Could have, should have doesn't cut it. They were decisively beaten on the land as well. Sure had they had a greater inventory of anti-ship missiles, more jets etc, they could have inflicted a great blow. Would that have won the war, doubt it.
On a side note, what exactly were they taking back?
They're of European decent. They wiped out most of the native Indians. They have no right to the Islands.
Roca's 6,000-strong cavalry force crushed Mapuche and other Indian groups,
killing more than 1,000 and capturing thousands more who became servants or prisoners and were prevented from having children. Campaign dispatches depicted them as barely human.
White settlers turned the conquered lands into a breadbasket which made Argentina an agricultural superpower and a confident, thrusting nation in the early 20th century.
Julio Argentino Roca being removed from banknotes and street names for alleged role in exterminating indigenous culture
Unlike most of its neighbours, which all have significant indigenous or black populations, Argentina’s population is 97% white, or mestizo, mixed European and Amerindian descent.
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They haven't finished yet;
"There is an ongoing extermination of the aborigines in the Chaco ... land is a big issue here," he explained.
"They are aware "the whites" [non-Aboriginal Argentinians] are violating their rights. But they are too weak – physically and politically – to protes
The morning is dry and cold in the Argentine woodlands but Apolinario Dominguez is bent on taking off his shirt to allow visitors to see his emaciated skeleton – all 36kg (six stone) of it – for themselves.