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Faked Indian history

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Huen Tsang visited Varanasi and Sarnath in Uttar Pradesh, Patna and Nalanda in Bihar ,Nagarjunakonda in Andhra Pradesh and Kanchi Puram in Tamil Nadu in India. He spent two years learning at the university of Nalanda.

Huen Tsang didn't visit India. He has had memorials put to him in those places.

What texts (not websites) show he visited those places? If there's no places, it is only your word for it.

There is a vast literature about his visits to Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Minor thread. But I'm amazed at the level of thievery the Indians have done to Pakistan's (and Afghanistan's) history.

  • The name India.... stolen (Indus flows through Pakistan).
    [*]Huen Tsang visits India..... only he did not as he visited Pakistan and Afghanistan
  • Now they're even trying to prove that Pashtuns are one of the Lost Tribes of Israel by misrepresenting Middle Eastern history.
  • Claims of "Aryanhood":cheesy: in the Ganges.... only it was a cultural flow
  • Claims of Sanskrit being Indian... only it wasn't developed in India.
The whole of India's history is based on lies it would seem.

I suppose it's difficult not to steal if you have no history.

First of all welcome back after a long time!!!

Secondly, you cannot be any more wrong buddy?

Was Assam in SWAT/ Afghanistan? Your fake sense of knowledge in history really amaze me.. (And I'm sure many others in this forum)!! Think-Tank?? I think not!!!
How about keeping you fking mouth under control asshole

by another historian.....
When Muhammad Kasim invaded Sind in 711 AD, Buddhism had no resistance to offer to their fire and steel. The rosary could not be a match for the sword and the terms Love and Peace had no meaning to them. They carried fire and sword wherever they went and obliterated all that came their way. Muhammad triumphantly marched into the country, conquering Debal, Sehwan, Nerun, Brahmanadabad, Alor and Multan one after the other in quick succession, and in less than a year and a half, the far-flung Hindu kingdom was crushed, the great civilization fell back and Sind entered the darkest period of its history. There was a fearful outbreak of religious bigotry in several places and temples were wantonly desecrated. At Debal, the Nairun and Aror temples were demolished and converted into mosques.[Resistors] were put to death and women made captives. The Jizya was exacted with special care.[Hindus] were required to feed Muslim travellers for three days and three nights.[9]
Huen Tsang didn't visit India. He has had memorials put to him in those places.

What texts (not websites) show he visited those places? If there's no places, it is only your word for it.

There is a vast literature about his visits to Afghanistan and Pakistan.

How about reading Huen Tsang's autobiography where he explains travelling through Gandhara to the Indian suncontinent and studying at the Nalanda University.

His autobiography is called Journey to the West

Now :wave:
The Muslim conquest of the Indian subcontinent led to widespread carnage because Muslims regarded the Hindus as infidels and therefore slaughtered and converted millions of Hindus. Will Durant argued in his 1935 book "The Story of Civilization: Our Oriental Heritage" (page 459):
“ The Mohammedan conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. The Islamic historians and scholars have recorded with great glee and pride the slaughters of Hindus, forced conversions, abduction of Hindu women and children to slave markets and the destruction of temples carried out by the warriors of Islam during 800 AD to 1700 AD. Millions of Hindus were converted to Islam by sword during this period. ”

There is no official estimate of the total death toll of Hindus at the hands of Muslims.

The backward castes of Hinduism suffered worst. Monarchs (belonging to backward castes) such as Khusrau Bhangi Khan, Hemchandra and Garha-Katanga were knocked off their throne and executed. Backward caste saints like Namadeva[1] were arrested, while women like Kanhopatra were forced to commit suicide. Ghisadis have an “Urdu” title.

Prof. K.S. Lal, suggests a calculation in his book Growth of Muslim Population in Medieval India which estimates that between the years 1000 AD and 1500 AD the population of Hindus decreased by 80 million. Even those Hindus who converted to Islam were not immune from persecution, which was illustrated by the Muslim Caste System in India as established by Ziauddin al-Barani in the Fatawa-i Jahandari.[3] where they were regarded as "Ajlaf" caste and subjected to severe discrimination by the "Ashraf" castes.

I wonder what education you are given in Pakistan???

I don know how Pakistani brother forget there true past...
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by another historian.....
When Muhammad Kasim invaded Sind in 711 AD, Buddhism had no resistance to offer to their fire and steel. The rosary could not be a match for the sword and the terms Love and Peace had no meaning to them. They carried fire and sword wherever they went and obliterated all that came their way. Muhammad triumphantly marched into the country, conquering Debal, Sehwan, Nerun, Brahmanadabad, Alor and Multan one after the other in quick succession, and in less than a year and a half, the far-flung Hindu kingdom was crushed, the great civilization fell back and Sind entered the darkest period of its history. There was a fearful outbreak of religious bigotry in several places and temples were wantonly desecrated. At Debal, the Nairun and Aror temples were demolished and converted into mosques.[Resistors] were put to death and women made captives. The Jizya was exacted with special care.[Hindus] were required to feed Muslim travellers for three days and three nights.[9]

Muslim King might have destroyed temples 100s of years ago but Hindus did it in current times... State sponsored destruction of Babri mosque anyone. And State sponsored Gujrat riots...
Perhaps this would widen your narrow focus on the subject (narrow due to OCD/ inherrent hatred for anything Indian of-cource)

In 633, Xuanzang left Kashmir and journeyed south to Chinabhukti, thought to be modern Firozpur in present day India, where he studied for a year with the monk-prince Vinitaprabha.

In 634, he went east to Jalandhar in eastern Punjab, before climbing up to visit predominantly non-Mahayana monasteries in the Kulu valley and turning southward again to Bairat and then Mathura, on the Yamuna river. Mathura had 2,000 monks of both major Buddhist branches, despite being Hindu-dominated. Xuanzang travelled up the river to Srughna before crossing eastward to Matipura, where he arrived in 635, having crossed the river Ganges. At Matipura Monastery, Xuanzang studied under Mitrasena.[3] From here, he headed south to Sankasya (Kapitha), said to be where Buddha descended from heaven, then onward to the northern Indian emperor Harsha's grand capital of Kanyakubja (Kannauj). It is believed he also visited Govishan present day Kashipur in the Harsha era, in 636, Xuanzang encountered 100 monasteries of 10,000 monks (both Mahayana and non-Mahayana), and was impressed by the king's patronage of both scholarship and Buddhism. Xuanzang spent time in the city studying early Buddhist scriptures, before setting off eastward again for Ayodhya (Saketa), homeland of the Yogacara school. Xuanzang now moved south to Kausambi (Kosam), where he had a copy made from an important local image of the Buddha.

Xuanzang now returned northward to Sravasti, travelled through Terai in the southern part of modern Nepal (here he found deserted Buddhist monasteries) and thence to Kapilavastu, his last stop before Lumbini, the birthplace of Buddha. Reaching Lumbini, he would have seen a pillar near the old Ashoka tree that Buddha is said to have been born under. This was from the reign of emperor Ashoka, and records that he worshipped at the spot. The pillar was rediscovered by A. Führer in 1895.

In 637, Xuanzang set out from Lumbini to Kusinagara, the site of Buddha's death, before heading southwest to the deer park at Sarnath where Buddha gave his first sermon, and where Xuanzang found 1,500 resident monks. Travelling eastward, at first via Varanasi, Xuanzang reached Vaisali, Pataliputra (Patna) and Bodh Gaya. He was then accompanied by local monks to Nalanda, the great Buddhist university of Indian state of Bihar, where he spent at least the next two years. He was in the company of several thousand scholar-monks, whom he praised. Xuanzang studied logic, grammar, Sanskrit, and the Yogacara school of Buddhism during his time at Nalanda. René Grousset notes that it was at Nalanda (where an "azure pool winds around the monasteries, adorned with the full-blown cups of the blue lotus; the dazzling red flowers of the lovely kanaka hang here and there, and outside groves of mango trees offer the inhabitants their dense and protective shade") that Xuanzang met the venerable Silabhadra, the monastery's superior.[4] Silabhadra had dreamt of Xuanzang's arrival and that it would help spread far and wide the Holy Law.[5] Grousset writes: "The Chinese pilgrim had finally found the omniscient master, the incomparable metaphysician who was to make known to him the ultimate secrets of the idealist systems...The founders of Mahayana idealism, Asanga and Vasubandhu...Dignaga...Dharmapala had in turn trained Silabhadra. Siladhadra was thus in a position to make available to the Sino-Japanese world the entire heritage of Buddhist idealism, and the Siddhi Hiuan Tsang's great philosophical treatise...is none other than the Summa of this doctrine, the fruit of seven centuries of Indian [Buddhist] thought."[6]

From Nalanda, Xuanzang travelled through several countries, including Campā, to the capital of Pundravardhana, identified with modern Mahasthangarh, in Bangladesh. There Xuanzang found 20 monasteries with over 3,000 monks studying both the Hinayana and the Mahayana. One of them was the Vāśibhã Monastery (Po Shi Po), where he found over 700 Mahayana monks from all over East India.[7][8] He also visited a stupa originally built by Ashoka Somapura Mahavihara at Paharpur in the district of Naogaon,Bangladesh.[citation needed]

After crossing the Karatoya, he went east to the ancient city of Pragjyotishpur (modern Guwahati) in the kingdom of Kamarupa (modern Assam) at the invitation of its Buddhist king Kumar Bhaskaravarman. Later, the king escorted Xuanzang back to the Kannauj at the request of king Harshavardhana, who was an ally of Kumar Bhaskaravarman, to attend a great Buddhist council there which was attended by both the kings.

Xuanzang turned southward and travelled to Andhradesa to visit the famous Viharas at Amaravati and Nagarjunakonda. He stayed at Amaravati and studied 'Abhidhammapitakam'. He observed that there were many Viharas at Amaravati and some of them were deserted. He later proceeded to Kanchi, the imperial capital of Pallavas and a strong centre of Buddhism.

Traveling through the Khyber Pass of the Hindu Kush, Xuanzang passed through Kashgar, Khotan, and Dunhuang on his way back to China. He arrived in the capital, Chang'an, on the seventh day of the first month of 645, and a great procession celebrated his return.[9]
Muslim King might have destroyed temples 100s of years ago but Hindus did it in current times... State sponsored destruction of Babri mosque anyone. And State sponsored Gujrat riots...

Can't compare destruction of numerous of Temples with babri masjid. Even that was built on top of a Hindu Temple. :lol:
[*]Huen Tsang visits India..... only he did not as he visited Pakistan and Afghanistan

Tough luck champ.

The last time I checked Kanchi (an ancient stronghold of Buddhism) which Hieun Tsang visited is in deep South of India.

p.s.: we are also stealing your river water every other day. Now cry.
You people have too much time to waste.

Pakistan is Pakistan and India is India. We have nothing to do with snaskrit , aryanhood , tsang or god worshiper Indus valley. our country is Islamic and we should proud of that. We have closer history with Turkish and Arabs than Indians. End of story.
Muslim King might have destroyed temples 100s of years ago but Hindus did it in current times... State sponsored destruction of Babri mosque anyone. And State sponsored Gujrat riots...

Stop crying, The matter is subjudice, No one is authorized to make comment, It will be contempt of court... Stick to topic... We are talking bout History, Pre Independence India.... Stop troll...

Can't compare destruction of numerous of Temples with babri masjid. Even that was built on top of a Hindu Temple. :lol:

If we can see Babri masjid incident in recent times and in world biggest democracy only god know what the lower cast hindus went through all these ages when it was under rule of hindu kings.

And its not just one mosque... Many mosques and churches...
You people have too much time to waste.

Pakistan is Pakistan and India is India. We have nothing to do with snaskrit , aryanhood , tsang or god worshiper Indus valley. our country is Islamic and we should proud of that. We have closer history with Turkish and Arabs than Indians. End of story.

Tell this to your fellow citizen... esp roadrunner...
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