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Fake Diplomas, Real Cash: Pakistani Company Axact Reaps Millions

Not exactly i doubt a major paper like the NY times would have printed this without verifying it to a great degree knowing Axact can sue them for defamation
Very true. NYT is a reputable paper and not like something being printed in Mozang Chungi! The laws are very strict in USA and they won't make any such claim unless they are sure about facts. Any fabricated stuff can land the News paper in huge lawsuit and huge fine for putting dent on someones's reputation.
He was expelled from Pakistan because the ISI did not like what he was investigating in Pakistan. Learn some facts before discharging ignorant farts in the wind.

and yeh what he was investigating? other than usual spy activity . anyway Geo and other such outlets are pretrubed by the fact that a large number of their employees have joined BOL
Very true. NYT is a reputable paper and not like something being printed in Mozang Chungi! The laws are very strict in USA and they won't make any such claim unless they are sure about facts. Any fabricated stuff can land the News paper in huge lawsuit and huge fine for putting dent on someones's reputation.
That has happened in the past.
Declan walsh :lol: a shoddy one himself. expelled from Pakistan for his suspicious activities and NYT affiliated with express group.

Seriously? You are dismissing an article in the NYT just like that? Like NYT cares about the express group? The reply does not address any of the points raised but is simply a rambling response refuting nothing.
That has happened in the past.
You are pointing towards allegations on axact in past or NYT posting something which was not verified? First part happened in 2004 by some UK newspaper and NYT may have messed up something too. I was just saying fabricated stuff lands the newspapers in trouble so normally they take extra care before saying anything. I am not sure if they would risk it just because they have good relations with express group.
and yeh what he was investigating? other than usual spy activity . anyway Geo and other such outlets are pretrubed by the fact that a large number of their employees have joined BOL

He was investigating ISI's role in Osama bin Laden being found Abbottabad. Your ignorance is truly amazing and yet you seem oblivious to it and continue to rant and pass judgments on subjects you have no knowledge about. Keep dabbling in your conspiracy theories. Regardless of what BOL turns out to be, when the company (Axact) behind the network is a scam and fraud entity, it doesn't bode well for Axact.

You bring the same old nonsensical approach, anyone who doesn't agree with you is a 'spy'. What a sad joke!

Watch from 33 min to 34 min, just one minute, the ISI and the military establishment cannot even be bothered to tell Declan Walsh why he was expelled.

General Durrani of ISI grilled by Mehdi Hassan of Al-Jazeera. What a shameful interview by General Durrani. A sick sick mentality.
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LOL Declan Walsh the prime example of yellow journalism , I guess he received good money from Media houses in Pakistan to defame Axact & hinder the launch of BOL, I have read his entire article, not a single substantial proof, every things he quoted came from an unknown source or from retired agents who for the sake of money will say anything true or not.

Though I am surprises this article was late, I was expecting something like this 1-2 months ago.
LOL Declan Walsh the prime example of yellow journalism , I guess he received good money from Media houses in Pakistan to defame Axact & hinder the launch of BOL, I have read his entire article, not a single substantial proof, every things he quoted came from an unknown source or from retired agents who for the sake of money will say anything true or not.

Though I am surprises this article was late, I was expecting something like this 1-2 months ago.

And you are the prime example of a conspiracy theorist. Declan Walsh has more credibility than you ever will. You accuse him of not providing any substantive proof of his allegations in his article, and yet you sit here and make baseless allegations against him and his sources without providing any substantive proof yourself. Pot calling the kettle black I see...
And you are the prime example of a conspiracy theorist. Declan Walsh has more credibility than you ever will. You accuse him of not providing any substantive proof of his allegations in his article, and yet you sit here and make baseless allegations against him and his sources without providing any substantive proof yourself. Pot calling the kettle black I see...
Yes I need to provide the proof about guy who was expelled from Pakistan as persona non grata when caught conducting Anti state activities, I pity how clueless you are, if I could I would personally fund efforts to re introduce you to civil society.
Yes I need to provide the proof about guy who was expelled from Pakistan as persona non grata when caught conducting Anti state activities, I pity how clueless you are, if I could I would personally fund efforts to re introduce you to civil society.

And who said he was conducting 'anti-state activities'...? Were the Pakistani journalists shot dead by ISI goons for investigating army and FC actions in Baluchistan also conducting 'anti-state activities'? Too bad they had to be shot dead cuz they didn't have anywhere to be deported to. Declan Walsh was lucky that he has a white skin and an American passport so he had to be declared 'persona non-grata' and expelled for looking into ISI activities regarding Bin Laden case.

Shocks me how clueless, gullible and naive you are. You should reintroduce yourself to civil society first, then worry about others.

Here's some non-ISI info for you since you seem to be feasting on a steady diet of Pakistani military establishment propaganda.

Committee to Protect Journalists

Prime minister pledges justice, security for journalists in Pakistan - Committee to Protect Journalists

--> Discussed among other things

  • Review immediately the case of New York Times Bureau Chief Declan Walsh, who was expelled from Pakistan in May 2013.
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And who said he was conducting 'anti-state activities'...?
The Interior Ministry, He was charged with multiple offences of entering No Go Areas , areas that were sensitive to the security of the country among other things, save yourself some embarrassment and do some research next time.

Were the Pakistani journalists shot dead by ISI goons for investigating army and FC actions in Baluchistan also conducting 'anti-state activities'? Too bad they had to be shot dead cuz they didn't have anywhere to be deported to.
Got any proof genius or these just your brain far*s ?, if you or anyone else has even a shred proof even a little bit of it please present it instead of making yourself look like an idiot who is being played like a puppet in the hands of media.

Shocks me how clueless, gullible and naive you are. You should reintroduce yourself first to civil society first, then worry about others.
ouch !! it seems I hit the mark, that;s gota hurt. need some burnol ??

Here's some non-ISI info for you since you seem to be feasting on a steady diet of Pakistani military establishment propaganda.

Committee to Protect Journalists

Prime minister pledges justice, security for journalists in Pakistan - Committee to Protect Journalists

--> Discussed among other things

  • Review immediately the case of New York Times Bureau Chief Declan Walsh, who was expelled from Pakistan in May 2013.
What was the result of that discussion ? is his expulsion removed ? or the charges against him dropped ? is he back in Pakistan ?

Just copy pasting an article does not make your point valid kid.

And I guess I was correct, you just like your kin who hate the Establishment just for the heck of it, you have no proof, zero information, no knowledge of the ground reality, a brain that is on a long holiday, you don't even know what you are talking about.

please save yourself from further embarrassment and take professional help.
The Interior Ministry, He was charged with multiple offences of entering No Go Areas , areas that were sensitive to the security of the country among other things, save yourself some embarrassment and do some research next time.

Got any proof genius or these just your brain far*s ?, if you or anyone else has even a shred proof even a little bit of it please present it instead of making yourself look like an idiot who is being played like a puppet in the hands of media.

No-Go Areas? Really? Please show your research since you claim to be all knowing and have special insights to the reasons why he was expelled. Still waiting for your proofs and evidence. Funny thing, you provide no evidence or proof of anything and continue to ask others on this forum for the same.

What was the result of that discussion ? is his expulsion removed ? or the charges against him dropped ? is he back in Pakistan ?

Just copy pasting an article does not make your point valid kid.

And I guess I was correct, you just like your kin who hate the Establishment just for the heck of it, you have no proof, zero information, no knowledge of the ground reality, a brain that is on a long holiday, you don't even know what you are talking about.

please save yourself from further embarrassment and take professional help.

Same, childish trolling by someone who cannot provide any evidence of his own claims, yet is asking others for the same. Pot calling the kettle black. There are enough journalists in Pakistan who have been killed for investigating what FC and Army does in Baluchistan. Obviously if you stick your head in the ground and ignore what is happening around you, it is evident who here needs professional help to snap him out of his delusional fantasies of ISI fanboy-land.
No-Go Areas? Really? Please show your research since you claim to be all knowing and have special insights to the reasons why he was expelled. Still waiting for your proofs and evidence. Funny thing, you provide no evidence or proof of anything and continue to ask others on this forum for the same.

Same, childish trolling by someone who cannot provide any evidence of his own claims, yet is asking others for the same. Pot calling the kettle black. There are enough journalists in Pakistan who have been killed for investigating what FC and Army does in Baluchistan. Obviously if you stick your head in the ground and ignore what is happening around you, it is evident who here needs professional help to snap him out of his delusional fantasies of ISI fanboy-land.
Now that I know I am taking to a 9 year old kid who has no knowledge whatsoever of anything going around him, does not understand English or logic, Claims he can conquer mountain yet fails to climb the stairs, you are the one who outright came out accusing ISI and yet you could not provide a single proof, your statements were all copy paste lacking any substance. only thing you did in this thread was just Rant, Cry & Troll without any evidence, logic, proof or substance.

so engaging with someone like you will definitely lower my own ability, so I will avoid to do so, bu at last let me give you a slap on the head, may be that will adjust the screws that are loose in your head & bring them in the right place (fingers crossed)

According to the contents of a report prepared by an intelligence agency, Walsh was expelled due to false journalism against Pakistan and violating his terms of stay by visiting prohibited areas without a no objection certificate (NOC).

The report says that the journalist has, overtime, produced inaccurate and defamatory pieces about Pakistan with one creating the impression that the country’s nuclear weapons storage areas were being attacked.

“…Walsh has frequently been advised to refrain from violating procedures. Nevertheless, disregarding instructions he continued to visit various no-go areas without clearance,

High-profile expulsion: Declan Walsh declared persona non grata - The Express Tribune

Now lets see if you can read, and understand at the same time, I know it is hard but try, you can do it if you put your mind to it. I am praying for you.
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