect — will work with Islam over time.

However, I disagree with one really small thing - Islam doesn't need reform. MUSLIMS need reform. We Muslims need to start following Islam properly, especially all its principles that condemn the killing of innocents and preach peace. And we need to stop using Islam as a political tool and use it as a uniting ideology instead. Islam is a very powerful force that can unite half the world under one banner - only if we get our shit together and start using our own brains instead of blindly following whatever some misinformed Mullah tells us.
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A small minority of Muslims celebrates violence and intolerance and harbors deeply reactionary attitudes toward women and minorities
Sad but true.
When I posted it on some other thread that Islam was wrongly misinterpreted and taught, then it was objected upon.There're some muslim countries which do support radicals.I'm not naming any one but then many of us do know that it is true.

But hey....what about the atrocities done by USA/Britain in Vietnam,Aghanistan and Iraq?? so should we also say that Bush's/Tony Blair's Christianity also has a PROBLEM right now??
But hey....what about the atrocities done by USA/Britain in Vietnam,Aghanistan and Iraq?? so should we also say that Bush's/Tony Blair's Christianity also has a PROBLEM right now??
What about India's annexation of Goa, integration of Sikkim, England's war against Germany in WW2, China's war of independence against Japan etc?

There is a difference between religious wars and other wars. And the difference is huge.
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What about India's annexation of Goa, integration of Sikkim, England's war against Germany in WW2, China's war of independence against Japan etc?

There is a difference between religious wars and other wars. And the difference is huge?
The only difference is that religious war is justified with religion while normal war is justified with BS like "spreading democracy" and "WMDs, THEY HAVE WMDs!!!"
The only ones being fooled are the public or the soldiers. The leaders know what they do and why they really do it.
What about India's annexation of Goa, integration of Sikkim, England's war against Germany in WW2, China's war of independence against Japan etc?

There is a difference between religious wars and other wars. And the difference is huge?
How many innocents did India and China kill in the name of war for independence???
how many drone attacks did we make?

I don't support sweeping statements made to sully a religion be it Islam,Hinduism or any other religion.
That is not how Christianity moved from its centuries-long embrace of violence, crusades, inquisitions, witch-burning and intolerance to its modern state. On the contrary, intellectuals and theologians celebrated the elements of the religion that were tolerant, liberal and modern, and emphasized them, while giving devout Christians reasons to take pride in their faith. A similar approach — reform coupled with respect — will work with Islam over time.

I have said exactly this thing before on PDF. Just as Christianity evolved, so will Islam.
How many innocents did India and China kill in the name of war for independence???
Many. India did not 'win' independence. We got it on a platter, as per the Brit's wishes. Hell, even they got to decide our boundaries. :omghaha:

China's war of independence, like the US, French revolution etc - have all been extremely bloody.

The motive is THE MOST IMPORTANT issue here. Even in a 'simple' murder trial the motive is given the most weight.

The only difference is that religious war is justified with religion while normal war is justified with BS like "spreading democracy" and "WMDs, THEY HAVE WMDs!!!"
The only ones being fooled are the public or the soldiers. The leaders know what they do and why they really do it.
The Saddam argument. :D Bush was an idiot. No, actually, this 'war' did not begin in 2003. It got our attention around then. But the stalwarts commanding the al Qaida/IS/etc groups had started their 'careers' long back. And religious wars had been going on much before that, pretty from the beginning of religion.
Islam, my friend had problems since its inception, even Prophet Mohammad PBUH had to fight for his survival because of Islam.
It is nothing new. If one thinks in a historical perspective, one can see that there were 12 crusades against Islam, The whole of Europe Christianity gathered to kill it in its infancy... with no avail. They gathered again against the ottoman Empire with the help of Russia, and couldn't succeed either but to stop the turks from taking Vienna on the demand of a Christian king.
What is going on today is the continuation of this onslaught on Islam, using the Media as another weapon for spreading defamation on the most peaceful religion ever, the religion of Abraham, since Islam relates directly to Abraham PBUH. Its anti-corruption ideology combined with no-nonsense rules of social conduct for individuals and societies makes it the bitterest medication to swallow for corrupt and twisted minded individuals, groups and societies... even within the Muslim world.
Not all Muslims are equal in thought, behavior or faith. So any criticism has to pinpoint the individuals and the groups that are guilty of something,- it is too bad that they happen to be "Muslims" in the middle east, but the whole middle east is majority Muslim and is the hottest point on earth today, by coincidence... - and leave Islam as a religion alone, it is heavenly and rightful. It suites only righteous people, thus the age old opposition to it. Most humans will rather prefer to have easy money, easy drugs, easy sex...etc, without thinking about the aftermath of their effects on the individual as well as on the societies. Islam brings with it a code of ethics to prevent these consequences, one can safely say that it is a proactive system to prevent social decadence and social disease.In brief, anyone who opposes such a system is rather an active decadent and a sick person or group.
Everyone can see how decadent and sick is America today... But that is another story altogether related to befriending a group of people known to spread social disease everywhere it went and throughout history for thousands of years.
The Saddam argument. :D Bush was an idiot. No, actually, this 'war' did not begin in 2003. It got our attention around then. But the stalwarts commanding the al Qaida/IS/etc groups had started their 'careers' long back. And religious wars had been going on much before that, pretty from the beginning of religion.
What you're saying about the Iraq situation is right, I agree with it. One small thing though, Wars have been going on since the beginning of humanity (not just religion). Humans will find a reason to murder each other , no matter what.
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