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Family planning: Pakistan still has a long way to go

If Family Planning means only having one or two children that is against Islam Islam encourages to have more children but if it is for just giving gap of 2 and 3 years to so women don't have any health issues than its okay but only for this reason

Islam also teaches to adopt "Miana Ravi" balanced approach.

Can you tell me how many kids our holy prophet had from all his wives?
Sir ALLAH has clearly stated in Quran he provides rizq to every soul even with one child ALLAH can reduce your risk and you can suffer Islam encourages to have more children that is clear from Quran and Sunnah

Hi, I believe Islam encourages to have more children to spread the word of Allah, if the parents themselvs are not following teachings of islam and do not provide proper training, schooling, and necessisites of life to their kids, chances are these "more" kids will become nuisance for the society and increase crime.

One good egg is better than 10 rotten egss, hope you got my point.
Who is breeding like bunny rabbits?

An Indian is telling me this?
you realise indian population growth rate is lower than PK.
in any case, before preaching more kids is better, you need to find a lady friend.

At this point and stage of the planet having more is better. It's a personal theory I have.

yes we've seen shining examples of your other theories as well
Having more children is better.

In what sense? what is more?

one is solo, two is excellent, three is ideal, eight is nuisance. There is no doubt that Allah provides RIZK for every soul, but Allah also advisws us to adopt the mid-course.

I wonder if there is any study ever done in Pakistan to see how many siblings the criminals have to see how the family size affects their social behaviour.

I believe parents who have fewer (2/3) kids are more protective and take good care of their children verses parents who have more (6/8) children.
you realise indian population growth rate is lower than PK.
in any case, before preaching more kids is better, you need to find a lady friend.

yes we've seen shining examples of your other theories as well

Indian population has grown like the rat infestation problem in NYC subways. After reaching a billion, the population and economic conditions have have slowly rendered an equilibrium.

What shining examples of theories are you talking about, or are you barking incessantly once again?
In what sense? what is more?

one is solo, two is excellent, three is ideal, eight is nuisance. There is no doubt that Allah provides RIZK for every soul, but Allah also advisws us to adopt the mid-course.

I wonder if there is any study ever done in Pakistan to see how many siblings the criminals have to see how the family size affects their social behaviour.

I believe parents who have fewer (2/3) kids are more protective and take good care of their children verses parents who have more (6/8) children.

I don't believe in that garbage to be honest. We tend to have larger families in Punjab, and there are no issues. Everyone of my mother's and father's siblings are doing well and were never underfed, nor deprived of an education.

The fact that people think fewer children are easier to handle is a gross generalization. There are many middle class children in a smaller families that are absolutely useless, whereas there are poor children that have become highly successful.

The role reason for this is that that those that have to struggle to survive have no other option, but to go up. Our society of mummy daddys that are spoon-fed may go up due family connections, but most usually remain with the status quo.

This is only the financial aspect.

Save your breath, you're going to need it to inflate your date tonight...

kay shlomo.
Indian population has grown like the rat infestation problem in NYC subways. After reaching a billion, the population and economic conditions have have slowly rendered an equilibrium.

What shining examples of theories are you talking about, or are you barking incessantly once again?
indians are among the richest minorities in US son.
as for your earlier classics, barrel to the face and your demands of female loyalty regardless of your treatment come to mind. :tup:

Everyone of my mother's and father's siblings are doing well and were never underfed, nor deprived of an education.
if only you were given similar luxuries.
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