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Faithless Saif needs to find a life beyond Pakistan: Shaan

And honestly when someone makes such ridiculous statements on ur country ,despite knowing the aim is to evoke reaction, its hard for ppl to not react or respond.
going by pakistani logic.....(i dunno y i want to laugh wen i talk about pakistanis and logic at the same time)....instead of trying to survive in india...y didnt these elite muslims leave india ....and went to (lol) pakistan..........y? they have money...they have power...they have a huge international fan base....still they chose to "try to survive" in india...so confounding .......SRk is the second most wealthiest actor in the world....wat the hell is he doin here ??? and why r these "muslim" actors coming from pakistan to work in india.................strange

ask any muslim in india....bhai tu pakistan kyu ni gaya.....his answer will be....bhai tu uganda b bol deta...iran bol deta..par...pakistan ?? PAKISTAN??!!!....

n i cant seem to understand...y r pakistanis even bothered about a cheap movie like phantom....no body in india is gonna watch this in the first place .......lol.........
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Who is this shaan? A b grade actor trying to come into limelight by using said Ali's name?
going by pakistani logic.....(i dunno y i want to laugh wen i talk about pakistanis and logic at the same time)....instead of trying to survive in india...y didnt these elite muslims leave india ....and went to (lol) pakistan..........y? they have money...they have power...they have a huge international fan base....still they chose to "try to survive" in india...so confounding .......SRk is the second most wealthiest actor in the world....wat the hell is he doin here ??? and why r these "muslim" actors coming from pakistan to work in india.................strange

ask any muslim in india....bhai tu pakistan kyu ni gaya.....his answer will be....bhai tu uganda b bol deta...iran bol deta..par...pakistan ?? PAKISTAN??!!!....
And as usual, have nothing to do with what Shaan said and just bringing up some lame stuff.
Its a fact that Saif has had 4 in a row flops. This shows why he would say what he did. Though you find it funny when talking about Pakistan and logic at the same time, but guess what..... You just did, unfortunately with no logic.
So thanks for trying to wake our logic-ness but thanks we dont need it from you.
Both are idiots.

But still saif is known well around the world, but who is shaan. Nobody knows him outside of pakistan.
Who is this shaan? A b grade actor trying to come into limelight by using said Ali's name?
Saif *
And no he was the main character of the Pakistani film, Waar.... Oh wait... how would you know, waar got banned in India:cheesy:

Both are idiots.

But still saif is known well around the world, but who is shaan. Nobody knows him outside of pakistan.
and what he said is for Pakistanis. so dun mind... we dont want you to know him...
No need to react . saif is just proving his loyalty . nothing more .

This not I saying this, this is their own Countryman admitting that a person's PATRIOTISM is GAUGED by how virulent are his or her ANTI - PAKISTAN RANTS.

actually, 'guys like' Saif are about the last people in India who need to be anti Pakistan because they are 'gauged'

fail again

Aakar Patel

I could post articles by Sabeen Mahmud and Tarek Fatah etc too :P
Saif *
And no he was the main character of the Pakistani film, Waar.... Oh wait... how would you know, waar got banned in India:cheesy:

and what he said is for Pakistanis. so dun mind... we dont want you to know him...

He was adressing a indian.
Regarding the bolded part of your message...
His supposedly anti-Pak film is the biggest flop of the year.

Pakistani fans wont watch it. Maybe earlier but not now ,the guy has lost pakistani fans and has brought a boycott like situtation on his movie and maybe on more future movies from pakistanis .

He did for publicity to gain indian sympathies. Good he drove away braindead pakistanis who normally wud be drawn towards bolly crap.

He made one such movie and u indians are so panicky and miserable and u have been making such psycho films against us since ur country's birth and we pakistanis never gave this sort of reaction like one coming from u.

U indians are just a small hearted ,full of hatred ppl. Else how anti pak films are always the biggest success in india.
LOL it going to be a flop Pakistanis have done themselves a favor . I can never forget the trauma of Humshakals.

And really Saif this publicity stunt ain't gonna work.
lol, remember that bit from the single player campaign.. US rangers/SEALS in Afghanistan : .. see that ? that way is Pakistan, we'll be going there soon enough :sniper:

Why is Saif Ali Khan GAUGED ?

Can you kindly eloborate ?
he isn't, hence the " "s

Saif literally nawabzaada in both cricketing and entertainment royalty hai, elite.. they live in a different universe than all of us, let alone just Indian muslims.

what you were trying to imply should only hold true for random poor muslims if we were to go by your logic, not guys like him.

but even that's way overblown, I don't understand why you guys keep looking for parity in everything..

economy, development and military stuff.. ? "hum bhi, hum bhi" :raise:

terrorism, violence and regressive social issues etc.. ? "vo bhi, vo bhi" :rap:

oh well.. :coffee:
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