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Falcon the natural predator of drones in PAF

probably some sort of suicide falcon is the only way to even "try" to stop a drone like the Reaper. even then, the probability is very low. why involve poor animals?

wait - let me add some entertainment - so looks like the Pigeon was the spy-UAV and the Falcon is the UCAV of the PAF's Natural UAV fleet.

@Abingdonboy @Windjammer
Not proper becasue the Military drone the animal can end up losing its leg or life when it hits propeller and also if the drone is armed and the animal causes it to immediately fall it may detonate the weapon.

Some international groups are involved in Un Ethical usage of animals to do the bidding for army , unless the animals does the act they are not fed food

So it is unethical practice to train animals to behave such way in return for food

Lot of simple solutions to handle small drones, anti aircraft guns etc

These birds are being used to safeguard aircraft landing strips, airports from small play drones, birds that might damage aircraft while landing and taking off.
A flying drone in terrorist hands can damage an aircraft given the speed planes travel at.

Plus you do not deploy anti-aircraft guns on airports and runways for use against 10inch small drones.
Please do you research before shooting statements right left and centre.
Just because the F16 is called a fighting falcon doesn't mean an actual falcon can do the same role :rofl:
Well they say birds can be hazardous to airplanes, fighter jets .....justsayingo_O
. .
Dear Seniors

Falcons have been used from ancient times for hunting ,recon,and Battle field situational awareness

Advantages Low cost ,all natural ,easier to maintain just like K9 units

Disadvantages not any i can bring about to talk

We need them in PAF,PA,even in naval force along the coastal areas of Gawadar

whats your say

for reference see this the french forces have already deployed them

Cheers !!!!
We been already blamed for using pigeons so I think leave falcons aside
All jokes aside, if Pakistan is serious about using real falcons we should consider the Peregrine Falcon.

The Peregrine Falcon is the world's fastest animal 1; it can reach speeds of more than 240 mph during dives. It uses that speed to kill other birds in mid-air. Here's a video of a Peregrine diving and killing a duck, shot with a camera mounted on the falcon's back.May 6, 2013

It doesn't have to necessarily be used to attack drones head on, which would most likely injure the falcon and is just plain cruel. But maybe invent a lightweight jammer for it to carry? If not, then to send messages or lightweight supplies to friendly forces?
Not proper becasue the Military drone the animal can end up losing its leg or life when it hits propeller and also if the drone is armed and the animal causes it to immediately fall it may detonate the weapon.

Some international groups are involved in Un Ethical usage of animals to do the bidding for army , unless the animals does the act they are not fed food

So it is unethical practice to train animals to behave such way in return for food

Lot of simple solutions to handle small drones, anti aircraft guns etc

Dogs, horses and even dolphins have unfortunately been used by militaries on dangerous missions that have often resulted in the deaths of the animals.

Barely anyone cares about human life (other than their own country/race/sect/tribe/etc) --- animals are way down on the priority list unfortunately.

I personally can't even take it when people keep their pets in cages / chained but somehow animal cruelty has a very loose definition, especially here.
Good idea. But now a days there are laser weapons and emp devices which can knock out drones. Unless they are very well protected against emp which is not the case with most drones.
. .
black kites naming cheels in domestic language are very large in numbers so if we are able to use them against drones then it will be a success
These birds should be wearing suicide jackets to bring down a drone, other then that they can't rip it with their beaks and claws :D
A great majestic animal...should be wasted on conflicts between human.
Rather than injuring an animal...
Emp guns like this can be used

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